The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 784 [783] Age of Famine 24

Chapter 784 [783] Famine Age 24 (2 more)
When Ye Huan settled Ye Jiachao into the room of the same war, this brother, who was only two years older than her, cried when he saw the savior, which made her embarrassed!

When they were reminiscing about the old days, she asked Xiaoshitou to help them go to the hospital cafeteria to make sick meals for them, while she built a small earthen stove at the door of her dormitory, put clay pots on it, and cooked porridge for them.

She added this meal for them separately. The meals in the hospital cafeteria were divided according to the level of the wounded. She didn't have much porridge, a small bowl for each person, but it was nutritious.

It is still rice porridge with miscellaneous grains, put red dates, peanuts, corn kernels, and sweet potatoes to make it soft and glutinous, and then put it in the pot.

She still has eggs in her space, but the amount is small. Compared with these miscellaneous grains, the eggs are too eye-catching, so it is enough to feed the starlings.

The patient's meal starling is ordinary boiled cabbage with tofu, two steamed buns with coarse grains, eggs and meat, and two steamed buns with fine grains.

Look, this is a comparison, but compared to those people on the battlefield, their food is considered good, at least it is hot.

In this battle, how many people died of frostbite, and how many people died in a foreign land, unable to return for the rest of their lives?

When she came over, the two of them had almost finished eating, and she served them another bowl of porridge.

Tongzhan is glad that he just gave Jiachao a little bit, otherwise how would he still have the stomach to eat her cooking right now?

The porridge she cooks is very sweet and soft. After drinking it just once, she becomes addicted. Just looking at it is made of peanuts, red dates and corn kernels. Where did she get these good things?

Worried that she couldn't eat well, he gave them all the good ones, and asked Shitou to give her his allowance books, and let her watch and withdraw money to buy them.

Ye Huan laughed and pushed away: "Don't say you can't withdraw it now, even if you can withdraw it, I can't use your money. I saved these. The corn kernels are specially exchanged with local people. Don't worry about me. I’ll make it for you, but I’m reluctant to eat it, and it’s better than anything if you heal your illnesses, meat and eggs, if you can’t get them, you can still find them.”

Ye Huan asked Shi Shi to take care of the two of them eating and drinking. She should dispense medicine and go to other places to help. She will visit them every two hours.

Only by putting her brother under her nose can she feel at ease.

However, she remembered that this war of aggression against 17 countries headed by country M started at the end of October 1950 and ended at the end of July 10. It lasted three years and 1953 days, but now it has only reached 7 summer of the year.

In particular, both of them are members of the volunteer army. Their opponent is Australia, and it is also the army that has fought the Australian army the most times.

The two of them stayed in the hospital for more than a month, and before the summer was over, they returned to the battlefield.

However, because he was a wounded soldier, he could only retreat to the second line.

Because several brothers are here, Ye Huan has made it a habit to ask them for a list of the wounded and sacrificed whenever she transfers patients to the hospital.

Working at the post every day, she saw too much life and death, which made her feel sad every time.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, when she went to the Second Hospital to transfer patients as usual and asked for a list, she saw the names of the fifth brother Ye Jiayu and the sixth brother Ye Jiakai.

Her legs went limp at that moment, and she sat on the ground immediately, tears streaming down her face. The nurse was shocked when she saw her expression.

"Doctor Xiaoye, what's wrong with you? This, this is not the list of the victims, this is the list of the injured, please take it easy,"

Not a victim?
However, Ye Huan couldn't hold back his tears: "Where are Ye Jiayu and Ye Jiakai? You, take me there!"

In the end, Ye Huan saw Ye Jiayu, who was missing a leg, and Ye Jiakai, who was missing an arm. The two brothers were in different wards, and their mental state was not good.

When Ye Huan saw their cases, he turned around and leaned his back against the wall, covering his mouth and crying.

Her brothers, the last time they met, they were chatting and laughing, but this time they were already on the verge of death, especially when they saw their sluggish appearance, how could they have the tall, tall, sunny and handsome appearance before?

Ye Huan immediately went back to the first hospital to find the dean for coordination, and finally came to the second hospital with a transfer application. Anyway, both hospitals have people from their schools, and her two brothers are here, so she can't ignore them.

In the end, she used the teacher's relationship and arranged the two brothers in the same ward before she dared to see the brothers.

Poor Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother didn't know that they were in a hospital. After meeting each other in the ward, the two big men looked at each other's injuries and couldn't help themselves, lying on their own bed and mourning endlessly.

They had severe frostbite all over their bodies, the arms and legs being the worst so they had to be amputated.

Seeing Ye Huan, the two brothers were incredulous at first, and then comforted her who had been standing in front of them, unable to hold back her tears.

"Stupid girl, why are you crying? Anyway, we came down and we are still alive. Many comrades died on it,"

"I didn't expect you to come too. It's hard work here, isn't it? Face it every day,"

The next words, the two brothers were choked up and unable to say, Ye Huan bit his lower lip stubbornly, trying not to wipe his tears from his heart.

"I'll take care of you two before you leave the hospital. Take good care of your illness and you will be able to go home after the new year."

Different from the situation of Tongzhan and Ye Jiachao, they lost their arms and legs, and they can no longer fight no matter what, and they will be sent back to their hometowns.

She couldn't imagine what the third aunt's expression would be when she saw the two of them.

As long as she thinks of that scene now, her heart will throb with pain. The eldest brother and the second brother have died, the third brother has broken his palm, and now the fifth and sixth brothers also...

But compared to those fighters who can never go back, they are lucky...

In the following one or two months, while going to work, Ye Huan used the food and vegetables in his own space to secretly give his brother extra meals in different ways.

This year, she didn't dare to think about it at all, but on the night of the New Year's Eve, she secretly ate the white flour dumplings she made for her two brothers. Although there was no meat, they were filled with leeks and eggs, which were better than meat. Eating, the two brothers shed tears while eating, this scene touched her tear glands again, and she couldn't stop it at that time.

Thinking about how old they were when they left home, they were able to protect themselves very well in the defense of their own country. How could they have thought that they would be planted on foreign land at the end of the day?

Several brothers have come, the whereabouts of the fourth brother and the seventh brother are still unknown, because the starling is under the hand of Tongzhan, that guy will come to her every once in a while, and tell her the news of the starling by the way, so the starling is safe, but If there is no news from the fourth brother and the seventh brother, she will not be able to rest assured for a day.

I still go to other hospitals every day to inquire about news.

At the beginning of March, the fifth and sixth brothers got on the train home. She and the medical staff personally sent them on the train. When they left, she held them and cried for a long time. When the train started, she ran after it for a long time. Far.

She was also homesick. She hadn't been home for nearly a year. In the era of underdeveloped communications, she couldn't even send a letter.

In April, a wounded man named Ji Huzi came to her jurisdiction.

He was also injured in the bombing to save the little soldier. In addition to the serious back injury, the musculature of his right arm was also damaged. Even if he recovered, it might have some impact.

This Ji Huzi really lived up to his name, with a fiery temper and a fierce temper. He trained the little soldiers with a rattling voice. If it weren't for lying on the stomach to affect the breath, it would have been more exaggerated, and the authentic Henan dialect made her feel comfortable listening to it. .

He has now been promoted to the battalion commander, and when he was sent by the soldiers, he comforted others in turn, but it was comforting, and the rough voice was nothing. Early thirties.

A native of Henan, Ji Huzi, the battalion commander, it can be inferred that he is the savior of their family.

Although the world is big, this circle is not big, going around and around, there are times when she turns around to save him.

So, when Ye Huan packed up his mood, walked up to him with the old badge, and handed it to him, he still looked up at her with a dazed expression.

"Remember this badge?"

Ji Huzi lowered his head to take a closer look, and muttered, "This is the badge of our army, why do you have it?"

Ye Huan rolled his eyes, "Look carefully."

Ji Huzi seemed to think of something, opened the name and looked, "Hey~~~ This is not mine, why is it at your place?"

"About two or three years ago, did your troops rescue people who were buried in the tunnel?"

Ji Huzi straightened up from the bed in a jerk, but he grinned in pain because of the painful wound on his back.

"That's right, that's when I lost my badge, so you picked it up?"

Ye Huan laughed and said, "When I woke up, it was in my hand. My brother said, you saved our lives, so I want to repay you."

Ji Huzi didn't understand, so, "Girl, are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person? I don't remember saving you, and when you were your brother,"

"My brother's name is Ye Jiaze. He broke a palm. He retired from the army in 45 and returned to his hometown in Henan. You are fellow villagers. At that time, you were the company commander. My brother was the platoon leader of your platoon!"

"Oh, it really flooded the Dragon King Temple. My family doesn't know my family anymore. You are Ye Jiaze's sister? That's amazing. Are you a doctor here?"

"I'm still in the internship period." Ye Huan tore off his mask, "So, you really don't have an impression of me? Your badge is in my hand, and you must have pulled me out of the dirt at that time."

"Sister, you also said that you were pulled out of the soil, so how can I see what you look like? But, if you say that, then we are really destined."

One brother and one sister have all received his favor, so isn't that a predestined relationship?
(End of this chapter)

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