The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 483 [482] Fat Lady Queen 44

Chapter 483 [482] Fat Empress 44 (4 more)
Because of Ning Xu's betrayal, five generals of the General Protector's Mansion fell on the battlefield, and Ning Xu deliberately charged them with treason and treason. The whole family was executed, and no one was left behind, including the baby who was still in its infancy. .

When the queen mother heard the news, she was furious to death.

After listening to Rong Heng's words, Tang Yuan suddenly felt ironic. In order to take the position of Queen Mother, she would rather give up her. In the end, her imagination was very good, thinking that if she became a queen, the child she gave birth would naturally become the future heir, but Didn't see through the Yuan family's schemes and tricks, did he become eternally hated if he made a mistake?

She didn't know whether to hate or sympathize, she just lamented that the road of imperial power to seize the heir apparent was indeed paved with the bones and flesh of countless people.

If Ning Xu had such a city, maybe he already knew about his life experience?Otherwise, how could they get rid of the General Protector's Mansion so regardless of the cost?

With the queen mother's backing gone, it's like a grasshopper after autumn, it can't jump for a few days, but he himself didn't expect that she would be so useless, and he was pissed to death.

Ning Xu has such a deep city at a young age, which is enough to show that he is a person who sacrificed everything in order to seize power. As for the Yuan family, hehe.

Do you really think that if you get rid of the Queen Mother and her, they can become the Supreme Emperor?

As long as Ning Xu cared about his blood and family, he would not kill them all, but what if he had no feelings for them?

I'm afraid this Yuan family will be the next Zou family!
"Are you all right?"

Rong Heng kept observing Tang Yuan's expression, as if he wanted to see something from her expression, but unfortunately she didn't have deep feelings for the Queen Mother, so Rong Heng didn't find any valuable clues from her face.

She just sighed for the goodness of Empress Dowager Zou to her in the past: "What a pity!"

However, when Rong Heng left, Tang Yuan's expression suddenly became serious. She was not worried about whether she would be able to get revenge in the future, but felt that the empress dowager died too early, but this also just proved the Yuan family's wolf ambition and Ning Xu. What is so frightening is that this seemingly young emperor is actually so ruthless in his bones. It is definitely a disaster for such a man to be an emperor.

He can destroy the General Protector's Mansion in order to consolidate his position, so he can also sell everyone who can be betrayed for his position, for example, his own country?

The existence of the General Protector's Mansion is the first barrier of Dongru Kingdom. Now that this barrier is destroyed, it means that anyone can invade Dongru Kingdom. She really doesn't know whether to praise Ning Xu for being smart or stupid. He is still young now, and there will be plenty of time to rise up in the future. He can even go to the battlefield in person, but can he guarantee that he will be able to defend Dongru Kingdom?
That night, Tangyuan had a dream, dreaming that the east was broken like a country, and was taken back by Nanling Kingdom. In front of her, she was forced to worship her.

worship?How could it be worship?

However, when the screen turned, she saw a dignified and majestic woman in a red phoenix robe, sitting on a high phoenix seat, accepting the kneeling worship of civil and military officials from all directions with a smile on her face, and the people around her That man, clinging to her hand, walked down the high steps step by step, raised his hand lightly, and said to the people below in a clear and majestic way: "Everyone loves you."

Tang Yuan desperately tried to see who the man was, but the picture was still blurry. The only thing she could capture was the pair of emperors and queens who seemed to be very affectionate, and the woman's face was familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere Pass……

(End of this chapter)

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