The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 698 [697] Farming in the Beast World 7

Chapter 698 [697] Beast World Farming 7 (3 more)
When Jin Kan came to the gate of the tribe to help out, a small number of beasts had already gathered there, and when they saw him passing by, they immediately shouted.

"Jin Kan, you came at a good time. This stray beast said that he wanted to find his female. He also said that his female was captured by the Golden Eagle Clan. He wanted to come here to confirm the smell."

"Haha, it's really ridiculous. Stray beasts also have females? This is the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"That is, the reason why they were rejected was because they were cruel and bloodthirsty, forced their females, and were punished by the beast gods. They were not allowed to join the tribe and deserved to have no offspring. But now he came to tell us that his female was captured by the Golden Eagle Clan , What is this not a joke? The Golden Eagle Clan are nobles in the sky, unless they are disabled, how could they snatch a female from a stray beast?"

However, the appearance of Jin Kan made Pan Lin, who was standing outside with his arms folded around his chest, appearing in the posture of a half-orc, suddenly raised his head.

"It's you, you and the little female were eating by the stream, right? You took her away, where is she? You give her back to me!"

All the beasts: "..." The slap in the face came too fast, and it hurt a bit.

Yesterday, people lost the female, and also yesterday, Jin Kan brought back a foreign female, could it really be Jin Kan?

Huh?That's not right, that little female obviously didn't marry anyone. You must know that in their Beast Continent, any partner that has not been recognized by the Beast God will not be blessed. The reason why stray beasts are called stray beasts is because Isn't it because they force females to give birth to cubs, so they live a life of wandering outside without tribal protection?

"You're talking nonsense. The little female that Jin Kan brought back didn't marry you at all. How can you say it's your female?"

Panlin's eyes were faintly green, "I snatched her back from the hyena group. I rescued her. When I was hunting for her, she lost her. I searched for her for two whole days, and finally found her in the forest. I smelled her scent by the creek, when you brought her back, didn't you smell my scent?"

Jin Kan, who had been silent from the beginning to the end, only understood why Tangtang was in the water when he heard these words, and when he fished her ashore, he indeed smelled the unique smell of the taipan snake with thin scales. Although it was already very light at that time, it is undeniable that she was indeed with this stray beast before.

It's just that he didn't ask at that time, and she naturally couldn't say that, in his opinion, stray beasts are not worthy of having females.

"It sounds good, so the so-called rescue can also be replaced by snatching? You fought with the hyena group and snatched her?"

Panlin is obviously already used to this kind of conversation, he doesn't care what others say, he only cares about the little female.

Therefore, when his cold and murderous intent suddenly appeared, Jin Kan no longer hid in the tribe, and walked out openly.

"She doesn't like you. If she likes you, why would she deliberately sink herself into the water? I didn't snatch the person, but I fished it out of the water. Since you found it, I will give you an explanation. In this way, if you can win today, I will give you a fair chance to compete, but I will never let it go!"

Water can cover up breath, his little female is very smart, if he didn't worry that she would be surprised by the snakes again, why would he leave her alone in the cave?
It's just that he didn't expect that she would be so afraid of him, and Panlin lowered his eyes a little hurt. In his more than 40 years of animal life, he has long been used to ignoring everything, but when that little guy appeared in his sight like an angel... At that time, he couldn't tolerate other people anymore.

Snakes and eagles have been natural enemies since ancient times, but today's natural enemy duel is not an ordinary duel, because they are orcs.

The golden eagle showed its own animal shape, stretched out its long arms, and it was 20 meters long, and the giant python showed its own prototype, and the maximized prototype was also 20 meters long.

Such a heavyweight duel, if it is at the gate of the tribe, it will definitely cause the whole earth to tremble. After all, these two people are not ordinary orcs, but absolute powerhouses, who can be promoted to first-class warriors at the age of 40. Kan, can he despise any orc in the tribe, let alone his unique flying skills?In the sky, he can't find his natural enemy at all, okay?
Let's talk about this thin-scaled Taipan Snake. Although it is a stray beast, the four yellow-green lines on his ankles have already demonstrated his superpower.

After all, Jin Kan, who was standing across from him, only had three golden lines. Strictly speaking, Jin Kan had little hope of winning against Shangpanlin without flying stunts.

Who made stray beasts come out of battle since childhood?
The Golden Eagle clan has unique advantages and can be called aristocrats.

One comes from different backgrounds, one is famous in the Caucasus Mountains for his sharp insight, and the other is a typical representative of a brutal and bloodthirsty stray beast that makes orc females turn pale when they hear it. I don't know what the consequences will be.

The crackling, winning lightning struck and killed them within the line of sight of the two.

After a while, Jin Kan leaped and flew to the southwest, and at the same time, Panlin followed closely with a curved humanoid and beast body.

"Quick, hurry up and report to the commander. If these two people fight, they will lose both sides, and no one will be able to please!"

Since Jin Kan belongs to their Simba tribe, there is absolutely no reason for them to sit idly by.

So a group of people went to the leader of the clan to report the situation, while others looked in the direction of Jinkan's den with curiosity.

"How good is that little female that can make Panlin value her so much?"

The beast who asked this question obviously didn't see Tangtang, but there happened to be a beast in the middle who saw her, and said something with a memorable expression.

"If I brought the female back, I would choose the same method as Jin Kan to fight. Even if my strength is not good, I will try my best. This is not only about my own strength and face, but also an attitude of never giving in. After all, apart from her, I have never seen such a white and beautiful female when I grow up."

The female they saw had dark skin, rude behavior, ugly eating, and domineering attitude. If it wasn't for the purpose of procreating offspring, who would be willing to suffer that?

It's better if the female has your own beast, but if you have to share with five or six, or even seven or eight at the same time, it's really unbearable. Like one today, hate that tomorrow, today for Those who stutter, go hunting in disregard of their orc lives, because there are not many males who have fallen like this?

Of course, there are also kind females, but kind females are always surrounded by masters like clouds, where can it be their turn to be untalented?

 Thank you reader [Xiao Pang Yuanzi] for the book coin reward, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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