The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 696 [695] Farming in the Beast World 5

Chapter 696 [695] Beast World Farming 5 (1 more)
After eating the fish grilled in this way, he felt as if he had discovered a new world, and his eyes lit up: "It's so fragrant and tender!"

"Fish meat is very tender. You have to eat it slowly, or it will be easily caught by the fishbone. What kind of fish is this? The fishbone is quite big and it tastes better."

In the large piece of white meat in his hand, there were only a few relatively large thorns, which surprised Tangtang. Although there was no taste in the mouth, the taste was not bad, and the fishy smell did not seem to be as bad as it smelled. good to eat.

what fish

Jin Kan scratched his head in embarrassment, "Isn't this a fish? Does it have another name?"

Well, when I ask for nothing.

It's just that when she found out that Jin Kan used to swallow it directly, she felt bad all over: "You all eat like this?"

Jin Kan was stopped by the question again: "We orcs all eat like this. As for the females, I rarely see them eating fish. My mother doesn't like it, so my father never hunted these things."

Tangtang was only temporarily uncomfortable, and soon realized that eating in this world is not like this. Her reaction was, in fact, she just got used to it.

Jin Kan caught a total of four fish. When her Beggar Chicken and Beggar Rabbit were almost cooked, he also ate all the fish. The speed was so fast that he doubted whether the fish was cooked or not. Fortunately, he can eat it, it seems that she has to find a way to change his habit.

After all, eating raw food is really not safe enough, especially because of the epidemic that she came here. Even today, no one can find out where the virus came from. Since it is unavoidable not to eat wild food, it must be Guaranteed to be cooked food.

In addition to food, there is water. Although the water in this era looks clean, it must be boiled to drink.

"Is there a sea here?" Tangtang asked Jin Kan while digging out beggar chickens with a log. Others don't know, but he must know. After all, they can fly very far.

"Yes, but it's a long way from here. Do you want to go and see it?"

Tangtang shook her head: "As long as you have it, let's talk about it in the future. Come on, quickly pull it out for me, it's so hot!"

Jin Kan looked at the lumps of black soil pulled out from the mound, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Hey, how do you eat this? Isn't it too dirty?"

Tangtang glared at him, "Dirty? The soil on the outside is pasted to prevent the meat from charring. How can it be dirty? Knock it open, lightly, don't use too much force, or the meat will be broken into slag gone."

Hearing what she said, Jin Kan didn't dare to use force. He lightly tapped it with a wooden stick, and the blue-gray mud cracked a crack. With another tap, the outer mud clods fell down. While it was hot, he used With a rough hand, the clods of soil were removed, revealing the fragrant meat contained in the earth-green leaves. The smell of meat with the fragrance of soil and the unique fragrance of leaves permeated the surroundings of the two of them in an instant, golden It was the first time for Kan to smell such an alluring aroma of meat.

With a "gudong" sound, it was the sound of him swallowing saliva, Tangtang slapped his nose lightly with his small hand, and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

"It's so fragrant, that's what it smells like!"

She pushed a soil egg to Jin Kan: "What are you doing in a daze? Eat, it's getting dark, let's go after eating!"

Jin Kan looked at the three pitiful earth eggs, thinking how he could compete with the female for food, and quickly said, "You eat, I'm not hungry."

"Then try it to see if it's delicious. If it's delicious, we'll do this in the future. No more raw food, remember?"

Seeing his delay in moving, Tangtang couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't worry, this one is enough for me, just let me taste a rabbit leg in a while, and you can eat the rest!"

This pheasant weighed four to five catties, not an exaggeration at all, it was really big, even after it was killed, it weighed three to four catties.

If it is left in later generations, this may be her daily food intake, but this is the world of beasts, so it must be estimated that one is enough, and if you eat too much, you won't be able to digest it at night!
Jin Kan felt that the female in his family did not eat enough, and thought that he would have to find some fruit for her snacks later, so as not to be hungry at night.

Orcs have the habit of sucking blood to replenish energy, so the blood of the two chickens and one rabbit was not wasted at all. If she hadn't been there, Jin Kan probably would have eaten the animal's internal organs.

Afterwards, the two stopped talking, the air was filled with the smell of food, and the sound of chewing was a bit eerie in the dim valley after the sun went down.

The bonfire was crackling, and the surroundings were extremely quiet. Tangtang felt full after eating half of the little female, but Jin Kan had already eaten it, and he still had a lot of aftertaste, but he didn't eat the remaining half of the little female, not because he hated it. , just worried that she didn't have enough to eat and was hungry at night, so she took the initiative to wrap the food back in the leaves and planned to take it back later.

The two of them lay down in the creek and drank enough water. With this condition, even if they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, there was nothing they could do.

"Where are you taking me? The tribe? The cave?"

After eating and drinking, Tangtang massaged her stomach while looking up at the darkened night sky, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

"I will take you back to the tribe. I am the inspector of the Simba tribe. The safety of the whole tribe is in my hands. I met you on the way back today. Would you like to go back with me?"

Tangtang nodded, "Naturally."

After all, the tribe is safer than outside, right?

Although she really wanted to have a good understanding of the world, she had to wait until she stabilized.

When Jin Kan stretched his arms, he transformed into a ten-meter-long eagle, squatting down for Tangtang to climb up.

"Grab my neck and be careful, I'm flying."

With Jin Kan's leap, she soared more than ten meters into the air. The wind in the night sky was a bit strong. She hid on his furry neck. The fur here is the most warm, soft, and very comfortable. She dared not stand up straight. Waist, because the speed of the golden eagle is too fast, and the pressure will be great when the wind is too strong.

After flying like this for about an hour, the eagle swooped down from the top of the mountain and landed on a cliff.

"See? Below is our tribe, the Simba tribe!"

Although it is dark at night, the sable's night vision ability is also good, so the footprints of human life can be vaguely seen, but it is still in a forest, surrounded by cliff caves, and there are no tree houses and houses, so it is better to go here. What she imagined was even older, at least, she didn't know how to build a house, and used caves as her living environment.

With a 'goo' sound, Jin Kan landed steadily at the entrance of a cave. The cave was not on top, but close to the ground, with trees on both sides, without any traces of breeding. The orcs inside ran out when they heard the movement. He also turned into a human form and walked over holding Tangtang's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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