The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 756 [755] Farming in the Beast World 65

Chapter 756 [755] Beast World Farming 65 (1 more)
Panlin entered the hibernation period that night, and Tiantian and Jinkan also lay on the kang for three days because of extreme fatigue. After they had enough rest, they began to make space.

Because the amount of these corns is too large, it is difficult to tell how they were brought back, so the ones hanging outside are used for their own consumption, and they will be shared after planting next year.

As for the ones in the space, she plans to slowly dig them into corn kernels, put them on the kang to dry a little every day, and then put them in sacks and put them in the cellar.

So they have something to do this cold season.

After the wheat is dried, it needs to be beaten and threshed with a stick. After threshing, it is ground into flour. The flour in the previous life is added with whitening agent. Generally, the flour that is directly ground from wheat is not so white. This is the most natural flour. Very tasty.

Every household can get about [-] catties of wheat, because they found this stuff, so they got [-] catties. Of course, they don’t have the concept of weighing the catties. of.

The lotus vegetables are about four to five hundred catties. This thing is big and can be produced in a large amount. Every household has the same amount, and their family doesn't ask for more.

Other sugarcane and so on also cost about a hundred catties, because they have what they grow, but other families don't, so they asked for less.

And the entire tribe added up to no more than a hundred people (including females and cubs), so they got a lot, after all, every orc had paid a lot.

"This year, thanks to the addition of shotguns, machetes, sickles and other tools, our work efficiency has been greatly improved. The traps at the door have also been replaced with iron sharp instruments. We have also built a lot of iron pans, iron Knives, cooking and so on, are more convenient and quicker, and the heat transfer speed is faster, and I used the method you taught to open the pot, and it really didn’t rust, "

Yin Ye talked about the results of everyone's hard work this year, and looked proudly at Tiantian and silently gave her a thumbs up.

"In the future, our life will get better and better. The wheat is not dry enough. If there is no sunlight, we will dry it on the kang head. After drying, we will grind it into flour. There are also these corns. In the future, we will chat and pick corn kernels at night." , dig them out earlier, and make more room in the cellar."

Obviously, the digging was big enough at the beginning, but as the food became more and more complete, I felt that it was not enough. This year, even Panlin's old nest was occupied, o(╯□╰)o.

At night, after the cubs fell asleep, Tiantian sat cross-legged on the kang head in the middle room, picking corn kernels with Yin Ye and Jin Kan, and Lang Sen was busy in the other room. Because of his special status, he usually did nothing but eat. It's a rule, it's also polite and respectful.

Suddenly, there seemed to be something in the air, and the movements of the two orcs froze at the same time. Tiantian didn't realize it, but it was Yinye who suddenly snatched the corn from her hand, and said softly to her: "Don't do it!" , rest and go,"

"No, it's still early, I slept for a while in the afternoon, I'm not sleepy,"

Just as Tiantian took the corn back, Jin Kan took it away again, and this time she simply said it more bluntly: "You're in heat,"

Tiantian was taken aback, and looked down, as if she hadn't felt it yet. Beastmen have a keen sense of smell, but as a party, she was the last to know every time, and she was not like a human being, who fixed a few days a month Come on, this seems very random, sometimes every two months, sometimes every three months, because the time is too chaotic, and she is used to them reminding her, so...

She could only blushed in embarrassment, "Then..., I'll trouble you two to do more, and I'll go change it."

Although they reminded themselves that they wouldn't get their clothes dirty every time, it was still embarrassing!
Watching the female leave, the two orcs sitting opposite each other looked at me and I looked at you, and finally Yin Ye suddenly spoke.

"I thought something would happen to you in that month or so."

Jin Kan snorted disdainfully, "I seem to be selfish. Am I that kind of person? Even if I have to choose, I'm not the one to choose. The decision is always in her own hands. I won't Taking advantage of people's danger, I won't snatch your chance of fair competition. Panlin has paid the most this year. I have no reason to poach his corner when he is not around. You can see that this girl's current thoughts are not on our hearts. , Just wait a little longer, it will be fine when you grow up."

Maybe after a long time, she will be able to see who she really likes.

They are not afraid of losing the election, but they are afraid that she will not choose anyone.

Moreover, this family is bound to have their own children, so they can't always raise children for others, can they?

As long as it was born by her, no matter who she followed, they were the child's godfather.

Look, it's all right for this sake, but I still can't get anything, is it miserable?

Tian Tian was a little thirsty, so she boiled some milk for herself, after she was full, she washed it, put on a menstrual belt, and then lay down comfortably in the bed.

Lenovo was still starving and freezing at this time last year, but this year can be so happy to eat, drink and sleep on the warm kang. Life is such a surprise that you will never expect it. She actually doesn’t ask for much. These families spend every day in peace.

As for the orcs, sometimes she didn't dare to look into their eyes, she was afraid that she would not be able to respond, and she didn't know how to choose.

It's not that she has never thought about choosing one of them as her partner, but it is so difficult to choose. She can't bear Panlin, Yin Ye is grateful, and Jin Kan is indescribably moved, maybe staying with Jin Kan The longest time, it will always give her an illusion.

But when she returned to the tribe and saw Yinye and Panlin, she immediately blamed herself for being promiscuous.

"Could it be that I'm a big carrot? I still want to eat more and take more?"

Tiantian wants to cry but has no tears. Instead of doing that, it is better not to choose.

Yes, if you can't choose, if you can't choose, or if you choose this and think about that, then it's better to cut off your feelings completely.

At least in her current cognition, Panlin is the one who is the farthest from her, but he is the one who works hardest and strongest among them, and the one who wants to hold her firmly in his arms. It stands to reason that she was right to choose Panlin. The first aspect of life is the most important, isn't it?

However, she is afraid of snakes, which is an unavoidable hurdle. No matter how good he is to her, every time he faces him in the body of a beast, he will feel dazed for a moment.

Yin Ye is also a lifesaver, perhaps not as talented as Pan Lin, and not as imposing as Jin Kan, but he is the most careful and gentle one.

He doesn't fight or grab, always like Lang Sen, silently doing what he can for this family, silently guarding her.

But apart from being grateful to him, she only had the so-called family affection, and she couldn't seem to find anything about his heart or facial expressions.

And if she chooses Panlin or Jin Kan, then she will not bear his injury.

So now Tiantian is in a stage of not knowing what to do, even if she feels that what she is doing is wrong, and doing that is also ruthless.

Jin Kan can be said to be the orc who has spent the longest time with her, and the two of them have a lot of intimate actions. They are both caring and warm to her, and she is also very dependent on him, which even surpasses the relationship between Yin Ye and Pan Lin. superior.

But even if she has a deep understanding of this aspect, she is as kind as her, and she will not let herself abandon any of them. She would rather be so unclear than choose one person and hurt the other two. personal.

Therefore, after thinking about it, it's better to let them doubt each other's thoughts in her heart, at least in this way, they will still be on the same starting line.

Only when we run together can we enjoy this kind of simple and pure happiness, but if we stagger the distance one day, the environment we get along with may change drastically. The human heart is the most unpredictable and difficult to capture. She does not want to work hard The results of many years fell short in the end.

She won't be confused by their current appearance, it doesn't matter whose child they give birth to, and who they are together with?It's all nonsense. When she is really with someone, she doesn't believe that the remaining two will not have rebellious, or unhappy mentality. They can obviously live together as a family. Why are you doing it for that unwarranted relationship? Live and become relatives?
Thinking about it this way, she felt relieved, no more psychological pressure, and she even slept better.

Seeing her heartless, self-comforting, or self-hypnotic falling asleep, Liang Tian in the space shook his head helplessly.

Idiot, idiot, she could have both at the same time, but in the end, she chose the most difficult nun's road. I really don't know what the hell is going on!

According to what she means, in the future, this push-pull tactic must continue like a protracted battle?
It's really time to light a candle silently for those orcs!

Come on, who made them fall in love with such a female?
In the future, if you fill your stomach and satisfy your five internal organs, you will inevitably lose your sexual interest. There are gains and losses, which is in line with the current social reality.


The next day was another day of snow and wind. Early in the morning, Yin Ye was called out by the orcs. When he came back, everyone in the family woke up.

Tiantian came out wearing a hat, and looked at him who was lighting the fire suspiciously: "Who is it? What's the matter so early in the morning?"

"Myriad Beast City was attacked by a wave of beasts and suffered heavy losses. They came to seek help from outside our tribe. They went to the Fujishan tribe and the Simba tribe, saying that our tribe has a lot to eat, has a warm house to live in, and adopted cubs. Just now the orcs came to inform us, after breakfast, go to the High Priest for a meeting to discuss, "

Tiantian shook her head after hearing this, "It will be a matter of time before they are attacked by wild beasts. It is said to be the city of beasts, but it is just a concentrated tribe. There is not even a city. It is still in the most primitive stage of raw food. It's a miracle that Ji Li survived, and it's ironic that the people who looked down on our scattered tribes at first were those who thought they were strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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