Chapter 480 [479] Fat Queen 41 (1 more)
This flood destroyed people's homes. It took more than two months. Many cattle, sheep and livestock died. Humans, livestock, poultry) are best sparks, but people in this era are hard to accept ideologically, so they can only be buried deeply, but deep burial also makes the glutinous rice balls worry about the quality of groundwater, but shallow burial is not enough, it will cause viruses Diffusion, after comprehensive consideration, decided to bury it deep. At the same time, anything that passes through the mouth must be cooked, the water for drinking must be boiled, and the food for eating must be heated to eliminate the possibility of eating or drinking raw.

However, Tangyuan still underestimated the bad living habits of people in this era. What she is worried about here is that the flood will bring the bacteria of drowned livestock and garbage to every corner of people's life, but although the government propaganda is in place, The common people didn't do it, and even thought they were looking for trouble for nothing, and they didn't panic until a small group of people began to show symptoms of the plague.

"How did you not have the plague until after the flood?"

Qingfeng Mingyue was amazed by her reaction speed, but Tangyuan said: "It's not that I know, it's because you haven't paid attention to this information."

"In fact, as long as you check some historical data after the flood, you will find that there must be a plague after the flood. It is not groundless, but well-documented."

"Is it because of the dead people, livestock, poultry?"

Tangyuan nodded, "Actually, this is only one aspect. The main reason is that people's resistance to germs has declined, because in response to natural disasters, living habits have undergone great changes, famine, lack of drinking water, etc., will reduce the resistance of the affected population, and it is easy to Infection with germs can cause large-scale outbreaks of plague or infectious diseases. On the other hand, the places where floods occur are mostly in seasons with more precipitation, and the air mobility is generally stronger in seasons with more precipitation, which makes the spread of germs It is widespread and spreads quickly, which further promotes the outbreak of plague or infectious diseases."

Qingfeng Mingyue will point out those technical terms that Qingfeng Mingyue doesn’t understand, and the glutinous rice balls will be taken out for transformation. After listening to them, they were once again deeply impressed. What shocked them the most was that after the outbreak of the plague, she Not only was he not nervous, but he also wrote down various methods and prescriptions for treating and preventing the plague in the form of a pen statement. When these things were handed to Rong Heng, he couldn't help but blurt them out.

"Who are you? And where did you learn these things? As far as I know, when you were in your boudoir, no one invited you to have a husband. That is to say, you haven't studied systematically, let alone It is possible to practice such a good handwriting, and it is absolutely impossible for a woman raised in a deep boudoir to have such a rich life experience, as well as the accumulation of experience in dealing with natural disasters and even irrigation of farmland. So, you have to think about how to answer Me?"

There was a helpless smile on the corner of Tang Yuan's mouth: "I am not Yuan Yuan, I am Tang Yuan, don't you already know this? As for these things, I can tell you responsibly, I really read it from the book , As for my ability to read and practice calligraphy, do you think that if the Yuan family doesn’t hire someone, I won’t be able to learn? Don’t I know how to hire someone myself? Although they deliberately ignored me in terms of knowledge and education, they deliberately raised me up to the present day. What do you think is the reason for this virtue?"

(End of this chapter)

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