The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 707 [706] Farming in the Beast World 16

Chapter 707 [706] Beast World Farming 16 (3 more)
Moreover, most of the worms are cubs, and adult females and males cannot say that there are no, but not many.

When Tangtang heard what they said, she couldn't help but touch her forehead. In fact, to put it bluntly, these two diseases are the same disease. As long as she ensures her own hygiene, and doesn't eat raw food and drink raw water, she thinks it's okay. Avoid many diseases, definitely not just these two diseases.

But she is young, and her words are far less convincing than the mother's milk. The problem of accessing the fire source alone has killed the beginning of many problems.

Moreover, even though she took the knife and took out the worm, as long as the cub can't survive, she still has no status and persuasion in the hearts of these orcs.

Tangtang was still exhausted in the end and returned to her animal form, so she didn't continue to distinguish them.

Yinye heard the orcs discussing Tangtang, and when she rushed to the hut, she had already fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

Cub Zai Zai really developed a fever, but this grandmother knew how to treat it, and stayed by her side to take care of it.

Yinye was worried that Tangtang would not be taken care of, so she took her back to her lair.

That night Jin Kan brought the roasted beggar chicken, and Pan Lin brought the fruit to Yin Ye at the same time.

They had been visiting her during this time, but at that time she had probably already slept with grandma, so the food that Yinye handed over to grandma was also due to Jin Kan and Panlin.

It took Panlin a whole three days to recuperate before gradually regaining his strength, but his strength has not yet fully recovered. As soon as he came, he felt that something was wrong with her.

"She seems to be very tired today, and she still has a strong smell of blood. What happened?"

Silver Night had already learned the truth about Tangtang's injury from them, that's why the three orcs were able to sit together so peacefully now.

Panlin's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and he sensed something was wrong as soon as he came in. Yin Ye talked about the situation, and he also had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Grandmother said she used a knife to take out the worms in Zai Zai's throat, why would she treat people?"

"I've been in the shape of a beast these days, why did I suddenly transform into it today?"

Of the three of them, probably only Jin Kan and Tangtang in human form have really gotten along with each other.

Although she had only been with him for a short time, Jin Kan already felt that the matter of "taking a knife to get bugs" was something his little female could do.

After all, she knows how to make a fire and cook delicious food, so why is it impossible to take a bug?

It's just that he only needs to know her beauty, and he has no intention of saying it in front of other orcs.

Tangtang woke up from hunger. She didn't eat much all day. When she felt someone talking around her, she opened her eyelids. Although it was already dark, she immediately smelled three familiar smells in the cave. After so long, her body showed good signs, so she changed back to human form again.

"That's great, Tangtang, are you awake? Are you hungry? Look, the Gugu chicken I baked for you is still warm and warm in my arms."

"I found a lot of fruit for you, are you thirsty?"

Although Yin Ye is the master, he has no use for him at the moment, and suddenly regrets bringing him back.

When I was at Grandma's place before, they, foreigners, were not easy to get close to, why did they all come here like crazy today?

Tangtang was indeed hungry, looking at the people surrounding her, she was filled with emotion, especially Panlin who saved her life.

Her heart is complicated. Although she is very grateful for his help, she plans to repay him in other ways.

"I will remember all your kindness to me. When I am healthy, I will find a way to express my gratitude to you, but before that, I want to tell you clearly that my grandma has already said that in the future my Heirs are difficult, so I don't want to delay any of you."

"Also, Ah Yin, don't take me back in the future. I'm temporarily staying with my grandma. When I recover, I will find a suitable cave to live alone."

"Lonely?" The faces of the three orcs changed drastically at the same time, especially Ah Yin.

"Don't you think that you are safe in the tribe, so safe that you can live alone?"

What does Ah Yin mean by this?
Tangtang raised her head nastily, "Could it be that there is no safety in the tribe?"

"You are too naive. There is also a relationship of aggression and competition between tribes. Now it is called the Nandi tribe. Maybe one day, it is very likely to become the Simba tribe. There is no eternal tribe, only endless defenses." enemy."

"Especially you females, you are the target of plunder wherever you go. I have already told you clearly that I don't care about the issue of offspring. Why do you care so much? You are my female, you don't live here, and you plan to Where do you live?"

"Do you believe it? As long as you move out and live alone, your safety will not be guaranteed? In addition to the single orcs of the tribe, there are stray beasts and fallen beasts. Can you guard against them?"

Ah Yin's hatred of iron but not steel soon won the approval of Jin Kan and Pan Lin, who had equally ugly faces.

"I'm a stray beast, so I know better than anyone else how dangerous you are in the future. Now it's not a female problem, and don't you realize that your appearance also has a fatal attraction?"

"So all three of you have taken a fancy to my face?"

Tangtang asked back in time, making the faces of the three brothers turn black at the same time.

"Tangtang, the combination of a male and a female also needs to be eye-catching. Otherwise, why do you think the three of us are all 40 years old and haven't found a suitable partner? It's not that we couldn't find it, but that we haven't been able to make a match like you from the beginning to the end. The female we fell in love with immediately appeared, and now we have finally met, who of us do you think will give up easily?"

Jin Kan's complexion was also grim. Tangtang had already agreed to let him be her guardian. If it wasn't for Nisa, how could things have come to this point?

But in the face of Yin Ye and Pan Lin who are equally strong and difficult to deal with, he knows that the duel will only hurt all three, so it is better to sit down together and resolve it peacefully.

"Even if I want to find someone to live with, I will only find one partner who does not accept the multiplayer mode. I say this now, and I will still say this in the future. Although each of you is kind to me, I don't want to put Kindness is confused with the rest of my life, and I will find a way to repay your kindness, but as for who I choose, none of you can control, so you don't need to compete with each other, the final choice is with me."

The three said immediately: "We respect your choice, but please don't refuse any of us's kindness."

"You're hungry now. Let's eat first. Let's discuss slowly when we're full."

(End of this chapter)

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