Chapter 763 [762] Famine Age 3 (1 more)
The reason why Ye Huan told everyone not to let go of the grass is because everyone's life is hard in this era. The wild vegetables are not collected by your family, but by the whole people. Some wild vegetables are dug up before they are sprouted. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration for human beings to pass by without even a blade of grass growing.

This is still the case when the livestock is not fed, and if the livestock is fed, then nothing will be spared.

Those who are really hungry will not spare even wheat seedlings.

So, instead of regretting not eating grass in the future, it is better to collect the grass now. After all, there are many weeds on the edge of the countryside, which actually have certain medicinal properties, but there are too many of them, and she can’t name many of them. Anyway, As long as it is not poisonous, just dig it at home, and then divide it when washing. What is grass and what is vegetable, the division is more clear.

With Ye Huan's warning, the Ye family took action, and the method they used was also very simple, that is, when they went to the big market, they told such rumors to people they didn't know, and no one paid attention once or twice. What if they spread it every time they have a big episode?
After a long time, will such rumors arise?

Of course, the prerequisite is how hard their family works.

This can be regarded as a preview of her disguise!
Afterwards, from March, their family began to devote themselves to collecting and digging all kinds of wild vegetables, weeds, and leaves. Whether it was digging, hoeing, or fertilizing, as long as they saw wild vegetables, they would try their best to take them home.

After the vegetables have germinated, the leaves (sweet potato leaves, sesame leaves, pepper leaves, etc.) will also be picked without affecting the growth of the plants themselves.

In the summer when cicada monkeys are infested, every day no matter how late, they will follow the adults to the trees by the roadside, the grove by the river, or the cornfield to touch the cicada monkeys, and pick up the cicada shells when they come across them, because This is not only a medicinal material, it can be ground into powder in the future and can also be eaten.

After the wheat is harvested in this era, people will pick up the omissions in the field again, including peanuts, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.

And what their family has to do is, other people have picked it up, and the people in his family will go through it again. Basically, there is nothing missing, but they can still be picked up.

The corn silk and corn husks of the peeled corn will also be kept by their family. The corncobs are all sold to the feed factory by the brigade, and they cannot touch it.

Usually, if she sees the seeds of wild vegetables, as well as the seeds of vegetables and fruits, she will keep some for herself.

It's a pity that all the vegetables sold in the space disappeared whole, otherwise she could have left some radish seedlings or something.

In addition to the wild vegetables and weeds that can be kept everywhere, they usually set aside enough for one person to save for meals. Unexpectedly, after a year, there is actually a lot in the cellar. By the Spring Festival of 41, looking back on this Years of hard work, the old man is also very emotional.

"I see that some people in the village have started to save food. It seems that our hard work has not been in vain this year. Finally, some people can listen to it."

Usually, the grinding discs in their house have never been idle. Basically, the ones that can be dried and ground into powder are all ground into powder and collected. You wrap corn silk, corn husks, peanut shells, etc. anyway, it’s a mess, and you keep the edible ones.

In order to avoid damage, in the hottest summer and the season when it is most prone to insects, she often finds a space to store it. Although it will cost her ten gold coins a day in rent, it is better than being eaten by insects, right?
Of course, what she hides is only a small part, and it takes turns, because the adults are also worried about this, and often take it out to dry.

Their family saved a lot of pickles, dried radishes, dried sweet potatoes, and dried potatoes. They could be ground into flour, and those that could not be ground were chopped up, and they were pulled out to dry from time to time.

After a year of hard work, wild vegetables, weeds, leaves, leaves, husks, and seedlings of crops, etc., have actually saved more than 300 catties, which is quite a lot.

With the advent of 1941, their family worked harder. At the same time as imitating last year's efforts, they also paid attention to recording the frequency of rain. It turned out that it was really much less than last year.

Moreover, the summer harvest and autumn harvest in 41 did not increase but decreased compared to last year. The old man felt that it was not good, but it didn't rain for the whole winter. In the first half of 42, even if it was supposed to be a summer with heavy rains, there was no rain. With a drop of rain, they watched the crops dry up, the ground cracked, and the plants wilted. The terrible thing was that the locusts really came.

The locusts that cover the sky and the sun are flying all over the sky, but wherever these creatures invade, not a single blade of grass grows.

Even if people stood in the fields and kept waving all kinds of things for slapping locusts in their hands, it caused the summer harvest to be fruitless.

This was even more terrifying than Ye Huan expected.

The common people were dumbfounded. They sat in the fields, wailing and wailing one by one, but they couldn't stop the locusts from plundering.

Even though they used all kinds of things to catch a lot of locusts, compared to the horror of covering up the sky, these are just a drop in the bucket, okay?
And this thing reproduces very fast, which can make you stare blankly at them eating leaves, crops, weeds, and wild vegetables, but wherever this thing sweeps across, there is almost no green at all.

Later, the locusts left, but the drought continued, and the hard, cracked land could not grow anything.

Her dream was real, and the famine really happened.

In the terrible year of 1942, the tax was paid in a terrible place, and the common people were clearly in dire straits. However, the people above didn’t believe it and raised taxes, so that many bandits and bandits began to appear in Henan Province. The common people survived the summer, After surviving the autumn and eating all the edible things on the earth, they began to find ways to escape the famine with their families.

For the safety of the food in the cellar, Ye Huan has been hiding part of it in the space since 1940, so after three years, it has accumulated more than 400 catties. Of course, the adults in the family do not know it, because she is little by little. I took it away and saved it, but I also saved a lot at home, which was seven or eight hundred catties, and there were all kinds of food.

Only a small number of people in their village have saved food, but like their family is so crazy about saving food, saving rations, and even saving grass. No, so even if there are people who have food, it is only enough for them to survive Get through this winter, but if you can survive this winter, you will basically be able to survive this famine.

It is no problem for Ye Huan’s family to survive until the beginning of spring next year, so when those villagers who can’t make it through start to find ways to push the wheelbarrow, pull the shelf cart, load their belongings, and prepare to flee the famine, the Ye family is discussing Come on, do you want to go?

Because Ye Huan mentioned that half of their family would die on the road to the famine, the Ye family subconsciously did not want to leave their hometown and head west.

"Master, if we don't leave, we must beware of bandits and bandits, because they are more dangerous, and they can kill without blinking for food."

By October, almost half of their village had left, and only a small half of the people remained behind.

Bandits and bandits may come at any time, and the remaining people are like meat on the chopping board. It is too easy to kill them.

Fortunately, in the past three years, in addition to storing food, they also dug a tunnel to escape. In order to dig this tunnel, Ye Huan not only knew the hard work the adults in the family had put in, but also took advantage of their rest time to dig the soil in the tunnel. , secretly moved out a little bit, after all, digging a tunnel is easy, but the hard part is transporting the soil out again and again.

After the tunnel was dug and the specifications for temporary shelter were met, they took advantage of the time when they could light the fire to make all kinds of food into edible sizes, or knead them into rice balls, or make pancakes, and then filled them with things to make night food. The appearance of leaving, actually turned around and hid everything in the tunnel.

After that, I didn't dare to cook with fire and water during the day, so I hid in the tunnel, and came out at night to cook a mouthful of food with soup.

The pancakes made of wild vegetables and weeds mixed with sweet potato noodles or cornmeal and wheat bran are so unpalatable and hard to swallow. After tasting it, Ye Huan felt unbearable pain. How many times she wanted to take out the sweet potatoes and potatoes she had saved. But thinking about the current situation, she can still endure it, at least she didn't eat bark and roots, and she can go to the toilet normally, which is already blessed by God.

If they cook a pot at night, they dare not do it in their own home, and they have to go to someone's home to cook it, for fear that if they are not careful, their own home will be exposed.

The water they ate was secretly brought back from the river overnight, because now there is no water in the well except for the water in the river.

Fortunately, the water in this era has not been polluted and can be drunk, but in order not to get sick, they have to boil it to drink it.

After being underground for a long time, they feel moldy everywhere, so sometimes when they are sure that the surroundings are safe, they will come out to bask in the sun and dry the quilt properly, but they must not make a fire, and the door cannot be closed or locked.

Of course, the reason why they dared to do this was because the whole village was empty, there were no homes left, and they all went out to flee famine.

But they are used to being cautious. The bandits came to their village not once or twice. Many houses were burned because their houses had smashed everything that should be smashed in advance, which created the illusion of plundering, so they were not burned. Lose.

The village is empty, there are no livestock, no poultry, not even dogs. In the plains, there are no forests, and there are no such creatures as wolves and wild dogs.

So this gave them great convenience, they could go out to carry water back at night, even so, every time they went out, the whole family was worried.

After these two younger brothers got into the habit of these days, they would not quarrel casually, and she also rejoiced countless times that they are not baby babies who have not confinement, otherwise it would be really amazing if their family could hide in the ground like this Hard to say.

In winter, it snows occasionally on their side, but not much, but even if not much, it will leave footprints, so sometimes in order not to leave footprints, they have to work hard for several days without going out until The mud under the ground will not leave footprints, so I dare to go to the river.

(End of this chapter)

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