The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 454 [453] Fat Lady Queen 15

Chapter 454 [453] Fat Empress 15 (3 more)
At noon, she stopped eating the dishes from the imperial dining room, and she cooked in the kitchen by herself, and a maid who knew how to cook was assigned to her. Under the guidance of the maid, she started her long learning journey~~~
Because the original owner has never cooked, she doesn’t distinguish between grains, sugar and salt, so she has to pretend at the beginning, then the food she cooks must be unpalatable. In this case, I’m too embarrassed to poison others, so I eat what I can eat , Throw out what you can’t eat. Fortunately, the amount you make every day is not much, and it won’t cause too much waste.

If you are not full, you can cook some food by yourself in the space. Anyway, the ones delivered from the imperial dining room will be rewarded to Yikun Palace. Neither the Compassionate Ning Palace nor the Imperial Study Room revealed the past.

However, whether people know it or not, it is the business of the queen mother and the emperor. After all, where the hidden guards are everywhere, you cannot guard against them.

She doesn't worry about it during the day, you can't lie on the roof to watch her as a dark guard, but at night, whenever she enters the space, she will put down the bed curtain to cover it, so that her privacy can be guaranteed from being discovered up.

Yuan Yuan's guess was not bad at all. The queen mother and the emperor did know Yuan Yuan's cleverness through the hidden guards, and because of Yuan Yuan's change and the cautiousness of food, the queen mother became more and more sure. Someone really wanted to kill her.

"It seems that this girl realized something and thought of using this method to protect herself."

The empress dowager's tone was full of sadness and distress. Thinking of the huge harem, so what if she had her protection?Still can't be foolproof.

"The emperor already knows, right?"

"If you go back to the Empress Dowager, we all know that there is a black chi guard left by the ancestors on the emperor's side. It should be known earlier than us."

"Hehe, so what if he knows? Zuo is just treated as a pastime. As long as he doesn't take action, the Ai family can tolerate it. If the Ai family knows that he is one of the people who hurt Yuanyuan, how did he become the throne in the first place?" , Aijia will let him roll down from that position!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. This servant feels that our Empress Madam has woken up since she disappeared, and she seems to be much smarter than before. You see, she is really running, hoeing, and earnestly planting vegetables now, not like It was just for fun, and what she usually ate was several times less than before. The servant felt that something must have happened in the past three days, or that she was reminded of something? It made her have such a big change ?”

"No matter what the reason is, there is something wrong with Yuanyuan's body. That bitch Yuan Wen must be taking revenge on Ai's family. Have you found the doctor you were asked to find? When can I arrange to enter the palace?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the general's mansion has already delivered a message, and you will be able to enter the palace in a few days, but you have to find a way to hide it from all eyes and ears, so the time is set for tomorrow night."

"Okay, then send a message to Yikun Palace in advance, and tell Yuan Yuan clearly, so that she can be less wary of the Ai family."

"Yes, this servant will go and talk about it in person."

When Grandma Liu dismissed everyone and told Yuan Yuan that the Empress Dowager had found a doctor for her from outside the palace, Yuan Yuan cleverly understood the Empress Dowager's intentions when she looked at her body, but she pretended not to know, but she didn't ask any more questions. There is no need to explain things clearly, as long as everyone understands it in their hearts, it is just that they are more grateful to the Queen Mother in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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