The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 758 [757] Farming in the Beast World 67

Chapter 758 [757] Beast World Farming 67 (1 more)
Lily brought out a basin with warm water in it: "Come here and wash your hands, and then you can eat."

Even though they were dissatisfied in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it on their faces. After all, this was their territory, so they obediently walked over to wash their hands.

Just washing and washing, the clean water turned black, and they were all embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Lily didn't seem to care at all. After washing, she poured the basin of water directly into the vegetable field that was not in the way, and then scooped it up. A basin of clear water: "Wash it again, this water is hot, it can warm your hands."

Lily is very considerate, she didn't say that your hands are too dirty, you can't wash them clean after washing, and expressed her thoughts in a different way.

The family just wanted to eat quickly, so they didn't hesitate, and obediently washed their hands, and only then did they have a chance to sit down.

After they were done in turn, Lili first picked up a basket of steamed buns and brought them out. The hot, smoking ones looked very appetizing.

As soon as the steamed buns were put on the table, the little boy couldn't help but jumped onto the table. Lily pretended not to see that Lang Sen had already served them a bowl of food, and placed them in front of each of them in turn. And chopsticks.

"Let's eat. Here are vegetables and steamed buns. There are more after eating. The food is too hot. You have to eat it with chopsticks. If you are not used to it, please feel free."

But I still picked up a pair of chopsticks, taught them how to use them, and then introduced them how to eat their own meals.

After all, they are still at the stage of eating raw meat. I don't know if these people are used to eating hot food like this.

No, the old female looked at the food prepared by their family, frowned and turned her face to ask: "No meat?"

Lang Sen glanced at her with lowered eyes, and said calmly: "This was originally our lunch, but now it's given to you, if you don't want to eat, please leave."

The old female blushed and wanted to say something, but was held back by the two old males. They gave Lang Sen an embarrassed look, "It's okay, it's okay."

Lang Sen and Lily ignored them and went straight back to the house. The family left behind looked at me and I looked at you, and there was a moment of silence.

Because the food in front of them was something they had never eaten before. Without raw meat, such food was extremely strange to them.

Although Lang Sen and Lily had introduced how to eat just now, they didn't even look at the chopsticks, they just grabbed them with their hands, regardless of whether they were old or young.

Lily glanced through the crack of the door and said immediately.

"Thanks to letting them wash their hands, but their nails are too long and covered with dust, it's disgusting to look at."

Beastmen’s nails cannot be cut randomly, because they still hunt and hunt, so chopsticks play a key role, but they gave up chopsticks, and it would be very unhygienic to grab them with their hands, but this is the process of their transformation from savages, seeing Now, it can only be regarded as invisible.

Those foreign visitors who originally hated these soups and steamed buns, but after tasting the steamed buns, their eyes lit up.

It's warm and soft, it's very firm when biting into your mouth, and there's a special fragrance in it. It's delicious, isn't it?
The food in my hands doesn't seem to be bad in taste, and it tastes much easier than the fishy and hard-to-bite meat they eat, and it has a good taste. Could this be the one with the goddess in the legend? Nandi food?It really is as delicious as the legend says.

Once these orcs started to eat, they couldn't stop. A bowl of dishes was quickly drained. Lang Sen kept watching, seeing that the steamed buns and vegetables were gone, so he went out with Lily to serve them for three or four times in a row. For the second time, the reason why I didn't serve it out once was because it was too cold outside, and it would be cold when I took it out, and I could only eat hot food by warming it in the pot.

It's just their kindness, but these people feel that things are delayed, and when they eat, they are so hot that they are sucked and sucked.

People who have been hungry for many days eat their lives like this. Seventy or eighty steamed buns are finished, and the big pot of vegetables is gone. Even the pickles on the table, they actually use steamed buns. After eating, of course, this is the method Lang Sen taught them after the food was finished.

"It's really edible!" Lang Sen sent them away and came back, Lily was looking at the mess on the ground and complaining to Tian Tian.

Tian Tian chuckled, "After this meal, I have to work, can I eat more?"

Then he looked at Lang Sen: "Will these people work in our house from now on?"

Lang Sen nodded, "It should be,"

"Then how much work do they have to do to make me feel good, it's too good to eat,"

"Sister, you won't cook for them in the future, just make today's amount, then we have to pay for it? From now on, this amount will be their daily amount, not a meal amount. If we really want to eat like this, we don't need them." Work, just kidding, isn't this raising food? Our pigs can't eat so much!"

"What are you going to make them do?"

After their food was eaten, Tiantian re-stewed the rice in a stone pot. Lang Sen and Lili cooperated to clean up the outside. After washing and rinsing, they came over to help Tiantian choose and chop vegetables, because they would be stir-fried later.

After frying in a big pot, they poured it into a small stone pot and stewed it, so that they could sit around and eat hot food. In order to eat like this, a special triangular stove was made, which could hold three A stone pot, under which you can put charcoal, the charcoal fire has no smoke.

A pot of braised pork, a pot of tomato and eggs, a pot of homemade tofu, and finally a pot of tomato and egg soup on the fire outside.

During the meal, Tiantian said: "Lang Sen, you are still in charge of the cave. Those beasts eat meat, and they ate all our stock."

"They come here to work, first dig corn, and then let them push the stone mill, grind flour, squeeze oil and pick cotton. Anyway, as long as they do it, there is a lot of work, not heavy work, so you can spare time to go to the cave Continue to forge over there, remember, you cannot leave the iron forging to outsiders, so that it can be used as the capital for our Nandi people to gain a foothold in the beast world in the future."

It’s not that Tiantian is reluctant to spread the word, but that they are worried that these things will bring disaster to their ethnic group, so the best way is that they can barter for things, that is, sell them. They can make iron and bronze ware, and they can make it. , Naturally, it can also be sold, and what is sold can be exchanged for labor force, or for physical goods, as long as there is enough capital, it will be fine.

Other seeds, as long as the foreigners need them, they can give them. If they want to learn how to farm, they can also help.

The prerequisite is that these people will not cause trouble in their clan during their stay, such as...

"Tonight, I'll sleep over there. After all, our poultry and livestock have to be watched, in case these people sneak over there,"

The heart of defense is indispensable, and the Tiantian family has always had a strong awareness of this aspect.

"Don't worry, the patriarch has sent people to watch them, lest they run around in our clan and eat everything,"

"Let's hope we don't think too bad of people!"

However, this statement was fulfilled at night, because it was the first day here, so these foreigners were not arranged to work, and the meal at noon was full enough, so they were not allowed to come over for dinner at night, and a pot of steamed buns was directly sent over. Add some pickles to make them eat alive.

Even if they live to eat, this family eats better than other families. After all, in the whole clan, their food is the best.

Therefore, under the envious eyes of other families, the family ate delicious food, and some people even suggested to the family that the meals should be eaten in rotation, and the family could not always be with the family. The patriarch took a look at the family The steamed buns are something I have never eaten before, so I decided to rotate them at that time. If you go to this one today, you can go to another one tomorrow.

During the day, they used iron axes to cut down a lot of trees outside. They didn't build the shed until [-] or [-] o'clock that night. They provided them with straw curtains and straw mats for free, so that they had a place to stay. The choice of place is also in the leeward forest in the clan.

It was too cold underground, and these straw mats and haystacks eventually covered a whole shack. Although it was troublesome for so many people to live together, in order to survive, this was already the best condition they could provide. Have to hold back.

When they came, they all brought animal skins with them. Later, each Nandi family gave out one to ensure that the place where they lived would not be cold, but it could only be regarded as being cold in the animal skins.

It stands to reason that if you work so hard during the day to cut trees and build a shed, and you are full, shouldn't you take a good rest?
As a result, some people really paid attention to the livestock that were raised in the clan. Lang Sen was watching Tiantian's house, and they didn't dare to go, but the other family didn't think of this level, so in the shack built outside their house, A homicide happened, and animals also have a sense of crisis, so they won't just wait for you to catch them.

The turmoil in the chicken coop immediately aroused the vigilance of the cows, sheep and pigs in the three pens, and they began to scream. Didn't the orcs wake up when they screamed?
Then the thoughtless thief was caught, and when the thief was sent to the head of the Chaga tribe, he was so ashamed that he couldn't lift it up at all.

In the end, the punishment for this person is that not only will he have to work tomorrow, but he will also not be able to eat. If he resists, he will be expelled directly.

This orc is a single male. He is not stupid. He knows that getting rid of the clan means becoming a stray beast, so no matter how severe the punishment is, he has to hold back.

But also because of this person, the people of the Nandi tribe became wary of the Chaga tribe.

For this reason, the Chaga people strongly condemned and criticized this person after the Nandi people left.

This is the same as how locals treat foreigners.

Who wants to ruin a pot of soup because of a rat droppings?
On the second day, those who came to work at their house were replaced by another group. The Chaga people implemented a rotation system, so no one had to fight, and everyone could be ranked.

Now that you're here, send a big sweet potato to each of you: "This is your breakfast, start working after eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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