The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 727 [726] Farming in the Beast World 36

Chapter 727 [726] Beast World Farming 36 (2 more)
In the next two months, Tangtang was busy designing the house, and at the same time built the house with the orcs. The cubs ran around with them, and only returned to their caves when it was time to feed them.

The newly built house is as big as a football field. The small stream is surrounded in the middle, and a wooden bridge is built in the middle. There is a wider space on the other side of the wall, and stones are used as isolation piers. The fear is that during the rainy season, the water in the stream will soar and cause damage to the wall.

The seeds collected last year, including wild vegetables and peppers, were all planted in the front yard. The front yard is relatively large. She also asked them to build pig pens, sheep pens and chicken coops, which she will raise in the future Animals, so reserve the nest in advance, and save yourself a lot of trouble when the time comes.

The hut was built in the corner of the backyard.

When laying the foundation of the house, a super large cellar was reserved. Except for the place where Panlin hibernates, the rest is a place to store food, so it was paved with countless bricks, and the bottom was wiped. After the yellow mud has been dried by the sun and burned by firewood, it is then covered.

The house is divided into four main rooms, three wing rooms on the left and three on the left, a kitchen on the left, and a utility room on the right.

After the outline of the house came out, it was time to build the beams. After the beams were firmly built, the dried grass and yellow mud were mixed and built on the beams. This procedure was laid for a total of five layers. , and then lay a layer of tiles on it. She made the tiles one by one with molds, so that the house was fully formed.

The only trouble is the windows, there is no glass, no paper, and no substitutes have been found, so we can only empty them out and make a protective net with tree branches.

Finally, let’s talk about making the door. The door is easy to make. Pile stone blocks up and down to dig a hole. Grind out protrusions of appropriate size on the door to replace the hinges, and then make the door bolt, and that’s it.

There are three doors in their house, one is the gate on the fence, the other is the back door in the backyard, and there is one for each room on the left and right sides of the main house, which is the third door.

She also laid cobblestones on the path she often walks in the yard.

In short, when the house was built, the clansmen who came to visit were immediately shocked, and they also tried the firmness of the house one after another. After that, they all looked at Tangtang with the eyes of a fairy, and It is said that she is the Goddess who is sheltered by the Beast God, and once wanted to enshrine her as the next high priest.

But Tangtang rejected it, because she didn't believe in these gods and monsters, so naturally she wasn't interested in doing it.

The clansmen went out to find clay and a place one after another, and planned to follow the example of Tangtang's family and build such a solid and reliable house for themselves.

After three months of hard work, the house was completed and the rainy season was coming. Tangtang and the others moved on a sunny day.

The four rooms in the main house are the houses of the three orcs and Tangtang, Lang Sen leads the male cubs in one room, and the remaining little females sleep with Tangtang first.

No matter which room it is, it is made of kang, so when the cold season comes, they may have to store more firewood than last year to survive the winter safely.

Of course, in winter, they can all sleep in the main house, which can save wood.

As soon as the weather warmed up, everything recovered, and after the first priority of the house was prepared, Tangtang began to obsessively search for ingredients, and this time coincided with the flood of wild vegetables. The mountains and forests near their home were enough for them. Toss collected.

The food stored last year has been eaten up after several months of consumption, but the food on the other side of the cliff and in the space has not moved.

The main reason is that [-]% of the food in the original cellar has been eaten, and there is still [-]% left. If you can last for another month, after this month, you will have summer.

The ewes and lambs have already lived in the sheep pen, and the Gugu chickens have also caught five or six of them, but it is not known whether they can lay eggs or not, it depends on the results of the experiment.

The wild boar is the only thing missing now. Orcs don’t like wild boars. Not to mention the rough skin and thick meat, the meat quality is also special. However, as the ancestors of domestic pigs, they must be adapted to the days of captivity. Some changes, like this at the beginning, have to be done slowly.

The sheep need to eat grass, and when they gather, they have to bring their food home. Now Lily is helping her with Tom at home, and the rest will follow her out to play, because it is within the scope of the tribe, so the safety factor is still very good The tall one, and Lang Sen has no other task, but to protect her and the cubs, so Panlin and the others can go hunting without worry.

So while other orcs in the tribe were busy building houses, their family had already started stockpiling new food.

Of course, they didn't forget the debts they owed during the cold season, but they couldn't pay it back now.

In fact, it's not to blame Tangtang that it's hard to find the origin of the food. The main reason is that the plants in the animal life are obviously different from theirs. It's really hard to find without knowing it.

She even wondered, if rice grows on trees, will flour and the like also grow on trees?
So she began to obsessively ask other females about the taste of the wild fruits she had seen. Of course, I won’t talk about the ones I’ve eaten, and I have to ask about the ones I haven’t eaten, but it’s not the season, and she doesn’t have a physical reference , relying on her strength alone, it is naturally difficult.

Because she is still at the stage of digging wild vegetables.

Speaking of wild vegetables, in fact, there are many vegetables that taste the same as the green vegetables they used to eat, and even found a lot of vegetables that can be eaten raw.

Whenever she thinks it tastes good, she uses a shovel to dig it home and plant it, so that the seeds can be left.

Even the two prickly ash and pepper trees by the lake were dug up by the roots and planted in their yard.

Until one day, when she tracked a little rabbit to its old den, she saw something like potatoes, and asked the rabbit?Only people can talk.

So she took it home and asked her family members, and it turned out that someone really knew it and took her to find it. It really grew underground, and it was clearly mature.

After surviving the cold season, it will mature directly. It seems that the vitality is very tenacious.

She immediately dug it back into a basket, peeled the skin and fried it on a plate. After a taste, it turned out that it had higher starch content than potatoes and was more delicious.

She was excited at that time, and immediately went to dig a few baskets with Lang Sen and went home. After two days of steaming and frying, she became more and more sure that these palm-sized starch balls growing in the soil were the ones she was looking for. A potato, even if its skin is purple, does not hinder the fact that it can be eaten.

Since it is the mature season before the rainy season, it seems that its growth cycle is relatively long, so she dug all the ones she could dig home, and then put them in the cellar. Watch them grow.

(End of this chapter)

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