The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 393 [392] 60 Useless Counterattack 27

Chapter 393 [392] Six zero wimps counterattack 27 (3 more)
Zheng Long originally wanted to leave, but the child seemed to see his intention, and immediately knelt down, kowtowed and begged him to take him in.

"I can work, really, I don't go to school, I don't wear new clothes, as long as I can eat enough, even if I live in a shack, I can eat pot water,"

Zheng Long couldn't bear it, "Did you live like this before?"

The child burst into tears: "Yes, I said that the meal on the train was the most satisfying meal I have ever eaten in my memory. I have never eaten such a delicious meal. Uncle, I beg you. Take me away, I really won't trouble you."

For some reason, Zheng Long thought of Mr. Zheng, the old man is getting old, if this child can help him, life might be easier, and the grandfather and grandson can also be companions or something.

Thinking of this, he took the initiative to look at the policeman behind him: "Can I take him away directly?"

The policemen were naturally eager. When Zheng Long was considering the child's household registration, they took the initiative to issue a certificate, and praised him for being a good person and a good deed. It is already great to be able to raise this child. Now he still needs to register for him. It can be seen that this child really met a good person.

"Don't worry, the country advocates this, and you are the People's Liberation Army. The child's household registration is easy to get. You can take this certificate to your village to get a stamp, and then go to the police station in the town. It will be done." (Fiction)

With the police, Zheng Long felt relieved, and led the emaciated child who looked five or six years old, but was actually nine years old, back to Majia Village.

Everyone in the village knew that the old man had adopted a child, but they didn't expect that the child would bring a child with him when he came back as a soldier?
"He will be my son in the future, and I, Zheng Long, will be grateful to my parents and fellow villagers to help them more in the future."

Returning to the home where he had been away for a long time, Zheng Long was very excited, especially since the old man came out to greet him on crutches, presumably the villagers went to inform him of the good news of his return.

I haven't seen him in a few years. The old man has aged a lot. He used to walk without a cane, but now he uses a cane when he walks. It seems really sad.

"Grandpa, I'm back." With a thud, he knelt down in front of Mr. Zheng and excitedly said, "Okay, get up, get up."

But Zheng Long didn't get up, but pulled Zheng Kai to kneel down together: "Grandpa, this is Zheng Kai, from now on he will be my son and your great-grandson, kowtow to grandpa."

Zheng Kai knelt down obediently and kowtowed three times. Although the old man was strange, he walked over tremblingly and helped them both up.

Afterwards, Zheng Long invited the brigade secretary and accountant to their home, and told about Zheng Kai's situation. Although everyone admired them, they still wanted to persuade Zheng Long: "My child, you are not married yet. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to have a son, so it's better to recognize Zheng Kai as your younger brother and honor the old man together."

Zheng Long is 14 years older than Zheng Kai. He is 23 years old this year and he is 9 years old. His father is young and his brother is old. Fortunately, he has no plans to get married in this life, so he directly recognized his son: "Thank you uncle, but I'm afraid I won't get married, and I'll get injured on the battlefield, and I won't have any children in the future."

In order to solve the troublesome matter of marriage, Zheng Long blocked everyone's mouths as soon as he came up, and the old man anxiously pulled him to watch.

"You, are you hurt?"

 Zheng Long: I am a woman, how could I like women?And what about XXOO with women?Can't make can't...

(End of this chapter)

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