The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 395 [394] 60 Useless Counterattack 29

Chapter 395 [394] Six zero wimps counterattack 29 (1 more)
She was able to buy medicine in the store in the previous life, but she is not qualified in this life. After all, the merits in the previous life were not enough. In contrast, in this life, she only saved Zheng Kai’s child, and the merits are even less. Now, she was a little worried about whether there would be a field for him to plant in the next life, as expected, everything depended on luck.

Although the weather in my hometown is not as cold as in the Northeast, it is still around ten degrees below zero. Although I have some money, cotton is not easy to buy, and cloth is even more difficult to buy. Everything needs a ticket. How can I buy it?how to buy?
So he unpacked, washed, and mended the tattered clothes at home, and made do with them. Even so, Zheng Kai felt that he was living in heaven now.

There is no work in the field in winter, and everyone stays at home. The village head has said that in the spring of next year, he will arrange a job for Zheng Kai to cut pigweed. He can earn three or four work points a day. Work points, the combined work points of an adult is not much, but it is better than the previous five work points. What's more, they still have some private land, so they can get a little bit of harvest.

The yield of crops in this era is not higher than that of later generations, so an adult may only earn a hundred and ten yuan from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, which is equivalent to five cents for a work point.

Before Zheng Long didn't think about the issue of food, now that he knew it, he definitely couldn't let the father and two go hungry, so he decided to send them some food every month in the future.

The month he was at home coincided with the Chinese New Year, so he tried to find a way to free up a hundred catties of wheat from the space. There was a mill at home, and he ground the wheat together with the skin into flour. One hundred catties was enough for the two of them to eat It's been half a year.

"This, such good food, where did you get it?"

Zheng Long said to Mr. Zheng: "Grandpa, don't worry, we didn't steal or rob, but the source of the channel is not clear,"

The old man thought of it all at once: "Black, black market? You are the People's Liberation Army. If you are caught, what will happen?"

"It's okay, I went there in disguise. Look at what you eat at home. When you are old, you need to eat coarse grains. Your stomach will not be able to bear the coarse grains every day. This is a hundred catties of flour. You can make do with it. I Go back and see if there are other good things."

"No, how much money do you have a month? How much money do you have for buying this hundred catties of flour?"

"Master, I'm rich, and I'll be rewarded for missions. Really, you guys are eating well at home, so I can rest assured when I'm outside, right?"

Within three days, Zheng Long brought back a [-]-jin bag of rice, a [-]-jin bag of walnuts, a [-]-jin bag of potatoes, [-] jin of Chinese cabbage, and [-] jin of white radish. , [-] catties of carrots, [-] catties of lotus root, etc., these are all grown in the space, the quality is very good, even the radish leaves are there, the cabbage is big and solid, it is not a variety that can be grown outside .

The only downside is that there is no meat, no oil, and even a pitiful lack of salt.

Fortunately, the grains and vegetables in the space, even without any condiments, are cooked in plain water, and the taste is very good.

It's rare that they ate dumplings during the Chinese New Year, stuffed with radish, and the taste was hard to describe without meat, but because they were flour dumplings, they added a few eggs, so they barely ate meat.

Dumplings in this era are extremely rare, so a meal of white noodle dumplings makes this year's celebration more flavorful, and that taste is the taste of reunion dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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