The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 446 [445] Fat Lady Queen 7

Chapter 446 [445] Fat Empress 7 (3 more)
Fat meat, big chunks of fat meat, boxy, as big as mahjong!

The so-called chicken soup has a thick layer of chicken oil floating on it.

And the whole pork knuckle, the whole fish, the whole roast leg of lamb...

All food is meat dishes.

Yuan Yuan felt a little dark in front of his eyes, but he finally understood why the original owner was so fat.

And just by looking at these foods, one can already imagine the scene of her usual eating, because it is so visual.

She sat stiffly on the stool and looked at the maid beside her: "I only eat these meat dishes?"

"Back to the empress, yes, you don't eat the staple food, vegetables, and only eat meat dishes. Occasionally, under the persuasion of the servants, you only eat some fruits. Basically, you can finish the [-] dishes here, empress, Are you uncomfortable somewhere, why have you forgotten all these things!"

Yuan Yuan's body swayed because of fear, thinking that it's no wonder that she felt sour in her stomach as soon as she took over this body. How could she not be sour after eating so much?If you don't blow it up, you are worthy of her.

Looking at the dazzling array of meat dishes, she immediately felt her stomach churn, and at the same time sighed: "What a waste of money!"

One person actually prepared twenty dishes for her, either big fish or big meat, all kinds of heavy, sweet and greasy, these foods are all things that will make her fat, even if there is no poison, just eating these, she can persist Five years is not easy.

She sighed, looked up at Shiqin, Shiqi, Shishu, Shihua and nodded.

"After waking up, I did find that I had forgotten a lot of things in my mind,"

"Ma'am, let's invite the imperial physician to look at you again?"

The four palace maids were a little worried. After all, the master in front of them was the heart of the Empress Dowager, and she must not be neglected. If the Empress Dowager knew that the Empress knew about their Empress Dowager and had forgotten a lot of things, how would they explain it?

Yuan Yuan waved his hand: "I'm fine, forget it, just forget it, I should also lose weight, I will decide the menu for the future, forget about this meal, start from the next meal, remember? ?”

"Yes, I would like to follow your mother's order." Yuan Yuan said 'hmm' as a response, but her heart was full of twists and turns.

Now her husband, Ning Xu, the young emperor of Dongru Kingdom, is only 15 years old, and he succeeded to the throne at a young age. If it weren't for the powerful guarantee of the Queen Mother, the throne would not be secure. Otherwise, how could he have listened to the queen mother's arrangements and married such a rich man?
I hate those dishes in my mind, but my mouth and stomach are full of hunger.

It’s okay if you don’t look at the food. Seeing these foods, Yuan Yuan can understand the hardships and hardships of the original owner. Then she also went through a round of washing essence. If she didn’t eat the essence washing pill, wouldn’t she be more controlled now? Can't help but want to fill that stretched stomach?
"I don't have much appetite today, you guys, have you eaten these meals?"

Shi Qin immediately frowned: "Your Majesty, how can you do it without eating? Otherwise, the servant will ask the kitchen to make some light food for you?"

Yuan Yuan waved his hand, "Forget it, there's no need to bother. If you don't eat a meal, you won't starve to death. You can't waste so many dishes. You guys ate them all, so don't waste them,"

However, the house was full of court ladies and eunuchs, you looked at me, I looked at you, no one dared to move.

(End of this chapter)

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