Chapter 767 [766] Famine Age 7 (1 more)
Finally, Grandpa came up with a solution.

It is said that when their father and daughter entered the city, they rescued an old man and sent him to the hospital.

The old man and his children are not around and need someone to take care of them, so Ye Huan took the initiative to go, so that he can not only take care of others, get paid, but also learn from the old man.

Anyway, let me say this to the outside world, since Ye Huan wants to go to school, go to school, don't wait for the summer vacation, go to school now, and then directly take the high school entrance examination and high school entrance examination, anyway, everyone only knows that she is studying with others, waiting for a few years In the future, if you are admitted to university, you can just attribute it to the old gentleman who taught you well.

After hearing this, Ye Huan felt that this lie was not easy to be exposed. In this way, she went to school and lived in school, and she could still go out to earn some living expenses. The family did not need to pay a penny.

Moreover, when necessary, let the villagers see her in the hospital, it will be more real.

The more Ye Huan thought about it, the more she felt that it was feasible. Two days later, Ye Huan set off before dawn and met Cao Fang before she got off work.

And explained her thoughts and situation to her, and brought her one yuan fruit for this.

Cao Fang saw that she had brought her family's household registration book, the certificate issued by the village, and the procedures were quite complete, so she thought she would help the child.

So Ye Huan followed Cao Fang directly to the gate of No. [-] Middle School, waited at the gate for a while, and her husband came over.

When talking about her situation, Teacher Wang Zhongjun gave his daughter-in-law a disapproving look, obviously disliking her for meddling in her own business.

"Enrollment is fine, but how many grades you can go to still depends on your entrance exam. The school will arrange it naturally, okay?"

But out of respect for a student, he finally compromised, and Cao Fang handed the fruit to Wang Zhongjun.

"This is the fruit that Huanhuan brought to all the teachers. You can take it and let everyone taste it. This is a good child. I think it is very rare for her to be able to study in a disaster at home. You should take better care of her at school." .”

Ye Huan was brought to school by Teacher Wang. The teacher was not tall, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, very refined, and wearing a Chinese tunic suit. He was very knowledgeable at first glance.

According to Cao Fang, he is the mathematics teacher in the graduating class, and he is also responsible for the teaching tasks of the entire grade, also known as the section leader.

He directly led her to the office of the dean, and after talking about the situation, the dean didn't say anything, and let her take the exam first.

But she hadn't read the textbook when she came here, so she didn't know what to test. After getting the paper, she found that it was a comprehensive paper, which covered history, Chinese, mathematics, and it was all in traditional characters. The typography on the left, the handwriting, made her a little confused. She thought she couldn't write it down, but she wrote it in a daze.

In the end, Ye Huan was a little embarrassed when he barely passed, because Teacher Wang's face was a bit ugly.

She touched her head in embarrassment and said, "Teacher, what grade is this question for? I haven't touched a textbook for two or three years. After graduating from elementary school, I only borrowed books from my classmates in the same village to preview in advance."

She was studying before the famine, but she hadn't read it after the famine. Teacher Wang's expression changed instantly because of this sentence.

"You learned all the content in junior high school at home?"

"Yes, teacher, but if you give me time, I will definitely be able to keep up. It's just that I haven't learned for a long time, and I'm a little rusty."

Wang Zhongjun subconsciously looked at the dean, who took a sip of tea and said to him, "Since you have passed, you decide which grade you will be assigned to."

Then she looked at her, "Although you are one month late, you still have to pay five oceans for tuition. If you want to live on campus, you have to pay two oceans a month. Is there a problem?"

There are seven oceans in total, and she happens to have so many in her hand, so she quickly nodded, "No, no problem."

Afterwards, Wang Zhongjun led her to the financial office, taught her tuition fees, issued a receipt, turned to her and said, "You have to prepare the bedding yourself."

This was natural, and then she went to the dormitory at the back of the school, adobe tile-roofed houses, a dormitory where ten or twenty people lived, the ground looked very damp, and there was a musty smell and damp when entering the room, and the surrounding walls could still be seen Into the battered straw.

Although they were all bunk beds, the environment was really worrying. For a moment, she wanted to escape, but thinking that she was penniless and had nothing in the space, she decided to wait for a month.

Claimed the bed, thinking about coming over tomorrow to carry the quilt.

Afterwards, Wang Zhongjun led her to the gate of the second grade, and looked at her with a meaningful smile.

"Although self-confidence is a good thing, you can't be too confident. It is true that according to the basis of your self-study, you are already very good, but you have not studied systematically after all. Put you in the first grade of junior high school. Your mathematics has indeed reached If you have reached the level of the third and fourth grades of junior high school, the difference is in Chinese studies and history, so I suggest that you learn from the teacher first, and don’t mention the high school entrance examination in June. Lay a good foundation, which is better than anything else, not too much Too eager for quick success, what do you think?"

Ye Huan nodded blushingly: "The teacher is right, you should keep your feet on the ground."

History and Chinese studies are both from the Republic of China. She is indeed very weak in this area, and she needs to study steadily. It is a grace to her not to put him in the first grade of junior high school, but even if it is the second grade of junior high school, can it go well? To advance to the third year of junior high school, it also depends on whether she can reach the level of the second year of junior high school and the third year of junior high school in the final exam.

She didn't know the textbooks of this era before, so she was a little more confident. Now that she thinks about it, if she didn't have the potential memory of traveling through the world, she might not even be able to recognize these traditional characters.

"However, your handwriting is really good, you must have put in a lot of hard work, right?"

Ye Huan scratched his head in embarrassment, "During the famine, I practiced calligraphy more at home."

"You are a good boy. Aunt Cao has good eyesight. That's all right. I've already gone through the admission procedures for you. When will you be able to enter the school? I'll take you to your class. You and I will meet your head teacher in a while." , see the teacher first, and then get a set of textbooks, let the teacher tell you what to bring, and bring it all at once tomorrow, and you can go to class normally."

Following Teacher Wang to meet the head teacher, after getting to know the basic situation, she bowed and thanked the teacher, and left the only junior high school in the county.

In this era, there are very few people who can go to middle school, and there are not so many people now, so even the only middle school has a degree.

Board and lodging are all in the school, two yuan a month, not cheap, not expensive, now I have no money, I have to earn some money quickly, otherwise I feel too insecure.

Carrying the fruit, she went to the gate of the hospital.

She didn't sell out a basket of fruit until three or four in the afternoon. If it was in the morning, it might be faster. There are not many patients seeing patients this afternoon, and they usually go to see them in the morning, so they sell out later.

However, if you get five oceans, it is good to have money in your hands. After all, in this era, one ocean can buy [-] catties of millet. However, in the past two years, food has been in short supply, and it is a bit more expensive, but you can still buy [-] to [-] catties. look.

The school pays two yuan for food and lodging a month, which doesn't sound like much, but she probably doesn't have much money, and she can afford to eat as much as she can.

Of course, her unhappiness in selling is also related to her not accepting other government coins.

Although the silver dollar has a high status, it has not been issued much since 1935. It is mainly the currency issued by local political laws, but the value of the currency is too complicated and chaotic, and it is difficult for her to distinguish which one has the meaning of preserving value. So we simply only accept silver dollars. Fortunately, the common people still have them, and schools also accept them. Perhaps everyone subconsciously thinks that silver dollars are easier to calculate.

After all, the value of other government currencies can range from hundreds to thousands, which sounds like a lot, but I'm afraid it has to be converted.

With five oceans in his hand, he carried his own basket and walked for a while, but heard someone shouting from behind: "Little sister, wait a minute, little sister!"

She guessed that the other party might want to buy fruit, so she immediately moved the ones in the space into the basket, and she had already turned the road to the hospital, so no one should have noticed, so she turned around in peace, stopped, and waited. Running towards the other party panting.

"Oh, you stopped me, girl, do you still have that fruit? My mother likes it very much, let me buy more, and bring it to my dad to taste when I go home,"

She took a look at the basket, "Sister, there are two yuan left, do you want it?"

"Oh, yes, it's all over. The old lady has been hospitalized for the past few days, and she has no taste in her mouth. I saw you selling it this afternoon. I didn't want to take it back and taste it. She likes it, so she insists on me Bring some to the old man at home, and give me the rest, right?"

"Eldest sister, you are so filial. I just gave you an extra apple. If you have a chance, come buy it again!"

"That's great, we can't buy such good fruits, you little girl is amazing, you can still get out-of-season fruits and vegetables,"

Local tomatoes are only available in summer, while apples don’t mature until autumn. Even strawberries don’t mature until April or May. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The key is that her fruits are big, red and beautiful. People like it, and it looks like the best of the fruits at first glance, and only those who know the goods will feel that it is worth buying it for a dollar.

There are not many pesticides and fertilizers in this era, so it is normal for them to buy them based on appearance.

Just like those poisonous and harmful foods in the previous life, isn't it caused by the needs of the market?
Vermicelli and bean curd sticks do not look good to you, okay, let me add something that makes you think the color looks good.

Tomatoes and cucumbers don’t look good if they look crooked and cracked. Okay, let’s spray them with pesticides and soak them in pesticides to make them grow branchy, big and red. No one cares.

There is no killing without buying and selling, which is actually very practical here.

She didn't expect to get two yuan into the account before she left. Today, she earned seven yuan, which is enough for her to spend for the next week.

(End of this chapter)

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