The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 432 [431] 60 Useless Counterattack 66

Chapter 432 [431] Six zero wimps counterattack 66 (2 more)
The monthly rent for supermarkets in the city is 50 yuan, and he spent about 4000 to [-] yuan on simple renovations.

The shelves and the like are all bought from the space supermarket, and the cost is only the one million cost of the space, and it does not involve the money earned outside.

After the opening, the main expenses are electricity bills, staff salaries, rent, and usual publicity expenses. The printed leaflets are still printed by him with a printer.

It was hard at first, and it was really hard, so hard that he had to go into the space to rest.

Although his store did a lot of promotional activities when it first opened, but because of the price problem, the business was not good.

This place is not like the wholesale market. After a little bit of accumulation, he has repeat customers, a new place, and the sales model is a bit unreliable (take things first and pay later), so people are still in the familiarization and tentative stage, business Not good is reasonable.

It is precisely because the business is not good that he is able to come over so busy, otherwise how could he take care of both ends at the same time?
But even if the business is not good, he still makes money, because he has almost no cost for the things in the space.

Before selling monkey tickets, he earned more than 100 million yuan. After several years of consumption, there is still 100 million yuan left. This 100 million yuan is enough to last for several years just to deliver to supermarkets. It can survive, as long as it survives this stage, it is certain that the business will rise steadily.

Since 86, industrial and commercial taxation has been put on the agenda, and the management has become more mature. Fortunately, they are sampling commodities, and taxes are collected after approval. It is enough to pay a little tax every month. Generally speaking, it is OK. He can handle it, after all, what he is doing is self-employment, not starting a company, so there are not so many troublesome things.

As long as you follow the rules, people will not come to you for your business. After all, the current stage is the stage where the government encourages entrepreneurship, and no one will hit you.

And he wants to take advantage of this stage to vigorously develop his career.

Niuniu is now in elementary school in the city. Before opening the supermarket, he bought an old courtyard-style house in the city center. , so he did not deliver the goods to his home.

There are few people living near the house he specially rented, which is equivalent to a warehouse, and it is convenient to go out and in, so the usual delivery is there.

Niu Niu has been very independent since she was a child. Even in elementary school, she doesn’t need to be picked up. She goes to and from school by herself every day. There are cakes and bread made by him at home. When you get home hungry, put a mat first, and wait for him to come back at [-] or [-] o’clock in the evening. home, cook for her again, and then the father and daughter will have dinner together.

The longer Niuniu grows, the more beautiful she is. He buys all the clothes he wears from the space, including the beautiful headband. It can be said that she grew up with riches when she was young.

She is also very good at studying and likes to share food with everyone. Teachers and classmates like her very much, and her emotional intelligence has been well exercised at this stage.

Of course, the reason why Zheng Long dared to let her go to school by herself is also because she followed Zheng Long for early training since she was a child. In addition to long-distance running to strengthen her physique, she also taught her boxing and close combat skills. After all, she is a scout If she was not retired from the army, she might be selected as a special soldier. How could such a father teach such a bad girl?

Even though she is not strong enough due to her age, with her skill and some self-help methods he taught her, the little girl is definitely not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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