The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 397 [396] 60 Useless Counterattack 31

Chapter 397 [396] Six zero wimps counterattack 31 (3 more)
After a full ten days of bumps on the train, I took a car to the town where I was, and then I took the army’s supply car back to the army. It took a total of [-] days of tossing. The shadow in his heart has been healed the most.

Although the sacrifice of his comrades-in-arms was not his fault, strictly speaking, if they could be more careful, could they avoid unnecessary sacrifices?
Time entered 1970, and Zheng Long became even busier. After he was promoted to monitor, his demands on himself became higher and higher.

Their reconnaissance company has also introduced a lot of advanced weapons and equipment along with the strength of the country, and has updated more advanced training such as armed swimming and parachuting.

Although there are no major domestic wars, they will also participate in some highly dangerous anti-terrorism operations, and most of these operations are aimed at Dieter elements.

In the next five years, he made countless meritorious deeds and was promoted from squad leader to second lieutenant platoon leader.

I have been in the army for eight years, and now I have a monthly allowance of 15 yuan, plus various subsidies, the average can reach 20 yuan per month.

Zheng Long, who is 28 years old this year, is the technical backbone of their company and has outstanding abilities in scouting and sniping.

And these years, he has not been idle. In addition to self-study high school cultural courses, he has also taught himself a lot of military topics. As long as he passes the exam this year, he will be sent to the military academy for further studies.

If he comes out of the military academy again, he can at least be a company-level cadre.

Students who graduate from general command colleges need to go to the platoon leader of the grassroots troops or the position equivalent to the platoon leader for internship. After the internship period is over, they can be appointed to corresponding positions. He is different now. He has already become a platoon leader. , and then go to the military academy. To put it bluntly, it is gold-plated. With culture and eight years of rich experience, the future will be brighter.

His rank of second lieutenant was actually obtained by his own military merits. Strictly speaking, with his level of education, he is not qualified, but he is also a strange one in the company. The knowledge of academic qualifications is nothing more than a diploma that can be recognized by the higher authorities.

He is 28 years old this year, so it stands to reason that he is not too young. Most of his peers are married and have children, those who have retired from the military, and those who have changed jobs. Because of his outstanding ability, he was retained and promoted to be a platoon leader. It is not easy to say eight years.

In August 1974, Zheng Long received the admission notice (fabricated) from the Army Command Academy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and the entire regiment was shocked.

Especially the head of the group who led him in at the beginning even praised him at the meeting, setting a benchmark for the whole group to be hardworking and hardworking.

Just imagine, a rural child without a diploma, relying on his own strength step by step to today, can he not be outstanding?
Those with qualifications like the group leader and the others, who want to study, have to be assessed and selected to be eligible.

But he, a brat, passed the exam without saying a word. It can only be said that a person favored by heaven will make others crazy with envy.

But at the same time, it also shows that the country has given everyone the opportunity to pursue further studies, it depends on whether you have the ability and hard work.

Regiment and division cadres have always been professionally evaluated based on personal work performance and meritorious service details. People below the regiment and division level are eligible to sign up for the assessment of various military academies every year. They are military departments and armed police , Air Force, Navy and other colleges and universities of different departments, but the target groups and audience groups also have a framework. For example, if he is from the army, then he can only choose these colleges and universities of the army... (Here is a fiction , don't worry)

(End of this chapter)

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