The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 487 [486] Fat Lady Queen 48

Chapter 487 [486] Fat Empress 48 (4 more)
When she woke up again, she found that she was actually in a sunken slope. The sky was slightly bright, but it was still raining outside, and she was shivering from the cold. There was no fire or capacity around her. As for how she Appearing here, there is no impression at all.

I don't know what time it is now, she took some water from the space and drank a bowl, and after quenching her thirst, she found that her body was very sensitive, cold, and even had a headache, which was clearly a symptom of wind-cold , quickly took some medicine with water.

Where did Rong Heng go?

She staggered against the wall and stood up with support, but because the recessed hole was not high enough, she could only bend over. As soon as she walked out, she saw a black shadow struggling in the mist. Come over here.

She was so frightened that she quickly hid behind the slope, and as the figure got closer, her eyes became hot all of a sudden: "Rong Heng, Rong Heng?"

Rong Heng seemed to be holding something in his hand, she wanted to go over to help, but he stopped him: "Don't come over, it's raining heavily!"

When Rong Heng walked over, he found that there were some red wild fruits in his pocket, and he was holding a wooden stick in his hand. Obviously, he used the wooden stick to support his body due to lack of physical strength, and his condition was not much better than his own. , because as soon as he returned to this soil hole, he sat paralyzed on the ground.

"It's raining so much, what are you doing out there? How's your wound?"

Rong Heng's lips were black, obviously the toxin had not been completely removed, she was worried and wanted to touch his forehead, but he avoided him.

"I'm fine. I just went to check the situation nearby. So far, it seems that we are safe."

"You know it all?"

"I can guess if I don't know, I'm sorry, I have troubled you."

His voice was weak, and he was trembling obviously. When he touched his forehead, his complexion changed instantly: "Oops, your temperature has risen again."

Because of his extreme exhaustion, Rong Heng fell to one side, "I want to sleep for a while, you should be careful on your own, don't leave me and run away."

Tang Yuan wanted to cry, "Brother, if I wanted to run away, I would have done so already,"

What responded to her was his unconscious coma. Looking at his poor physical condition, Tangyuan also had a look of exhaustion and despair.

"Liangtian, help me, let me take him into the space to heal his wounds. You see, it's raining so hard and there's nothing here. It would be a pity if we both died here."

Liangtian didn't respond, and Tangyuan yelled for a long time without saying a word. Is this the default?
With an attitude of giving it a try, she embraced Rong Heng and said silently: "Come in!" The next moment, they really landed on the grass in the space.

Tangyuan let out a long breath of foul air, and sighed: "That's great, I'm saved now."

Both of them are already drenched, and they both need to take a hot bath first, but she is used to the spiritual spring water in the space, fearing that Rong Heng is not used to it, she specially set up an iron pot to boil hot water in the open space, so this guy might suddenly wake up , she had to give him a temporary drug.

After the boiling water was boiled, she dragged Rong Heng until only his obscene clothes were left, and soaked him in the warm water mixed with a wooden barrel. Because she was worried that he would drown, she still had to drag him, so he soaked in embarrassment for more than half an hour. He heated the water, changed the hot water, and changed his temporary men's pajamas with his eyes closed until the water temperature went down, then threw him on the mattress on the grass and covered him with a quilt...

(End of this chapter)

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