The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 496 [495] Fat Lady Queen 57

Chapter 496 [495] Fat Empress 57 (5 more)
How did Tangyuan know that she looked like this, and that some people liked it, or was she an imposing prince?

All her life, she planned to be a bachelor, and she never thought about men at all.

She didn't realize anything until she noticed that Rong Heng's mental illness was getting worse.

Because their location is still in the prefectural city, the plague has not been completely controlled, and they usually stay away without going out, but Rong Heng's illness needs to buy medicine, and they have to prepare delicious food for this master. Where can there be any in the farm? There are so many fresh meats, so you have to buy them outside, but now the common people dare not come out to set up stalls, so what should we do?

So she took advantage of the time to go out and poured out some meat from the space. After all, the epidemic situation is currently, and I don't know how fresh the meat I bought is!
For everyone's health, she chose this healthier and faster way.

Originally, it was not her turn to go out to buy things, and they were handed over to Zhuangzi's housekeeper to purchase them. After all, there are ten or twenty people living in Zhuangzi, but she wanted to come out by herself, and also wanted to know something about the epidemic situation. Therefore, I specifically told Rong Heng about this matter, so the ingredients for the four of them were handed over to her to buy separately.

However, ever since she was walled off by him that day, something seemed wrong with her. Basically, wherever she went, he wanted to follow her.

How can this be possible? Originally, she would go out by herself. It is very convenient. If she wants to eat, she can buy it from the space, but with this burden, how can she buy it?Why don't you go door-to-door in the surrounding villages?

Although there is no such thing as sealing off villages or counties in this era, and the common people do not have such a strong sense of self-protection as the common people of later generations, they still have to live. Come out, of course, if you can find other people's villages to buy, the price will be much cheaper.

Rong Heng begs for nothing to follow, what can she do?Just take it with you!
"Don't ride a horse? Don't sit in a carriage? Are you going to walk?"

As soon as he went out, a certain master was surprised, because Tangyuan was carrying a basket and dressed casually for a walk, which shocked Rong Heng very much.

"Oh, I want to exercise. Look how beautiful the scenery along the way is, so I always walk. If you feel tired, can we ride horses?"

When Rong Heng heard this, he hurriedly said: "No, no, it's fine to walk, I'll be with you."

In the past, he took advantage of the opportunity to take the basket in Tangyuan's hand. The gentleman's small gesture made Tangyuan look at him unavoidably. Ancient times are different from modern times. In ancient times, when these noble men went out, when did they not hug each other?When is it their turn to carry the basket?But Rong Heng accepted it so naturally, which really surprised her.

However, she didn't refuse his kindness, but when his hand stretched out towards her, her expression was a little unclear.

Rong Heng took it for granted, "There's a mud puddle, I'll hold you up a bit, so you won't slip and fall like shit, it's so ugly!"

Tangyuan glanced at the mud puddle that was clearly still a long distance away, and suddenly felt that this guy had a nervous breakdown?
But people have stretched out their hands, if she refuses, isn't it too good?

So she boldly handed her hand to his, but when she turned around, at an angle she couldn't see, someone's mouth curled into a wicked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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