The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 493 [492] Fat Lady Queen 54

Chapter 493 [492] Fat Empress 54 (2 more)
Rong Heng's eyes subconsciously fell into the courtyard because of what Old Yin said. There seemed to be some emotion in the eyes of that round and lovely body, and the whole person became suddenly clear. Maybe, this is the so-called "one word" Waking up the dreamer?

Yin Lao is an unrestrained person, even if he accepted the glutinous rice balls, he did not delay his habit of traveling around, and left her a few medical books for her to memorize, read, and look back when she couldn't understand When he came back, he would tell her again, Tangyuan smiled wryly. Later generations studied medicine with their backs. They didn't expect to come to ancient times, and they didn't escape the catastrophe. Well, what else is there to say?Recite!
In addition to this learning task, Tang Yuan was given full authority to treat Rong Heng's condition, while Elder Yin did nothing except for the initial examination of him, and he thought her prescription was good, so he let her continue He used that prescription to detoxify him, and then disappeared without saying when he would come back.

Rong Heng is used to such an old man, but Tang Yuan agrees with that sentence very much, the more capable a person is, the weirder his temper will be.

Ever since he left Dongru Country, Rong Heng has never stopped to rest, now that he can finally stop and rest, naturally he will not let go of this opportunity.

So, look for glutinous rice balls when you are hungry, look for glutinous rice balls when you are thirsty, look for glutinous rice balls when you drink medicine, and look for glutinous rice balls when you are acupuncture-moxibustion.

While calling someone exhausted, he couldn't help complaining to him: "Call me Tangyuan, don't call me Yuanyuan!"

"Why? Your name is Yuan Yuan. Is it wrong for me to call you Yuan Yuan?"

"My surname is not Yuan, but my surname is Tang. Yuanyuan means chubby, don't you think I'm not fat enough?"

Rong Heng looked at her fleshy face, and couldn't help but touch her, "Oh, it's really nice to touch, and it's so cute when you pinch it, why are you so fat, I think you look good, but Don’t lose weight, it won’t look good any more.”

Tangyuan didn't expect that this guy would actually pinch her face with his hand, and subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to pat it down, but he held it with his backhand, and even rubbed the back of her hand in a serious manner. For a moment, she seemed to be Feeling that she was being taken advantage of, she gritted her teeth through the gaps between her teeth: "Rong Heng, please don't pass it!"

Seeing that the little fat man got angry with puffed cheeks, Rong Heng let go of his hands in a measured manner, but the stink did not change.

"Today I want to eat what you made... well, pot-packed meat, ground three delicacies, ground pot chicken, and ground pot chicken with pancakes. The pancakes you made are delicious. I haven't eaten pancakes with that taste... ...,"

Hearing that he ordered five or six dishes in a flash, she calculated the time and thought it was too time-consuming, and she still had a study task, so she immediately refused.

"No, I can only choose one. I don't have that much time. Look at this medical book. It's so thick. I have to spare time to study. I can't waste all my time on cooking, right?"

Rong Heng was a little unhappy, "Woman, have you forgotten that you are still in the cooperation period with me, as the king's personal maid, what do you do if you don't cook?"

"Then I studied medicine to make it easier to take care of you? You also said that we are a cooperative relationship, not a master-servant relationship. Since it is a cooperation, it must be established on a fair and just platform. You can't ask me to,"

Seeing her talking back to him, Rong Heng suddenly felt that he was too easy to talk, and this little fat man actually took Joe?
He narrowed his eyes and pushed his chin, "This king said he wants to eat, so he will eat it. If you can't eat it at noon, believe it or not, you will be in trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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