The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 723 [722] Farming in the Beast World 32

Chapter 723 [722] Beast World Farming 32 (2 more)
She thought the female gave birth in a human form, but it turned out to be a beast. Can you imagine that kind of picture?

What the peacock gives birth to is not a peacock, but a little leopard. Haha, that picture is really inconsistent. However, the females created by the beast world are more suitable for the current environment, so when giving birth, the cubs are not big. , otherwise the physical differences between the races would also cause the mother to die violently.

However, dystocia, whether it is a human, a beastman, or even an animal, will be encountered, and it is normal.

She thought she didn't give birth and knew nothing about it, and she was not a gynecologist in her previous life, but to her surprise, when she went to Luna's house and saw her giving birth, she ordered other people to prepare for her baby in an orderly manner. Water, stone knives, the soft and precious gauze that can wipe the body, or the snake slough of a giant python, these are all very precious things. They can not only make beautiful, soft and breathable clothes, but also can Always use as a towel.

Panlin's snake sloughs are reserved for her, so she can make summer clothes in the future, so she was quite surprised to see that Luna has gauze. Fortunately, these things can be used after washing, so they don't care about the dirt. Wash her body with hot water.

I don't know if it's because she came here to stabilize the morale of the army, or if she knows the relevant knowledge. In short, Luna was not so impatient when she saw her, and adjusted her breathing according to her slogan. When she squeezed and massaged, the little boy was miraculously born.

The newborn cub couldn't open his eyes very well, so after cleaning it with gauze, he wrapped it in animal skin.

Luna also took good care of her here, and even cooked hot rice porridge. Right after giving birth, she returned to her human form, which made it easier for her to take care of her.

During this period, her family Tom was taken care of by other females. It was not until the orcs outside rushed back after hearing the news that she explained the follow-up matters to be paid attention to and returned home with her cub.

Lang Sen has come back and lit a fire. Everyone knows about the tribe, so they smelled the blood on her body, so they quickly brought hot water for her to wash. They were more careful than the other three. As expected of a married person.

Probably thinking of his dead female, Lang Sen's face was darkened by the smudge of the bonfire, and since she entered the door, she hadn't spoken a word, and even glanced at Tom with stingy eyes.

She didn't know what to say to explain, so she had nothing to say, "Let's have rice noodles for lunch, seafood rice noodles, can you help me grind the rice noodles soaked in the morning into a sticky paste with graphite?"

As soon as Lang Sen heard this, he threw away the firewood in his hand and stood up. He still didn't say a word, but the work in his hand didn't stop.

Because there is no dry rice in the grains, even if it is soaked for half a day, the time is in place.

Put the ground rice paste into their specially polished flat pan and steam it in a pan. This process is more troublesome, but in order to have more tricks, she also worked hard.

In this way, one of the two people grinds the flour paste, and the other steams it. After steaming, take it out and brush it with oil to cool, then stack it and put it aside for later use.

Today she is making flat noodles. When she is free some other day, she can make some round noodles. She has already asked the ingenious Yinye to help her make a bamboo tube that can be pressed into powder. However, there is no flour and starch now, and the estimated effect is not very formed, so the round powder should be made after all the materials are ready.

After all the noodles are steamed and stacked, start cutting. If you want to eat thin slices, if you want to eat wide slices, prepare some for each.

Then cut the soaked seafood meat into cubes, pour in the oil to dissolve, stir-fry the seafood with onion, ginger, garlic, and pepper, stir-fry the oil, and then pour in water.

If the stream freezes, they will directly use the snow outside. There is no pollution in this era, and the use of snow and stream water is actually the same.

Afterwards, pour these soups directly on the rice noodles, stir and eat. If you think the taste is not exciting enough, you can add some pickles she pickled.

No, as soon as the meal was ready, Jin Kan and Yin Ye came back in snow, and as soon as they entered the room, they sniffed and sniffed at the same time.

"Wow, it smells so good, what delicious food did you cook today?"

Tangtang made rice cereal for the little guy, and was feeding it spoonful by spoonful, when she heard the sound, she raised her head and pouted towards the stove.

"I'll let you eat fresh ones today, Lang Sen, you three can eat them. I'll eat them after I feed Tom."

Lang Sen had just given a demonstration and ate a few mouthfuls, so Lang Sen knew how to eat. He nodded and gave the two guys a bowl each.

Their hands were flushed, and when they sat on the kang with their bowls in their hands, their lips were still trembling: "This damn weather is getting colder and colder."

"How is the digging of the trap going? Can you get it done before the beast horde comes?"

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. It takes a lot of time to find those plants with barbs. The difficulty is that the ground is not frozen, so it is very difficult to dig."

If it weren't for their status as orcs, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to open the land.

Just thinking about it, Tian Tian realized how difficult it is: "Before digging, light a torch to melt the ground. Although it will be troublesome, it is better than drying."

Food is in short supply in winter, if you put in so much effort, wouldn't you eat more?

As far as their family is concerned at noon today, in addition to rice noodles as an appetizer soup and rice, they also prepared the air-dried meat that they made before. Of course, they will eat the air-dried meat after eating the soup and rice, because it is too difficult to bite.

But if they don't eat meat, they won't have the strength to work. Now that there is no shortage of salt, their physique is much better than other orcs in the tribe.

After the rice noodles were wiped clean with soup and ingredients, a sentence appeared in the minds of the three orcs at the same time.

Yin Ye: "The most sensible decision back then was to take her back to my home. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'd never know that there are so many delicious foods besides raw meat in this life. This is the blessing of several generations of cultivation. ?”

Jin Kan: "Fortunately, I was not blind that day, and I took her back to my lair, otherwise where would I still have my place now?"

Lang Sen: "The blessings of him and Zai Zai are all brought by Yin Ye and the little female. In the future, we must treat them even better, even if we sacrifice our lives."

Tangtang doesn't know this. From her point of view, the old and the young in this cave are dependent on each other. She doesn't have the ability to hunt, but she has the ability to cook and discover delicacies, so this living condition , is also quite good, of course, it would be even better if they don't have to worry about their rivalry and jealousy when they grow up in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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