The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 399 [398] 60 Useless Counterattack 33

Chapter 399 [398] Six zero wimps counterattack 33 (1 more)
But when he went to visit his former master, Master Chang, he heard about the situation of the Long family.

Ever since his unsatisfied younger brother became an apprentice with Master Chang, Master Chang was so angry that he thought he was Long Gang's younger brother, and he should take care of him. It's nothing more than self-motivated, his character is still bad, and he caused trouble even more when he came to the factory, and he was fired within half a year.

Long Tie got married within a few months after Long Gang left. I heard that on the day of the wedding, the bride wanted to separate the family.

After the separation, the old couple lived with the youngest son. They thought that the youngest son would work hard and become a regular job in the future, so that they could enjoy the blessings. How did they expect to be fired?When he returned home, not only did he not go to work, but he was supported by the old couple every day. He was so exhausted that he couldn't even drink hot water, and he had to wash clothes and cook like a cow.

At this time, they have already started to regret, why did they drive away the most obedient second child?
It's a pity that it's too late to regret, because no one knows where Long Gang, who left the Long family, went.

Now Long Gang changed his name and changed his surname to appear at Master Chang's house as a soldier. To be honest, the couple were quite shocked.

What is even more incredible is the ten-year-old son who is following him.

Zheng Long never explained Zheng Kai's life experience, so others took it for granted that it was his own, but even if he got married at the age of 20, he wouldn't be able to give birth to such a big son?

Zheng Long didn't mention this, and they didn't have the nerve to ask. After they left, the couple looked at the gifts on the table and sighed.

"No wonder the kid said that he didn't need me to ask someone to find a relationship with him. It turns out that he went out to serve as a soldier. You said that he is also a human being. Why did he become a soldier so well and was admitted to such a good military academy? We What if the son comes back but can only continue farming?"

"I'm the only one who is more curious about where he got such a big son? Judging by their appearance, they don't look alike!"

"I'm afraid the origin of this child is not as simple as we imagined, but so what? He has already left this place... By the way, don't tell the public about this matter. This child has worked so hard to leave here. In order to get rid of parasites like the Long family, don't talk about being bald, "

"Okay, I know the seriousness. They bring you trough cakes, millet, and buy wine, wheat, milk, and essence. This kid is more conscientious than the regular workers you have taught."

Master Chang nodded approvingly, "He is indeed a person who knows how to repay his kindness!"

Or to say that when people are unlucky, their teeth are a little bit stuck. After buying tickets from the bus station, the father and son were going to find a place to have a meal. Unexpectedly, someone called his name. Long Gang’s name has been called by no one for many years. Passed, so the person who can call this name must be an acquaintance in their village.

Sure enough, when he didn't look back, those few people caught up panting, the leader wasn't his lazy brother, who could it be?

But Zheng Long was not so stupid as to admit that he was Long Gang, frowning, and looking at them with an unfriendly expression: "Several comrades, what do you want to do?"

Long Qiang was taken aback for a moment, then he came back to his senses, and glanced at him mockingly, "Why, I haven't seen you in seven or eight years, and you don't even know your own brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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