The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 711 [710] Farming in the Beast World 20

Chapter 711 [710] Beast World Farming 20 (1 more)
"They are fallen beasts, you have to be careful."

At the beginning, she didn't know the difference between stray beasts and fallen beasts, but it was Pan Lin who popularized the knowledge for her later.

Some of the so-called stray beasts are abandoned by their families, or become orphans, no matter how bad they don’t like the life of the tribe, they like to walk alone, the orcs wandering in the jungle, they still have some humanity, know what to do and what not to Do, even to find a partner, will not use coercive means.

Fallen beasts generally fall from wandering beasts and fall into evil ways. They use abnormal means to obtain females, hurt females, forcefully marry, or kill their partners. This kind of beast will be condemned by the beast god. The age will be reduced to less than 50 years old, and because of the backlash effect, it will never be possible to have children.

After becoming fallen beasts, they knew they couldn't do anything, but because they had no heirs, they couldn't live for long, so while they still had their lives alive, they tried their best to yell at the females and enjoy their beastly desires.

Obviously, the three fallen beasts had observed them for a long time, and knew that there was only Panlin beside Tangtang, so they came out of the nest when they were resting.

The three fallen beasts were scorpions, spiders, and lizards. Just hearing the names made her feel creepy.

Coincidentally, they are all cold-blooded animals. In fact, most stray beasts and fallen beasts are cold-blooded animals.

It is precisely because they are cold-blooded animals that they are not liked by females. In comparison, Panlin is really much better. At least his heart for her has not changed from the beginning to the end, and he has given her enough respect .

"Panlin, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you just found such a beautiful sable? Why haven't you married yet? Are your movements too slow!"

The one who spoke was the ugliest scorpion beast among them, and of course, it was also a four-striped beast whose strength was almost the same as that of Panlin.

"That's right, if you can't do it, why don't you change your brother and go together, such a beautiful female is really a treasure that is hard to find in the world of beasts!"

The spider beast rubbed its hands, its eyes were soaked with the redness of Chiguoguo, making Tangtang, who was watching from the side, hairy all over.

"Why didn't we know when such a beautiful female came to Panlong Great Forest? If we knew this, we should have come here before the rainy season."

The color-changing lizard had a sly smile at the corner of its mouth, and the color-changing him stared straight at Tangtang, with blue and red intertwined, so don't be too stingy.

"Hei Wu, it seems that you have healed your scars and forgot about the pain, otherwise, let me recall the memories for you?"

Mentioning the scar on Hei Scorpion's face, the latter's face suddenly became sinister and terrifying, and his eyes were like sharp arrows that had spit poison, exuding a deep black awn.

"You are Siwen, and I am also Siwen. Why do you think that you can beat the three of us with a female? Panlin, you are too arrogant, you will be backlashed. Since brother We met today, why don't you share your little female, it's better than the consequences of losing both, what do you think?"

Panlin's desire to fight was suddenly aroused, and the green glow all over her body burst out suddenly. Before the three-headed beasts transformed, they suddenly attacked them. Shake, and shouted: "Run, don't look back, run, run as fast as you can!"

When the danger came, Tang Tang turned into a beast shape, and quickly jumped onto the nearest tree with the lightness and agility of the sable clan. When the scorpion beast tried to chase her, Panlin forced his body to swell in a big circle, The thick tail deflected the scorpion's attack on her: "Run!"

Even though Tangtang was reluctant and worried, she knew what would happen if she fell into the hands of the Fallen Beast. She gritted her teeth and ran hard.

She didn't know how long Panlin could hold on, nor how long she could hold on, so she used all her strength to feed her breasts, but her legs were too short, and she had explosive power, but her stamina was obviously lacking. The most terrifying thing was This place is too far away from the tribe, and if she runs on two legs alone, it is estimated that she will run until dark. She is not a combat-type orc, nor does she have that strength.

The orc is very sensitive to the smell of females, even if she tried her best, she was still caught up by the scorpion beast. Obviously, the panlin was entangled by the spider beast and the lizard beast.

"Don't be afraid, little female cub. As long as you are obedient, I won't force you. You are so beautiful. It's too late for me to love you. How can I be willing to hurt you? Come, come here, abandon Panlin, What's wrong with following me? That guy has a dull temper and no fun at all, follow me, I'll bring you delicious food and spicy food, no one dares to provoke us fallen beasts, "

The orcs in the beast world, which one is not very handsome, like this ugly fallen beast in front of her, she has never seen it before, and this person must have been congenitally underdeveloped, not to mention his entire face is crooked, The eyeballs are still turned out, perhaps because of this, she was abandoned and turned into a fallen beast. Although the poor person must have something to hate, she would rather die than fall into his hands.

The tails of scorpion beasts are very long, and they are also highly poisonous. When he saw that Tangtang was in a defensive posture, and his eyes were emitting fluorescent green light due to the accumulation of energy, he said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that boy Panlin to be so generous to you. No wonder there was no enemy to stop my attack just now, and he gave you a part of his inner alchemy!"

Neidan gave her part?What do you mean by that?
"However, so what if you are invulnerable to all poisons? If you are poisoned by my scorpion, you will still be seriously injured. Do you think you will come here obediently, or let me use extraordinary means to torture you to death, and then take you to death?" go back?"

The so-called person who knows the current affairs is a hero, Tangtang didn't make unnecessary struggles, turned into a human form, and walked towards him obediently.

Hei Wu stared at her face in fascination, and couldn't help but lamented the meticulous sculpting of the heavens. When she walked in front of him and he stretched out that terrible face that made her stomach churn, she straightened her body, Closing his eyes, Hei Wu was stimulated by her move, and immediately grabbed her neck as smooth as jade.

When he lifted her off the ground and laughed wildly, she suddenly stretched out her hand and slashed at his neck. In an instant, the black scorpion's eyes popped and she looked at her in disbelief, because the throat was cut, Black blood sprayed out...

He froze there, with one hand covering his neck and the other pinching her hard, trying to strangle her to death, a person suddenly appeared from behind him on the left, with sharp claws piercing through his heart, Before he had time to transform into a defensive animal body to fight, the opponent grabbed his heart and pulled it back forcefully, black blood spewed out like mud.

With a 'plop', he was no longer able to grab her, and Tangtang, who was about to be strangled to death, suddenly breathed out. The scene in front of her was so frightening that she backed away again and again, clutching her neck, and began to cough hard...

(End of this chapter)

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