The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 749 [748] Farming in the Beast World 58

Chapter 749 [748] Beast World Farming 58 (2 more)
The temperature in the space is normal temperature, which is about [-] degrees, which is the most comfortable for the human body, so even if Tangtang sleeps on the floor of the warehouse, as long as the top and bottom are covered with animal skins, it will not be cold at all.

And when Panlin wanted to take her away, he not only brought firewood, pots, food, vegetables, fruits, and fresh meat, but also a lot of seafood, various pickles, sauces, and seasonings.

Of course, they still have a lot of food stored, even if she took it away, the rest would be enough for their whole family to survive next year.

This is also the reason why she dared to stay away from them with confidence. It would be a lie to say that she didn't care, especially when Panlin fell bloody in front of her, she blamed herself and blamed herself in her heart.

She was always afraid of him before, but when he stood in front of her like a wall, did she understand what the real responsibility is?
Benin, by contrast, is nothing short of rubbish.

If possible, she would never want to see that person again for the rest of her life.

In the first few days, Tangtang didn't dare to start a fire. He lit a fire in the space, not to mention the smoke, which was choking and easily attracted the attention of others.

So she clung to the steamed stuffed buns that were put in at the beginning, as well as fruits, pickled vegetables turned into eggs, and sausages to eat alive.

She didn't dare to release her wooden house until there were no traces of tribes around. She put iron sheets in the wooden house and lit a fire to cook on it. At any rate, except for one door, the left and right sides of the wooden house were closed to keep warm. a lot of.

I can’t remember how many days I haven’t eaten hot pot. Tangtang made the base with butter, coriander, onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, etc., and then put seafood in the pot, such as abalone, shellfish, snails, etc. Seafood, sea prawns and crabs are enough for three or four people in a small iron pot, so she cooks a little more at one time. The elasticity.

The noodles are harder, because no matter how soft you make them today, they will be frozen, so you can just make them harder and make sliced ​​noodles later.

After the seafood is almost cooked, start to put the cleaned vegetables, wild vegetables, cabbage and various green leafy vegetables. When you wake up, take out your own small bowl and eat it, because there are more shells, so Eat the shells first so there is room in the pot.

It is indeed a hot pot with a spicy taste. It is refreshing to eat in this icy and snowy place. Even if you don’t have any staple food, you can be full with just seafood.

The big crab is disassembled, full of crab roe, it is tempting to look at, and there are super big sea prawns, which turn red after being lightly boiled after the shrimp line is removed, and the palm-sized green prawns are delicious. It's exciting, there are also big abalone, sea cucumber, even the meat of conch and sea mussel, it is delicious to eat.

After eating all the meat without the shell, the space in the pot was vacated at once. She found out the noodles and sliced ​​the noodles into the pot, only cutting enough to eat. Once the chopsticks were stirred, it was done by tossing a few times.

After eating the vegetables and noodles, the whole person seems to be at ease.

The remaining soup was very rich, enough for her to have another meal of spicy noodles.

So she carried the cooking pot directly into the space.

After cleaning up the site, I found a water tank to put a lot of snow in. When there is no water source, I can only use this method to save water.

Afterwards, I cut some branches with an ax and put them into the space. After the dry firewood was burned, I added wet firewood, so that the firewood on the bottom would be dried, and the firewood on the top would be dried, so that it could continue to burn, which would save space. dry firewood.

After tidying up, she put the wooden house into the space, and then turned into a sable, walking forward in the snow while digesting food.

But at this moment, a chirping sound from the sky made her stop her feet suddenly, and when she looked up, she saw a huge golden eagle swooping down towards her.

Tangtang stepped back warily, just as she was about to jump headfirst into the snow nest like before, when the golden eagle suddenly let out a rapid cry, that sound seemed to be talking to her.

Tangtang hesitated for a moment, could it be... Jin Kan?
But what if not?
During the moment of hesitation, the golden eagle turned into a human form before landing on the ground, and rushed towards her.

When Tangtang saw the man in human form, Tangtang's eyes turned red for a moment, who else could it be if it wasn't Jin Kan?
Leaping forward, he jumped directly into his arms. Jin Kan held the little mink, as if he had found a treasure, and pressed his face against her hair.

Tears of excitement: "Oh my god, I'm not dreaming, I'm really not dreaming, it's really my Tangtang, you know, I found Bening, he said you were dead, and you were taken away by wild beasts But I don't believe you will just disappear like this, you are so smart and so fateful, how could you just die like this?"

"So I followed this road to look for it. I don't know why I came in this direction. Probably my intuition told me that you would go this way. Then, I saw the wooden house and the smoke, but I still didn't I'm sure, until a mink walks in the snow, I'm sure, this is you, Tangtang, it's great, you're back, you're really back!"

Tangtang raised her meaty hoof, and lightly touched the bandages wrapped around his body. There were several places all over her body, and her distressed eyes were red.

"Hey, we're all fine. Even Panlin's broken tail was picked up by himself. Ever since I was able to fly, I've been looking for it this way, but Benin doesn't go out, so I can't find him. Where is it, so I stared outside for many days, and finally found him, but I didn't expect that he said you were dead, if I wasn't in a hurry to find you, I really wanted to risk my life to find him!"

When Tangtang heard this, she became anxious, turned into a human being, and covered Jin Kan's mouth with her hand.

"You don't want to die? I don't want to be involved with that person in my life. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I really don't know where I will go,"

Jin Kan held her tightly in his arms: "I'm sorry, it's all because of our lack of strength. We will practice harder in the future. This time I was injured, and I will be reborn after death. Therefore, I was promoted to a five-patterned beast, Yin Ye After reaching the peak, it is possible to break through the fifth level at any time. Because of the pain of the broken tail, Panlin's strength has passed the middle of the fifth level when he was healing, but because he is currently in hibernation, he cannot break through the fifth level to the sixth level , but after the cold season, there may be only one opportunity left, and this incident will hurt us greatly and stimulate us even more, so we will be more careful in the future."

Tangtang slightly raised her head and shook her head, her brows were full of worry and guilt towards them.

"What right do I have to blame you? It's all my fault that my strength is too low, and I need your protection everywhere, but why didn't I die and survive? If it wasn't for the wind and cold on this bumpy road, and I was dying, how could he put me on the road? I discarded it aside, so that I have a chance to escape?"

The fact that she was rescued by Liang Tian was too miraculous, so she didn't go into details, and Jin Kan saw that she was safe at this time, and there was no broken skin on her body, so she felt relieved, and she was also grateful that the baby Ning is not a lecherous person, and she is in estrus and sickly, so she probably won't be interested. It is precisely because of this that she is given such a smooth chance to escape.

"Are you hungry? It's so cold. I'll bring you food."

Tangtang put the wooden house back out, heated the pot, sliced ​​the noodles in a pot, and enlarged the big slices of meat. Jin Kan burst into tears after eating it.

"I'm afraid you don't know how much those little brats miss you, saying that Lily's cooking is not as good as yours, and they keep crying to find you, and with it, all of us have lost our appetite A lot, this month, not only you have lost weight, but all of us have lost weight, Tangtang, the food you cook is delicious, and I am really happy to be able to eat your food again."

Seeing him as a big man with snot and tears, she was so disgusted that she went to draw a paper: "Okay, I'm coming back now, don't cry,"

It's only been a few days since you left, why do you feel like you've become so long-winded?
Jin Kan kneaded Tangtang so much that he planned to eat the noodles for two or three days, and he finished it in one meal, not to mention the big pieces of meat she cut into it. It seemed that he was really hungry.

After eating, I melted some snow water, sprinkled with plant ash, cleaned the pots and bowls, and looked at the sky, "Let's go back quickly, we can get home before dark."

Tangtang took the wooden house away, and all traces disappeared, then put on the animal skin, wrapped herself up, wrapped around the warmest hair on Jin Kan's neck, and as he leaped, he turned into a black shadow flying God.

In the wind and snow, he was not affected in the slightest, but told her to wrap it up so that the wind wouldn't blow. Seeing his stalwart figure, Tangtang sighed softly.

As expected of an orc who has been together for three years, just looking at it like this makes her feel pleasing to the eye. That Benin, she is annoying to look at it horizontally, vertically, left, and right. I hope they will not be promoted again before they grow up. Their chance for revenge.

Because she was full and set off, Jin Kan did not stop in the middle, and flew for four hours, and finally returned to the home she dreamed of returning before dark.

When she got off Jin Kan's back, Lily, who was cooking in the yard, saw her first, screamed and flew towards her.

Then came the little boys, and finally Yin Ye and Lang Sen who limped and staggered out. Because Panlin was in the cellar, he was half a beat behind. When he came up, Tangtang was hugging Lily Crying with the cubs, Lang Sen and Yin Ye almost lost control of their emotions. If it wasn't for their inconvenient legs and feet, they might have hugged them directly.

When Panlin appeared, he immediately rolled her into his arms, Tangtang looked at his tail with a worried expression on his face.

"Put me down quickly, don't you want your tail?"

There were tears in his deep green eyes, his huge head gently rubbed against her face, and the protruding snake kissed her cheek.

"Just come back."

It was such a short four words, but the family who had been separated for a month finally felt the happiness and warmth of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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