The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 416 [415] 60 Useless Counterattack 50

Chapter 416 [415] Six zero wimps counterattack 50 (2 more)
Because of his one mu of land, the harvest this year has reached 850 kilograms, which is considered a high yield among hybrid rice.

Yes, now the south has begun to popularize hybrid rice, so her family's production capacity has reached 850 kilograms per mu, which is considered a high yield.

However, other people's rice fields use the same seeds, but the yield is between [-] and [-] per mu. In other words, his method of raising fish in the rice fields really increased the yield?
So this year Zheng Long generously bought seven 80 yuan loach seedlings and sprinkled them in the rice fields. In this way, when the loach grows up, aquatic pests such as root nematodes, water earthworms, and mosquito larvae in the field will become the natural hazards of the loach. In addition to devouring rice pests, the little loach can also loosen the soil for the root system of rice and promote the growth of rice, which is "indispensible" in increasing rice production.

This is much healthier than using a lot of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and it's great to hear the sound of frogs.

The ducks in his family were raised by him in the rice fields after the fry grew up, but because of the small number, the effect they could play was limited. Open, it is a blessing to be able to participate in the first batch of land reform. Although other policies are known to be gradually relaxed, they still have to abide by the rules.

One kind of land here, the big loudspeaker in the village over there began to shout: "Villagers, please pay attention, the village has issued a notice that we have to pay the public grain starting tomorrow, and it must be completed within three days. Some people should not be lucky. Psychologically, if you want to resist the grain and don’t pay it, handing over the emperor’s grain is the rule set by the ancestors, and you can’t resist it.”

The public grain is usually 50 catties per mu. It must be free of impurities, dry, and plump. Half of it is used to offset the agricultural tax, and the other half is handed over to the state free of charge.

The public grain is paid by the family itself, unlike when the production team paid collectively, because at that time the collective paid 15.00% of the total output. Now that the family farms by itself, the yield per mu is [-] catties, and their family only has two mu of land. , so you need to pay one hundred catties of public grain.

His family harvested 850 catties of rice, 650 catties of wheat, and the remaining [-] catties were their own harvest.

He made himself a four-wheeled frame cart out of wood, and this time he pushed the cart when collecting grain and delivering public grain.

Because the time is uncertain and my daughter is getting older, I took her with me. She can walk now, put it on the car to form a protective circle, and it is quite safe. Then, like other farmers, I pulled the car to the commune. to the food station.

Because the public food delivery is very popular, you have to go there in advance and queue up, because many nearby villages will come to pay, and the procedure is complicated and time-consuming. If you go late, you will have to wait in line for a long time.

So you have to set off before dawn in the morning, but even so, you may have to wait until noon when it's your turn, and then she is most afraid that you will wait for a long time, and someone will directly say, "It's time, come later in the afternoon."

Fortunately, his time card was not bad, and he didn't make it to 12 o'clock at noon. It was about eleven o'clock, and it was only three or four before it was his turn.

He noticed that the quality inspector always used a hollow iron rod to poke ruthlessly into the grain bag, which looked cool, and then the grain was extracted, and he squeaked it into his mouth skillfully , then threw the rest away, and said indifferently: "No, go back and dry it before bringing it back!"

It means that the food in this family is not dry enough. Fortunately, he came to hand in the food after it was completely dried in the sun, so he accepted his food in a state of anxiety, and issued a purchase order, which is equivalent to a tax payment certificate.

(End of this chapter)

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