The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 735 [734] Farming in the Beast World 44

Chapter 735 [734] Beast World Farming 44 (2 more)
The joining of the Fujishan tribe made their Nandi tribe more lively. Although the so-called waste is a bit exaggerated, it has to be said that they still have a lot of things to prepare. When there is a serious shortage of firewood, they have to take risks during the day Fortunately, the female, the cub, and the old man all have a safe place to go, so that they can go to work without any worries.

Tangtang’s family should still do whatever they want. Usually, Lily leads them out to play. Although it’s cold, children’s natures are the same no matter if they are animal-shaped or human-shaped. It just so happens that without them making trouble, Tangtang can focus more on doing things at home. Food.

Today she plans to make some smoked bacon and sausages in the yard. There are so many meats. Although they are delicious when fried or braised, they are far less fragrant than this unique flavor. She also makes them during the rainy season. There are even air-dried bacon leftovers, but she likes a variety of styles, and multiple choices can make her eat more abundant.

The orcs are very curious about this method, but the production process cannot be completed in a day or two.

The fresh meat is marinated with Chinese prickly ash, dried chili peppers and cooking wine (made by itself), and then smoked with fragrant cypress branches over low heat.

After the bacon is steamed, it has a mellow aroma, fat but not greasy, thin but not stiff, and has an endless aftertaste.

So the first step she has to do is to marinate the meat, and the longer it marinates, the more delicious it will be, so today the task of her and the orcs is to rub and marinate the cleaned bacon with salt and seasoning.

After marinating, put it in the house to let it absorb by itself, turn over it every day, about seven or eight days, and then hang the meat with a rope.

The stove is suitable for hanging in their house. It is cool and ventilated here, and some hot water is boiled from time to time, so they can take the opportunity to smoke first.

Because the weather in the animal world is relatively cold, there is no need to worry about it being damaged. After about ten days, when the surface is dry and the inside is soft, it can be moved to the special grill outside, hung up, and lowered with a low fire. Slowly smoke, seal the surroundings, smoke once a day, usually two or three times, if you think the smell is not strong enough, you can smoke a few more times, the surface of the bacon will turn brown after smoked, find a cool place to hang Get up and eat as you go.

This kind of smoked meat is fried with chili, which is very enjoyable. She only made it once, and they started to want to eat it for the second time. What a group of foodies.

It's hard for her, a cook, to think of ways to prepare delicious food for them every day.

One day, when she was walking in the tribe, she saw the orcs pulling back the cut trees. A black fruit rolled down from one of the trees. She just lifted it with her feet, and it cracked. Open it and pop out the white pulp inside.

At first she didn't pay much attention to it, she continued to walk two steps forward, then stopped suddenly, and looked back abruptly, her pupils shrank instantly.

She ran over to pick it up in three steps and took a look, her mind exploded, she almost asked Yin Ye in a trembling voice.

"What kind of fruit is this? It's the tree just now. Go and find out where they cut it from."

Yin Ye casually took it over for a look, put it into her nose and smelled it, then handed it to Tangtang with a frown.

"You don't need to ask, I know that this fruit is particularly smelly during the rainy season, and it becomes even more smelly when it turns black in winter. It's called stinky fruit. No one usually touches it. What's wrong?"

Bad fruit?

She took it to her nose and sniffed it lightly, the pungent smell almost didn't overwhelm her, but as she pulled out the pulp from the fruit, layer by layer, the soft and soft touch told her that this is cotton Ah, but the smell is so stinky, even if it is cotton, you can't stand it when you wear it?

Tangtang hurriedly turned around and told Yin Ye: "Go and pick up these stinky fruits, the more the better, I'll try it when I get home, and see how I can wash away the stinky smell."

Tangtang went home with two stinky fruits in her arms, pulled out some damp cotton balls inside, put some in the water, and rubbed them gently.

After a while, she took it out, shook it in the palm of her hand, then put it between her nose and sniffed it lightly, her eyes lit up instantly.

"It seems that the smell is not so strong, but this cotton cannot be washed, it will lose its shape after washing,"

But looking at the cotton in my hand, it seems that the shape has not changed after washing, just as elastic as the silk floss in the previous life.

The second time, she directly threw a large ball into the water basin for kneading, observing their shape during the process, and found that there was indeed no deformation.

Tangtang became excited at once. After changing three pots of water in succession, the smell was reduced a lot. After that, she tried to use plant ash water and salt water for experiments respectively. Finally, she found that the effect of washing with salt water and plant ash was better than that of clean water. , although the smell cannot be completely eliminated, the smell can still be removed if you wash it more often.

And after washing, she put it on the kang to dry, and the soft touch is no different from cotton. In other words, is this cotton that can be washed?
Tangtang's hands were shaking with excitement, just in time the orcs who had received the order to go out to collect stinky fruits came back with a cart. There were two big carts, full of them.

Tangtang ran out, "Is there any more? Are there any outside?"

Seeing her expression, Yin Ye knew that the stinky fruit might be of some use, so she said hastily.

"There are quite a lot, but some of them fell into the snow nest, so it's hard to find, but the skin of this thing is very hard. When the snow melts later, you can collect a lot."

If one fruit can produce less than half a catty of cotton, then these two carts can add up to fifty or sixty catties of cotton.

But there are so many people in the family, the amount is not enough, she wants quilts and cotton clothes, and she also wants to weave, and the loom has been researched, how can I pass the long cold season without weaving?

"Then you all have to work harder, and continue to look for it tomorrow. Let me tell you, this thing is useful. I didn't know it before. By the way, you said that this fruit is available in summer? What's in it?"

"It's just the fruit, it's because it's dried out, there's no moisture, and it's fibrous,"


Tangtang carefully observed the pulp wrapped in cotton, and found that the outer shell was hard and hard, but if it was smashed with a stone, the inner film on the surface would be powdered, but there was a layer of extremely fine fibers inside. Seeing this layer of fibers, her eyes Just brush it and it will light up.

So in the next few days, they divided the labor and cooperated. Lang Sen was responsible for knocking off the skin of the stinky fruit, Tang Tang took out the cotton, Yin Ye and Jin Kan were responsible for separating the skin of the stinky fruit from the pulp inside, and then threw the skin aside and turned back to dry Dry it as fuel, and the pulp is also taken to an empty place in an empty room for natural drying.

The cotton that was pulled out was hung on bamboo poles and left to dry in the air.

This work is very complicated, and the orcs have to go out at least two people every day to find these fruits. The weather is so cold and the ground is so slippery. Hard work is hard work, but Tangtang told them that all the hard work will be rewarded, so they should hurry up. alley.

Carts after carts of stinky fruits were brought home. The clan members were very curious and asked what they were for. Tangtang replied, "It's for fire."

Because it has not been researched yet, and the skin of the stinky fruit can indeed be used as fuel, so she is not lying.

As more and more piled up, Tangtang finally had to throw the unused ones into the basement first, while the ones on top were washed and dried.

It wasn't until hundreds of catties of cotton were washed and dried that she felt that she was about to die of exhaustion. For 20 days, she was busy without stopping.

Not only her, but the orcs are also kind.

But her work is not over yet, because these cottons are no more flattened than the cottons in the previous life, and they will spring up, so after repeated experiments, she determined that after drying, the cotton should be plucked, gathered together, and used That kind of slingshot is used to flick cotton, and beat it while flicking until it is fused together and becomes inelastic.

Just for this job, the orc and her rushed to the melting of the ice and snow. In other words, the cold season has passed, and there are still two months before the cold season transitions to the rainy season. The weather will gradually warm up in these two months, but the first month is It is not obvious that the change in temperature is gradually felt in the second month.

Picking cotton every day made their arms and legs very uncomfortable, but in order to put on clothes in the morning and spread things made of cotton cloth, she gritted her teeth and urged them to do it.

The cotton is considered qualified when it has lost its elasticity, is fluffy, and feels soft and soft to the touch, making people squint.

Then tear it into A4 paper size, roll it into a cotton sliver with a stick, and then put the cotton sliver on a spinning wheel for spinning.

The principle of the spun online loom was informed by Liangtian as an exception. The spinning wheel and loom are all made by Liangtian. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her, an inexperienced traveler, to complete it. Task.

Afterwards, under her groping, the cotton thread began to turn into cloth. Although the cloth was not white enough (washed with plant ash) and had not been dyed, the woven fabric was neither white nor gray, but Tangtang saw that she was doing it by hand. When the cloth came out, I was moved to tears.

The length of the cloth is determined by the width of the loom. If it is not wide enough, just sew the two pieces of cloth together. At this time, there are no iron needles, so you can only use stone ground needles or wood needles. Relatively large, but this is the best effect in this environment.

It took Tangtang more than half a month to weave the first bed sheet in the house, as well as face cloths for everyone.

If you want to make clothes, you have to wait for the flowers to bloom and collect flowers for dyeing. Only then can you make beautiful cloth and beautiful clothes.

Looking at the results of my hard work throughout the cold season, I am filled with emotion, and feel that the wisdom of the ancients is infinitely great, and it is not easy.

Because of the hard work during this period, her arms were swollen, so Tangtang rested for a week. After a week, she started spinning again. This time, she planned to make some underwear and other small clothes. Orcs don’t need sheets or quilts. Yes, so don't rush to do it for them, just follow her and the little female first.

(End of this chapter)

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