The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 465 [464] Fat Lady Queen 26

Chapter 465 [464] Fat Empress 26 (2 more)
The direct consequence of this illness is that she lost another five catties, and now she is 1.6 meters tall and weighs as much as 170 catties.

Since she crossed over to the present, she has lost at least thirty or forty catties. This figure sounds objective, but only she knows how much effort it took.

After recovering from a serious illness, she lost her appetite and wanted to go to the lotus pond to pick some lotus leaves and cook a beggar chicken in the yard to eat. She thought the lotus pond was beautiful, so she wanted to row a boat in it. This time she acted obediently and kept a low profile , I chose noon when there were not many people, and there was still no one to carry me, and I still walked.

He thought about rowing a boat with a few court ladies, picking some lotus leaves, collecting some dewdrops and then going back, but he didn't expect that he was very unlucky to meet the white lotus Li Suyun, who is also the legendary concubine.

When they came, she hadn't appeared in the gazebo yet, but when they landed, they were stopped by Concubine De, the elder sister was older and the younger sister was shorter, and the shouting made her goosebumps all over her body, after all, this Li Suyun was much taller than her. She's still three years older. Because of her status, if she calls her elder sister instead, how can she call it out?

She had just recovered from a serious illness, her face looked very pale, and she seemed weak when she walked. She didn't understand why this Concubine De stopped her.

Until she jumped into the lotus pond in front of her, and was repeatedly accused by the eunuchs and court ladies beside her of pushing Concubine De into the lake, there were already thousands of drafts in her mind whistling past her eyes.

Nima, although the plot is very exciting, it is practical, who would have thought that the emperor would rest in the palace of the concubine De at noon?Who would have thought that Concubine De stayed up at noon to collect dew for the emperor?

Shit, if you want to collect dew, you don't collect it very much in the morning, but you are not stupid if you go to collect it at noon?Sister, I came here at noon because I was afraid of getting bored, and I was hiding from you, but you, a white lotus, has a dark heart, so you don't hesitate to come here under the sun to frame her?
It seems that she felt that she had been ill for more than half a month, and was worried that the emperor would treat her softly, so she specially waited here to add a sap?
When Concubine De was salvaged, the emperor hurried over, and Concubine De didn't say a word when she got here, she knew she was wronged and cried.

However, although she didn't speak, the court lady and eunuch next to her was not a dead person, and she just made up things that didn't exist on the spot. Really, if she wasn't a victim, even she would have believed it.

Looking at the emperor again, the anger revealed from the corners of his brows and eyes is enough to show that he is not happy with him, but she can't just admit it, so she stood there expressionless and said: "I didn't push her, yes She jumped off by herself."

Everyone has a preconceived feeling. In front of a beauty, who would believe that she is ugly?What's more, she just said this sentence and stopped talking, but the concubine's people are all eloquent masters, and they can speak black and white. Arguing hard, but the emperor still didn't believe it.

So she knelt down and looked straight at Li Suyun: "Although I don't know why you did this, but since you did it and the emperor believes it, then I congratulate you, you did it."

Then she stood up and looked at Ning Xu calmly: "I said, I didn't push her, you can say that I pushed her, but let me correct you, I didn't push, I kicked her." .”

In the next second, Yuan Yuan used all her strength to kick Li Suyun away and sent her down the lotus pond. When she was thrashing in the water, she turned to look at Ning Xu with a sneer: "One person does things and one person is responsible. She kicked down, you want to kill or cut, take it as you please, in fact, I suggest you to give me a divorce letter, so that you are good, I am good, and she is also good, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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