The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 406 [405] 60 Useless Counterattack 40

Chapter 406 [405] Six zero wimps counterattack 40 (4 more)
Zheng Kai is 19 years old this year. Three years of elementary school, four years of junior high school, three years of high school, and ten years of study have made him a stable and sensible child.

When he first came to Heilongjiang, his studies were not stable, but through these years of hard work, he is no longer what he used to be.

Knowing that only by studying can he find his future position, he studies desperately.

Dad, who has never been to middle school or high school, can be admitted to university with his own efforts. What else can he be lazy about?
Even if it's not for others, for this father who is still unmarried, he still has to give him credit.

Because of his father's support and support, he can study without any worries. This kindness will last a lifetime.

Although he felt that he had done well in the exam, he still didn't dare to promise anything before the results came out, so facing Zheng Long's reassurance, he thanked him sensibly.

While waiting for the grades, Zheng Kai found a job to make up lessons for the students. Although he didn’t earn much, he got paid through his own labor. He also knew that this was just the beginning. In the future, he would earn more. A lot of money to repay his father's kindness.

Zheng Long hasn't taken the time to tell his son about the child, anyway, he will come over next month, it's the same if he knows it sooner or later.

He named his daughter Zheng Xuan, and the combined names of the brothers and sisters means Returning in Triumph, implying that he will only win battles in the future.

During the period when the child stayed in the space, it was quite difficult, because he had to go into the space to watch the child from time to time, but the excuses he made were to go to the toilet, so that his comrades thought he had symptoms of frequent urination and urgent urination, and asked him to go to the hospital for treatment. check too!

Fortunately, this child didn't lose the chain with him at critical times. For example, when organizing a joint military exercise, he couldn't get away. When the child cried, he could only grit his teeth and persist, letting her cry in the space without knowing it. Could it be that she had a feeling, and when she found out that she was tired from crying and no one was feeding her, she stopped crying and played in the car by herself.

When he finished his work and went in to feed her, the little guy saw his legs kicking excitedly, and his small appearance was very cute. From her body, it was not difficult to see that his mother was a beautiful woman, because this little girl When it comes down, it is fair and beautiful, especially those eyes, which are so clear and beautiful!

Such a treasure fell into his house, it is really the spirit of the old man in heaven, protecting them!
In mid-July, good news came that Zheng Kai was admitted to the Third Military Medical University of the People's Liberation Army. That is to say, he will be a military doctor in the future?

The Third Military Medical University is in Chongqing. Because he is in the army, this kid chose the Army Medical University.

"Didn't you say you applied for the National University of Defense Technology? How did you study medicine? With your high score of 698, you can go to the National University of Defense Technology no matter what."

"Dad, I want to be closer to you. After comprehensive consideration, I chose the third military doctor. Being a doctor is pretty good, not worse than a future technician. Moreover, if there is a military doctor in our family, it may It's more convenient."

Zheng Long felt his nose a little sore, "You silly boy, Dad thank you and congratulate you too. I'll give you a surprise after you finish the formalities."

"Dad, the notice will be sent to your army. I'll wait for my notice there. I've packed up my things and I'll go to you right away. Do you need me to bring something?"

"No, you pack up and leave the house, come here quickly!"


(End of this chapter)

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