The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 491 [490] Fat Lady Queen 52

Chapter 491 [490] Fat Empress 52 (4 more)
"Then what shall we do next?"

"Since they have monopolized this task, let them toss about it. The master is poisoned, so he needs to recuperate."

Having said that, Rong Heng mobilized all his staff, making preparations for them to be uncontrollable and waiting to take over at any time.

Now that it has entered golden autumn and October, it is the harvest season. However, Tangyuan noticed that among the crops they planted here, there are no two high-yield crops, sweet potatoes and corn. Even if there are rice and wheat, the yield cannot match Compared with later generations, the yields of buckwheat, corn, and soybeans are also very average.

She realized that if she brought the two crops of corn and sweet potatoes here, it would definitely solve the problem of feeding more people.

However, she lacks an opportunity. Behind the series of things including pistols, irrigation of paddy fields, water control, plague, and detoxification, Rong Heng's suspicion of her will increase day by day. He didn't ask her now, but it doesn't mean he won't ask in the future, she said She will stay by his side for three years in the future, and now two years are up, as long as he doesn't make trouble for him and let her go safely by then, she doesn't mind giving him this big gift.

The old man Yin made no secret of his interest in glutinous rice balls, and even saw that she had been poisoned at a glance, and even told her that he had a way to make her body lose weight quickly.

But was rejected by Tangyuan: "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to lose weight too quickly. It took more than three years to lose weight from nearly 130 catties to [-] catties. In fact, I am already very satisfied. Next, as long as I persevere, it is not impossible to lose weight to [-] catties as soon as possible, because losing weight too quickly is not good for your health."

"You girl, you are very assertive and intelligent. You say you don't know how to heal, but the old man doesn't believe it. Can you tell the old man how you detoxified boy Heng?"

Tangyuan walked to the desk, wrote out the prescription for detoxification, and gave him the detoxification pill she made.

"I have an antidote pill on me. After I found out that His Highness might be poisoned, I gave him the medicine."

After Yin Lao got the prescription, he began to study it seriously, and then he was very impressed with the prescription, and praised it without hesitation.

"A good prescription, a good prescription, it seems that there is no rules, but in fact there is a universe inside, each medicine has a mutual check and balance effect, no one is allowed to be overbearing, but the power of their combination is not one side The detoxification elixir can be compared, it is amazing that a little girl can write such a professional prescription."

Facing the compliment, Tangyuan did not take credit: "No, old man, you misunderstood, this is not the recipe I wrote, but I just read it from a book by chance, maybe I have a better memory, and I also thought that I was writing the recipe. There will be plots against people in the palace, so I have the habit of carrying antidote pills with me, everything is just a coincidence."

"You really don't know medical skills?" Tang Yuan nodded seriously, "Indeed not."

"Then are you interested in learning from the old man?" Tangyuan opened her eyes wide, "Can I?"

"Why not, as long as you are willing, the old man is willing,"

Mingyue at the side heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Tangyuan, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and learn from your teacher, our Yin Lao is a well-known ghost-handed poison doctor in the world, if they didn't find out this time, I would go to pick up Yin Old man, they won't be in a hurry to jump over the wall to attack ahead of time, and it's thanks to your quick response, otherwise our master will not know what to do!"

"It's as if I can't live without her." Rong Heng snorted coldly, and walked out of the bedroom on the left rear.

Old Yin stroked his beard, and laughed: "Don't be arrogant, boy, if it wasn't for Miss Yuanyuan this time, you really don't know what will happen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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