The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 776 [775] Age of Famine 16

Chapter 776 [775] Famine Age 16 (2 more)
What's amazing is that the third aunt also came out with good news. The third aunt who gave birth to five, six, eight, ten, four sons is not too young this year. She is 2 years younger than A Niang (38 years old). The starling belongs to the third aunt Saner, when he left as a soldier, he was only 12 years old, and his eldest son, Fifth Brother, is also 20 years old this year.

She had always wanted a daughter, thinking that she would never have one again in this life, but she did not expect that the luck of the second sister-in-law would also bring her.

So I went to an old Chinese doctor to check the pulse to confirm that the fetal image was stable, and then I told my family about the happy event. Now, everyone in the family is happier.

Double happiness, can you not be happy?

The eldest aunt also gave birth to four sons, but she is 45 years old this year, and there is no hope of having another one.

Although envious, she is not jealous, because the family is harmonious, she is also sincerely happy for her two sisters-in-law, and takes care of them more attentively.

To be honest, the Ye family is so united, and they are inseparable from the two fair old people. Just because they can send all eight grandchildren to serve in the army at once, it is not something ordinary people can do. , and only had two grandchildren. The second and third daughter-in-laws conceived again. In fact, it was thanks to Ye Huan's blessing. Before the famine year, their family's little lucky star came. These things are down.

The winter of 1945 was extremely cold. In the morning, Ye Guosheng and his wife went to the town to deliver tofu. When they passed by a forest, they suddenly heard a baby crying. In the past, a newborn baby girl was found in the snow.

The baby girl was wrapped in a thin cotton padded coat, and she was dying after waiting here for an unknown amount of time.

"Hurry up, send it to the hospital to have a look."

The couple were going to the town by themselves, so they hurriedly pushed the cart, carried the child, and sent them to the township health center.

In order to keep the child warm, Ye Guosheng took off all the cotton clothes inside him, and it was precisely because of this that he gave the child the hope of surviving.

The baby girl didn't have any major problems, but she was so cold and had a fever that she stayed in the hospital for three days before being taken home by Ye Guosheng and his wife.

They decided to keep the child as their own.

The third aunt also said with a lot of emotion: "I didn't expect my old fourteen to be born. God gave our family a treasure. Big brother and sister-in-law, congratulations to you both, let's make one!"

"Now I don't have to be envious of you guys. Looking back, the three little ones can grow up together again. Xiaojuan, I'm sorry I robbed your fourteen."

"Haha, sister-in-law, this is the daughter you should have in your life. Look, how beautiful it is. I don't know who made it. Such a beautiful girl, why are you willing to throw it away? It's cold and snowy, you said you want it?" Didn't meet us, didn't it?"

In the 40s, there were so many people who could not survive, and there were many old people who thought that girls were losing money. No matter how this child appeared in the snow, the uncle picked up a girl for no reason while envious of her mother and aunt. , It's not just as simple as luck.

Because she also wants a daughter, but that's just thinking about it. How can she think that God can come to whatever she wants, and won't it make her happy?
Ye Xue came to the Ye family in this way and became the third daughter of their family. The so-called fourteenth is just a general ranking. After all, he is not a grandson and cannot be ranked with his grandson. In his generation, he is also ranked eleventh.

In the four, five, six and seven years, the fertility rate is quite high, so if you think about it carefully, you can only say that each era has its own characteristics.

During the Spring Festival in 1946, in addition to adding two little dolls to the family, the third brother also successfully met a daughter-in-law, who happened to be his Chinese teacher in elementary school, who was five years younger than him (18 years old), although she was not beautiful. , but he is educated, and he doesn't dislike him for breaking a hand. The only downside is that there are many brothers and sisters in the family, and she is the fourth eldest. There are three brothers on the top, and a younger brother and a younger sister on the bottom. The bride price is 100 yuan Dayang, after all, he is a teacher.

The parents also thought this daughter-in-law was good, and after repeated inspections, they made an engagement for them in the twelfth lunar month, and agreed to get married in September.

Grandpa also announced a big event during the Spring Festival - separation.

Because there are too many children in the family, there is obviously not enough space to live in. Considering that the eldest brother and second brother are gone, and the children in the family are still young, the old house is given to the uncle's family.

Dad and uncle have no objection, neither does mother and aunt, let alone the little ones, let alone have any objection.

So as soon as spring began, their family and their uncle's family began to look for a place to build a house and build a new one.

In order to compensate them, grandpa subsidized them with 50 yuan per room, but uncle didn't want any money, because he had already taken advantage of the old house, so he had no reason to ask for it again, and he was the eldest son. Responsible for the daily life of grandparents.

But grandma said, the three sons will come here in turn, and this year they are staying at my uncle's house.

To build a house, you have to get approval from the village to plan a place. It doesn’t mean that you can build wherever you want, and the houses in this era are all adobe houses. Except for wood and stone, there is no cost. The only cost is probably labor costs, because Make good food and drink for those who help others.

This is the practice of building houses in rural areas. No wages are required, and it cannot be chosen during the busy farming season. Those who need to help will come to help.

The homesteads of her family and the third uncle's family are next to each other, on the edge of the village. This is a direction of outward expansion, which is normal.

Their house is in the east, and the third uncle's house is in the west. The foundations are the same size, about [-] square meters, which is not small in modern times because they can be built on top of each other. It's big.

But it is about 30 meters long and 15 meters wide. Ye Huan thinks it is enough for the current situation of their family.

However, Ye Huan has the right to design the house. There are three main rooms, with the living room in the middle, the parents' room to the east, and the sisters' room to the west.

There are two east wing rooms, a kitchen room and a utility room.

There are two rooms in the west wing, one for the third brother and one for the fourth brother.

After that, we will grow vegetables in the front yard, and build another room in the back yard, which is dedicated to making tofu, and a hut in the corner.

This is the parents' home, so it will be like this for now, because Ye Jialei is still young, even if he grows up, the brothers should be separated, and the old house must be left to him.

As for where they will be in the future and whether they need to use this house, besides, anyway, Ye Huan's arrangement now is very suitable.

Because the third uncle and the third aunt thought her layout was very reasonable, so they also followed her design style, but instead of using fences as fences in the past, they specially built walls to enclose the yard in the new house.

In fact, there are blue bricks in this era, but the blue brick and tile houses are too grand, which will cause red eyes, just like the current situation, which has already made many people jealous.

Everyone said that their family made a fortune from making tofu, but in fact they didn't make much money. After giving the dowry, they built a house, and they estimated that their house would be empty.

Although Ye Huan has already saved more than 200 oceans, it is hers and she does not plan to take it out at this time, because the usage rate of oceans has become less and less with the currency inflation.

So she saved as much as she could. After all, these things are all antiques.

Now A Niang is breastfeeding two children at home and helping her pregnant aunt to cook for the workers. The eldest aunt also comes to help sometimes.

Dad and uncle took turns to help out at the tofu shop, and grandparents also ran on both sides, helping each other.

The rest of the children, including the third brother, are studying, which is more important than anything else.

In April 1946, the third aunt gave birth to Ye Bing, the fourth sister of the Ye family.

Now it's all right, Ye Yu has it, Ye Xue has it, and now Bing Bing is here again, let's work together.

Why is it called Ye Bing, because there was a hailstorm in those few days, which was rare enough in April, so the third aunt named the child Ye Bing. Of course, she may also think Bingbing is nice.

Looking at it this way, her Ye Huan doesn't quite get along with the sisters!
When her semester ended in June, when she came home, the house was almost built, but because it was an adobe house, the interior had to be pasted.

After that, I will do carpentry and make a bed for every room in the house.

Because the winter here is very cold and there is no firewood, it is useless to make a kang, and it takes up space, so they simply made beds, doors and windows.

The children all went home during the summer vacation, and they did the house painting by themselves, carpentry and painting, and it was not completely finished until the beginning of August.

By the time the doors, windows, and furniture were all placed in the house, and the window paper was pasted, it was already mid-August. At this point, my brother's new house was finally set up.

The furniture has been hanging out for a long time, so it has no smell. After the new sister-in-law came to visit, she was also satisfied.

Afterwards, formalities began. On September 9th, they got married, and Ye Huan asked for leave specially for this reason, watching his sister-in-law enter the door in a lively manner.

From building a house to marrying a wife and making furniture, their family spent five or six hundred oceans. It is said that they borrowed at least two hundred oceans from their uncle and third uncle.

That grandpa gave back fifty oceans back then. Thinking about it carefully, the cost was quite a lot. If the tofu business hadn’t been going on all the time, I guess I wouldn’t have dared to build such a nice house so boldly.

Of course, the five or six hundred oceans also include my own mill. After all, the family has been separated, and it is impossible to do business together in the future. Yes, but each family has set a monthly living allowance of five oceans for the old man and the old lady.

When the uncle raised her, her family and the uncle's family gave it, and if their family raised it, the uncle and uncle gave it, and so on, it was fair to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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