The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 434 [433] 60 Useless Counterattack 68

Chapter 434 [433] Six zero wimps counterattack 68 (4 more)
The excellence of Zheng Xuan and Zheng Kai is probably the greatest achievement of Zheng Long in his life.

In the middle, Zheng Kai took Zheng Xuan home to burn paper for the old man, but he didn't go back because the business was too busy.

The two children also went to visit Master Chang instead, and learned from Master Chang that both parents of the Long family were pissed to death by that prodigal son, and that kid even went to prison. It just didn't end well.

Zheng Long is not surprised by this ending at all, it is definitely a wise choice to withdraw early, and he, a wimp in his previous life, is also awakening and growing in his own way in this life.

Because he still doesn't have much savings in his hands, Zheng Long didn't subsidize his children's education like Gong Mingxia did. He was waiting for his business to get on the right track, and then used his own method to transform merits.

His three-wheeled motorcycle was finally spotted by the motorcycle factory, and he was invited to be an engineer to participate in the research. After all, motorcycles were still very rare in this era, and there were even fewer three-wheeled motorcycles, but his three-wheeled motorcycles were more practical. It can pull goods and food, which is very suitable for people of this age.

Although Zheng Long has never studied mechanics, he has a lot of materials to look up, and some videos can explain these structures in detail.

However, from production to production of a motorcycle, there are countless parts factories involved behind it. Only when the parts are in place can it be assembled into a qualified motorcycle. Therefore, before asking for cooperation, he went to these motorcycles first. Cooperative manufacturers.

As a result, after this lap, he gained a lot of knowledge. The motorcycles of later generations are definitely lighter and more labor-saving than the motorcycles of this time. He assembled it by himself, so he didn't really believe it, but since he said so, he didn't want to tell the reason behind it, and it was inconvenient for them to ask. The best way is to keep people.

At the beginning, Zheng Long was still worrying about when he would be able to make a lot of money in his life, but he didn't expect these people to give him ideas so quickly.

So Zheng Long spent a month thoroughly understanding the development history of motorcycles in the computer system that Liangtian provided him, including some growth tracks of their parts and components. He did not let go of even a single screw. With these materials and his hard work, he immediately had a complete set of design drawings. Of course, he was only responsible for the initial design. The specific planning, how many turns of the screws, and the size of the screws depended on the Those skilled workers in the factory contributed.

Zheng Long chose ten technology companies from many manufacturers, and these ten companies were all state-owned enterprises that developed well later. Of course, there were also some that were later transferred to private ownership. He approached them one by one and came up with his own design concept. And the plan, after the other party read it, they attached great importance to him.

After playing psychological tactics for about half a year, Zheng Long successfully signed contracts with these companies, because he is not greedy, and only wants [-]% of the profits. Of course, it is not much now, but after these companies go public in the future, they can Awesome.

She has at least all the technical materials from 1987 to 2020, and as long as he is willing, the source of money can be wider.

But with his current energy, opening a supermarket and dealing with this design drawing, he felt that it was enough for him to drink a pot, and he didn't dare to be greedy, so he became an off-duty designer for a motorcycle factory in Chongqing.

Since then, his life has ceased to be daily necessities, but has turned into a need for brains and the beginning of his continuous learning and improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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