The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 725 [724] Farming in the Beast World 34

Chapter 725 [724] Beast World Farming 34 (4 more)
Tangtang returned to the tribe one day later. Originally, there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, which was very beautiful, but there were few footprints left.

However, there has been no snow these few days. There are messy footprints on the ground, blood marks, mud and scale, and even some trees are lying there in disorder. This is the case inside the tribe. What kind of blood should it be outside the tribe? The picture of flowing into a river?
Because Tangtang's family handled the most in making traps, so the animal meat left over from this beast tide was distributed to their family the most.

However, Tangtang decided with his own orcs to leave it to others who needed it more, because his family had enough food and meat.

As for the four cubs of the Nandi tribe, Tangtang finally adopted them. In addition to these four cubs, Jin Kan also brought back a little mermaid female from the Himba tribe. The little female was 15 years old. In order to fight for her custody, several tribes fought fiercely, and finally Jin Kan forcibly carried her to his own home.

In his opinion, the females in other families are not as kind as their own females, and they don't have any selfishness, they just want to raise their children.

The little female had her own name, Lili, and A Niang was overwhelmed and died after learning that several fathers had died at the same time.

And her elder brothers also died to protect her. When it comes to her family, the little girl cried so much that she looked so pitiful.

In order to give her a shelter, she had to dig a reservoir in her house, so that she could lie down in the water and sleep after transforming at night.

With a beast body, she doesn't worry about the cold water.

All of a sudden there were so many cubs in the house, the orcs couldn't help but see that Tangtang was busy, not only didn't complain, but were also very happy, so they let her go.

As everyone knows, after Tangtang transforms at night, she looks at her own zoo and smiles helplessly.

Now his family has the giant python Panlin (42 years old), the golden eagle and golden Kan (40 years old), the silver wolf and silver night (45 years old), the tiger Ronson (36 years old), the little tiger Tom (January), and the little leopard Jimmy (1 years old), Little Mermaid Lily (3 years old), Little Peacock Lingyue (15 year old), Little Bear Cub Xiong Yong (1 year old), Black Falcon of the Eagle Clan (1 years old), plus her 5-year-old sable Ms. Zu, be a good boy, isn’t this a zoo?
She sighed more than once, thanks to the stone pot she made at NTU, otherwise there might not be enough food for so many people.

Now except for the four orcs, the others are all minors, 5 cubs and 2 females, which makes Tangtang have an illusion that they seem to raise her as a daughter, right?
There were so many people all of a sudden, although she was in a hurry, Lily and Black Falcon were already able to help her with what they could, even the little leopard Jimmy could lead the little peacock and little bear cubs around the little tiger In short, when they surrounded her with animal bodies, there would be an illusion of a zoo keeper.

Among these little guys, Lily can go to the sea to catch fish in the future, Lingyue and Black Falcon can fly, and peacocks in this era can also fly high. Beautiful, strictly speaking, these children are all good-looking, except for Xiong Yong, who is a little stronger, the others are all beautiful children with good looks.

The grief of losing their family members, under the tolerance of her and a few orcs, they quickly adapted to it, and because she cooks delicious food, these children pester her all day long to make delicious food, such as round rice noodles, flat rice noodles, etc. As long as she can think of rice noodles, steamed rice noodles, and collapsed rice flowers, she will make them for the children.

At first, the orcs didn't think there was anything wrong, but after a long time, they complained a lot, because there was not enough space to sleep in the previous heating kang, so they could only make beds in the ground, and they could only eat after the children had finished eating. , when the pitiful little eyes looked at Tangtang, the latter pretended not to understand.

Because she knows that if this life is over like this, then these children will be her children, so when it comes to choosing between a man and a child, she chooses the latter without hesitation.

If it is doomed that she cannot accept NP, and loving one person alone will hurt the other two (without Lang Sen), it is better not to give anyone hope from the beginning.

Within a few days, news of large-scale casualties of two tribes came out nearby. Compared with the defensive-conscious Simba and Nandi tribes, and other tribes did not even have a trap, it is conceivable that the losses would be much higher. Seriously.

But to survive in the beast world, the law of the jungle always preys on the strong, and no one cares about others.

Tangtang looked at the cave now, and felt that with more children, the place would also be smaller, so after the beginning of spring, the first thing to do was to build a house.

Only with a big house and a big heated kang can everyone in the family enjoy it.

Of course, there are not only houses, but also walls. If the entire Nandi tribe wants to be safe, the first thing is to surround the entire tribe with walls, so that they can resist ordinary beasts. If there are yards from house to house , The wall, that is another line of defense.

The more she thought about it, the more excited Tangtang began to plan what her future home would look like.

For a long time after the beast tide, the tribe was immersed in grief, because most of the beastmen were injured in this beast tide.

So after settling down several cubs, Tangtang spent most of her time following her grandmother to see doctors for various orcs.

Some of these people had broken legs and arms, some were blind, and some were even ripped apart, very bloody.

And she also found that Grandma would not use wooden boards to fix their arms and legs, so that after they were broken, even if they were healed, they would still be lame.

Some even had their arms or legs cut off, leaving them disabled.

Fortunately, they met Tangtang, but because there was no plaster to fix it, if only wooden boards were used, there would still be accidental dislocations, so she also reminded them to pay attention to it and not to move around at will.

Basically, during the entire cold season, she came here during the days of treating illnesses, cooking, and taking care of the cubs.

It wasn't until the ice and snow melted and the earth began to warm up, revealing the original scenery of the world, that they realized that the cold season was coming to an end.

The world is divided into the cold season and the rainy season. In fact, the cold season is only four or five months, and one month is used to make the transition. It can be regarded as spring and autumn. Although the ice and snow melt, it does not mean that it is warm. Because during the transitional month, the earth is still barren of grass, which is the so-called time when the grass is green and green.

So one night, when she was sleeping soundly, she suddenly felt a chill on her cheeks, and when she opened her eyes, a pair of green eyes were staring at her for a moment...

 I missed one chapter yesterday, so I will add it today~~~
(End of this chapter)

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