The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 371 [370] 60 Useless Counterattack 5

Chapter 371 [370] Six zero wimps counterattack 5 (5 more)
Steamed buns for [-] cents and cabbage for [-] cents are his lunch at noon.

This steamed bun is said to be a steamed bun, but it is as hard as a stone. It has sweet potato thick noodles, corn thick noodles, sorghum thick noodles, maybe a little bit of white flour, because it tastes very dry, but he knows that it can be eaten. , the movement of gnawing is already very good, and it is better than the famine in the 40s.

According to Long Gang's age, he will be in his 77s by the time of the college entrance examination in 30, so in the past 12 years, he has to lay a good foundation for himself.

As for whether to take the exam in 77, it depends on the situation in retrospect.

The most important thing right now is how to separate from this home, because every time he returns to that home, he feels particularly depressed.

The parents of the Long family are all farmers. The elder brother has not yet married, and the eldest sister is married. She will come back occasionally, but it is also in the autumn wind because her life is not good.

The eldest brother is selfish and only cares about himself. Although he eats in the same pot now, after he gets married, he will separate from his parents.

Anyway, the parents are not doing well in their later years. He is in jail, the boss is selfish, the daughter always asks for things at home, and the younger son is spoiled, so he refuses to do anything.

If they treat Longgang well, maybe their old age will not be left alone, but the first thing in the mission line given to him by the original owner is to stay away from that scumbag, the second is to separate the family, and the third is to stay away from They stayed away at all costs, which showed how much he hated them.

He is an outsider himself, so naturally he has no relationship with this family, so the original owner's wish is not difficult for her.

It's just that now when you go from city A to city B, you must have a letter of introduction from the brigade or your work unit, otherwise you won't even be able to get out.

It is precisely because of this, and the tightness of money in hand, that he cannot leave this temporary home casually.

In fact, the main reason why the original owner kept her away from this place was because he didn't want to have any chance to meet that scumbag at all, right?

If there is one person in Longgang's network who can still play a role, that is his master Chang Youwei.

Chang Youwei lives in the family courtyard of the factory. Their wood processing factory is also an old local factory. It feeds a hundred people. It is the largest wood processing factory in the town. Master Chang is a master and makes furniture. The craftsmanship is exquisite, and the factory manager thinks highly of him.

The cafeteria is not easy to enter, he knows this, and he didn't intend to make this difficult for himself, so the only way is to leave here and go to another place to be an apprentice, even if it is farther away and the conditions are worse?

So Longgang went to the master's house with fresh white radish and red radish after get off work, and told his true thoughts, wanting to go out for a living. I don't know if there is such a relationship in the master's network. He is not able to buy good wine and cigarettes for the master now. , but as long as there is an opportunity, he will definitely not treat the master badly.

Master Chang looked at these juicy radishes, and was quite surprised, because in his impression, Longgang is a very frugal person, and he usually eats too much. Of course, there is no way to do it. Now every household is like this ?
Now when I hear that he wants to leave here and go out to wander around, it doesn't matter if it's a remote place, I always feel something is wrong.

"Son, is something wrong with you?"

 Finished today, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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