The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 733 [732] Farming in the Beast World423000 words

第733章 【732】兽世种田42(2更)3000字

Just for this frame car, their whole family has been tossing and tossing for more than a month. They kept testing, pushing, pulling and climbing on various rough roads, and also carried out tests under gravity. The hard work paid off, and finally researched success.

In order to be able to master this step proficiently, several orcs built ten cars in this cold season. After repeated experiments, they kept the last two cars for their own homes, and the remaining eight cars were parked in the yard. Here, I thought about Kaichun using this in exchange for other useful things.

No matter whether it was the previous life or the beast life, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Last year they asked her to borrow a fruit, and then returned it with corresponding physical labor. Therefore, this cart will also be sold at a corresponding price in the future. .

Although during the cold season, their chickens laid a little less eggs, but they couldn't keep them too many. By the end of the cold season, her family had grown to [-] chickens, and now they are raised in the cave. In the cellar, there are bamboo holes for upward ventilation in the cellar, so I don't worry that those guys will suffocate to death below.

There are males and females in the thirty chickens, and more chickens can be hatched and reproduced in the first spring. This is an important turning point. Only the environment in which they live since childhood can change their aggressiveness and wildness.

After entering the cold season, more than ten eggs are harvested every day, plus quail, pigeons, etc., the amount of protein is enough.

Each person in their family can get two to three eggs every day, no matter what kind of eggs they are, they can also get a bowl of fresh goat's milk or cow's milk.

As for why no one drinks pig milk, she suspects it has something to do with that guy being too dirty and smelly, hahaha~~~
Of course this is a joke, so what is the reason?

The answer given by Liang Tian is this.

Wild boars are not a group society like wild horses and wild sheep. Therefore, during the nomadic period of human beings, the number of wild boars that were captured and domesticated at one time was not large. In addition, their milk production is not high, so they cannot satisfy people's daily needs for milk.

After entering the farming society, pigs are easy to gain fat and grow meat after long-term captive breeding, which can basically meet the needs of a family for meat and fat. The purpose of people raising pigs is very clear.

Also, pigs have been unfairly regarded as stupid and stupid animals (except the Hui people), so people naturally don't want to drink its milk.

If the milk source is sufficient, she will make milk into cheese or milk flakes, or take out the dried tea tree leaves collected in summer and make milk tea for the children. In addition to making brown sugar cubes, she also makes milk tea. Using some sweeter wild fruits to make fructose cubes, the method is naturally similar.

These fructoses are rarely given to the cubs, because the amount is small, and they are reserved for fruit tea and fruit milk, and the taste is better.

There are a lot of tea trees in the Beast World, but she rarely picks them, because most of the time is spent on collecting food. When she is full but not full, she ignores these dispensable things After all, the tea leaves are not so easy to collect, so she just made one or two tea cakes.

Seeing this, many people will definitely ask, why do you know everything? In fact, she doesn't know. Anyway, as long as she sees food similar to her previous life, some processes will naturally form in her mind. It can be done thoroughly, but some of them are just a rough idea, and you have to feel and do it. For example, this shelf car only has an outline.

Probably because the family has a large population and raises so many livestock, so their food is not wasted, and because of the large number of livestock, cattle and sheep need grass, so in summer, they don’t cut grass and dry it to make their food. grain reserves.

Let alone 12 people now, even if there are eight more, she thinks she can order it. This is why there were many children in ancient times, because this is a strong labor force. If someone's children are small, they must live without a sense of security. .

This tradition continued until the end of the 70s, and family planning was not implemented until after the college entrance examination was resumed.

But when you go to the old society, if there are more males, that is a sign of prosperity.

So there are also reasons why Chinese people value boys over girls.

Since the house has a gate and a wall, Tangtang feels very safe, and the privacy has been greatly enhanced. Unlike before, there is not even a yard, and everything they make in their house can attract orcs to come and watch. passive.

Now that the house is bigger, with a cellar, and two places to store goods, life is not to mention how moist it is.

Especially in this era, the land is unowned. She thinks that life will be more beautiful when the family grows more land in the spring.

I don’t know if this fruit can grow here. I planted a piece last year, and it also sprouted and took root. But after the cold season came, it became a bare branch. It’s very small. Can it be carried over? I'm afraid it will take several years to grow into a big tree. I'm really not used to it. In fact, she still thinks it's better to grow in the ground and harvest season by season.

But the current situation is like this, and she is powerless to change it.

Once the cold season in the Beast World comes, the snow will keep falling. You can say that it is like the weather in Northeast China, but when the summer rainy season heats up, it is a bit like the area in Yunnan. It is equivalent to four months of cold season, four months The remaining four months are the transitional period between the two seasons. When the cold season transitions to the rainy season, it is a green and yellow season. When everything recovers, when the rainy season transitions to the cold season, it is the harvest season. Fruits, vegetables, and grains mature.

It only took her two years to adapt to life here.

The only thing she didn't get used to was the chaotic and complicated relationship between the big family, and she didn't even know how to face them in the future.

Every time I think about it, I feel very worried. Fortunately, these guys are busy, and she directs them to do this and that every day. They cooperate with all their strength, but they don't have time to think too much. Who told her that she is still underage? , It's useless to think about it, so they are also very embarrassed. In other words, her good life will last for at most two years or one year, so she has to think about the current situation.

Originally, she said that she would learn medicine from her grandmother, but later found that many of her methods were wrong. Apart from her ability to distinguish herbs, many of them were unscientific. There will be many more orcs with missing arms and legs in the tribe.

And after they were fixed by her method, the fractured area gradually healed up. Except for a few disobedient people who had slight sequelae, most of them were as strong as ever, and only then did more people realize her importance. Because in the past, the grandmother dealt with such an example, she was cut off directly, which was cruel and ignorant.

Therefore, among the people who usually come to her, there is still a wave of people who come to see a doctor. If she can see it, she will help them see it. If she can't see it, let them go to the grandmother. Eight or nine can't be saved.

Females basically give birth to her. Unless she is not at home, as long as she is at home, she will help. Afterwards, she will explain that they use modern methods to do confinement and take care of their bodies, even if it is not a month, half a month will do ( Beast world females are in good health), most of the females obeyed obediently, and only a few of them had special circumstances at home and were unwilling to listen to her, but whether there were sequelae in the end was beyond her concern.

Tangtang doesn't communicate much with these females on weekdays. When she goes out to collect, she only talks to her own family. Because of the secret of space, she is more wary of outsiders. Naturally, she is somewhat incompatible with the females of this tribe, but she thinks They are still very talkative, at least responsive, not to mention helping with childbirth, and even delivering eggs. Of course, there are also many females who come to return gifts. This is probably the initial period of interpersonal relationships, right?
Only when there are comings and goings can the relationship between the two parties be maintained. If one party only takes advantage and is lazy, no one will like it.

There are such people in any period, and the beast world is naturally indispensable. After all, not all females are so hardworking and clean, and have an upright outlook.

When the cold season entered the third month, the beast tide came again. This time, because of the triple protection of houses, walls, and traps, not only the females and cubs in the tribe did not move, even the orcs did not move. He was in a hurry, but stood calmly within the safety line.

When these wild beasts jumped into the safety line with the corpses of the same kind, the orcs withdrew from the tribe. They slammed into the wall one by one frantically, but they knocked themselves to pieces, their brains hurt, and then surrounded them in a daze. These three-to-four-meter-high walls stare blankly. They are probably so big, and they have never seen such a solid thing. When the orcs saw their actions, their original concerns finally fell.

No matter how strong the wall is, without experiments and experience, they can't put their hearts in their stomachs.

It's all right now, seeing these wild beasts wandering around the wall, unable to deal with it, even when their face was covered in blood because of the barbed thorns, the orcs inside the wall cheered and jumped for joy.

The ferocity of the beast tide came, but it was a setback when it receded. When they disappeared like a tide, leaving only the prey that fell into the trap, the orcs knew that this meant that in the future, they would no longer have to be afraid of these beast tides Excited, they lifted several orcs from Tangtang's house at the same time, cheering excitedly and grateful.

Because of Tangtang's cleverness, not only successfully repelled the beast horde, but even allowed them to live a warm and full life in the freezing cold season. This was something that was unimaginable before, but now every day It is the happiest thing in life to be able to have a wife and children on the kang, isn't that what it is?
In the end, the prey was divided into ten heads for their family. Tangtang was not polite and took them all. After all, their family did make a lot of efforts. This is an undeniable fact. Last year they donated a lot of food. This year Everyone has food, so there is no need to be modest.

 Solid matter protein lactose fat inorganic salt
  Human milk 12.4 1.2 7.0 3.8 0.21
  Milk 12.5 3.3 4.7 3.8 0.70
  Mare milk 11.0 2.0 6.7 2.0 0.30
  Goat milk 17.9 5.8 4.6 6.7 0.82
  Pig milk 16.0 7.2 3.1 4.6 1.10
  It can be seen from the above table that the composition of pig milk and human milk has the largest gap.

  Its nutritional value is no better than other kinds of milk.

  Human beings choose the best, and naturally it is not the turn of pig milk!
(End of this chapter)

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