The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 787 [786] Age of Famine 27

Chapter 787 [786] Famine Age 27 (1 more)
It sounds like there is no problem, but who can guarantee that these experiences of his will not be brought out in the future?

Especially his lurking experience, I'm afraid it will be a big problem in the future.

Just when Ye Huan was hesitating whether to promise him or not, Liangtian's voice rang in his ears without warning: "Promise him."

Ye Huan: "??? Why?"

"This is the system's hidden mission line. Originally, if he didn't come to find him, he had to arrange for you to find it. Since it was delivered to your door, you should accept it. As for the problem of work, if you don't go back to the field hospital now, after you have a child in the future , still have to go back, "

Afraid to say something she didn't want to do again, "Then wait until after you have a child."

Liang Tian laughed, but finally shut up.

Only then did Ye Huan raise his eyes to look at Tong Zhan: "I can marry you, but what sincerity do you have?"

Tongzhan said with full sincerity: "My family still has two rooms in the city of Beijing, and I live in a courtyard in a Hutong. I don't know if I can come back, but when I left, I took out all the usable things at home and hid them in one place. If I can still find them, they can be regarded as the property left by my ancestors. Except for the two rooms, there are I have saved up some jewelry, and as for the allowance, no matter it is now or in the past, I have donated it to D."

The gold bars during the incubation period are a small box, but he can't keep these funds. Even if he comes off the battlefield to resist the Japanese and aid Korea, he donates all the benefits he gets. The real stability is probably settled. After getting married.

She can understand what Tong Zhan said, but if she wants money, she doesn't know if she can get back the two rooms of the house. After all, it has been 20 years and the only thing she can give her is some jewelry. To be honest, as for money, she actually didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the most expensive thing in this era is food.

"What kind of house did your army give you?"

"Adobe houses with yards, the treatment of our troops is pretty good, but the People's Republic of China has just been established, and everyone has just come down from the battlefield, and it will take a long time to repair in the future, and then we may build some brick houses and the like. "

As far as special operations troops are concerned, the treatment is indeed much better than other troops. Although it is an adobe house, at least it has a yard and can grow vegetables.

Changing the question, Ye Huan stood up after knowing everything he needed to know, "I will report to the dean, let's do it at the same time,"

"Then..., Layue, can you marry me?"

Ye Huan thought for a while, "As long as you can take care of it, I have no problem here, but I have made it clear in advance that I don't have a dowry, so I don't care what you can prepare for me, but you have to come back with me for the Chinese New Year this year My hometown in Henan, my mother and the others should also meet you."

"It should, it should, don't worry, I will do my best to do it, well, if this is the case, then I will go back first, and the things I brought to you are in your dean's office. Regarding your application, you You don’t need to do it anymore, the head of your family has already given it to me, I just take it back and let the troops go through the procedures.”

Ye Huan: "...." So, my itinerary here is considered lonely?The dean doesn't really take her seriously, does he?
How can you just listen to this guy's one-sided words and approve the marriage application directly?

How did she know that the director of this military hospital used to be a lurker in a certain hospital in Chongqing. They were comrades-in-arms and knew each other's ability and character. Consider whether she agrees or not, because who would not marry such an outstanding man?

So..., huh, there is no more.

Watching Tongzhan leave, Ye Huan returned to the dormitory with the luggage Ji Huzi brought her. Inside were red dried sweet potatoes, sun-dried dandelions and white wormwood that her brother had prepared for her. I don't have time to drink water, so I specially prepared some tea for her!

The peanuts grown at home, my mother cut them into peanuts one by one, as well as the sesame sauce made from homemade sesame seeds, and the chili sauce that goes well with rice...

The variety is quite complete, and it is full of mother's love. Then I opened another small bag, and it turned out to be a lady's woolen scarf. From the perspective of this era, it is very good. It was probably given to her by Ji Huzi, but Well, she is doomed to have nothing to do with him, and she can't accept this scarf. Fortunately, she already knows the number of his army, so she should send it back to him later!
Looking back, when did there be another luggage bag on the upper bunk?It's still a earthy green package with the words "Shanghai". This luggage bag is very characteristic of the times. I still remember that my grandma's house seems to have such a bag.

When I opened it, I found that there were canned food, wheat, milk, essence, chicken cakes, melon seeds, peanuts, candy, milk powder and other nutritional products, snacks. After all this burden, it cost a lot of money. Tongzhan really spent a lot of money for her.

Presumably the dean also gave a lot of good cigarettes and bars?Otherwise, he could get her application so easily?
She locked all the other things in her locker, such as melon seeds, peanut candies, etc., and shared them with colleagues in the department.

In the past, everyone was still chattering about her. As soon as the melon seeds and peanut candies were handed over, everyone smiled and squeezed towards her.

"The dean personally brought the bag from your partner and asked me to send it to the dormitory for you. Who is it? Isn't it the big soldier who was at the door earlier?"

Hey, this dean is too gossip, isn't he even calling his partner?

Ye Huan took a deep breath and calmed himself down a bit: "No, that's my fellow villager. My brother and him are comrades in arms. If he doesn't go home to visit relatives, he brought me something here. My partner has already left. If I have a chance, let me know." See you."

Now that she has mentioned the object, she should let him exist. After all, hanging the words 'existing object' can shield unnecessary troubles.

"A soldier?"

Ye Huan nodded, "Well, a soldier, ten years older than me, 33 years old, native of Beiping, served in the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, and now serves in a certain army, what more can I ask?"

In this era, old couples and young wives are popular. When the liberation was first established, there were many such marriages between young and old. Everyone got used to it, so they didn't think there was any problem.

"Then your partner has the qualification to join the army?" (The qualification to join the army only started in 1963, and this honor is due to the high rank of the same combat.)
When they asked this question, it was considered an indirect inquiry into the level of the same battle. Ye Huan was used to keeping a low profile, so he chose to deny it: "No."

"Then will your future job be transferred?"

These nurses are still gossiping, but she also knows that if she doesn't make it clear once, it will probably be more troublesome.

"Not for now."

"When will you get married?" After the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the peak period of marriage was ushered in, especially their doctors and nurses, who were the first choice of soldiers. Not to mention, this is a military hospital, which is the first choice among the first choices, especially in At the end of this year, it seems that there are quite a few people getting married.

"It's the twelfth lunar month. It hasn't been decided yet. I will tell you when it is decided."

"Oh, isn't that fast? Congratulations, Doctor Ye,"

Ye Huan forced a smile. In her opinion, if it weren't for the reality, she would really not be willing to marry herself so early. Isn't it good to be single?
But it's unavoidable to marry someone she doesn't know, is not familiar with, and may even be older than the same war, so she should obediently compromise!

That night, Ye Huan wrote a letter to his family. The content was naturally to report on the battle together. When sending the letter, he also sent a package to Ji Huzi, which contained a scarf and her space. To get apples and oranges, the postage alone cost her more than 8000 yuan.

What is being used now is still a set of RMB issued in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the second set will not be issued until March 1955, so the current currency value is quite large.

She didn't write a letter because she didn't know how to write it, and he might not know him if she wrote it. Instead of hurting someone, it's better to say everything without saying anything.

I sent chestnuts and apples to my family. These things are not afraid of freezing or bumping. The postage cost 1 yuan.

So what is the purchasing power of the currency at this time?

I remember there was such a news that an old lady deposited 1953 yuan in the bank in 5, but she could only exchange 15 yuan in 50.

Because the renminbi in 1953 was the first set of renminbi with a maximum denomination of 5 yuan.

In 1955, the second set of RMB was issued, and the conversion ratio of the first set of RMB reached [-] times.

In other words, the certificate of deposit of 5 yuan held by the old lady is equivalent to 2015 yuan in 5.

But the bank interest at that time was very low, only about one or two percent interest for one year.

According to the bank's accounting, the old lady's certificate of deposit can only be exchanged for more than 20 yuan with principal and interest.

The bank asked the old lady to withdraw 50 yuan, but the old lady disagreed, so this matter was on the news.

The inflation in the early 50s was very strong, which refers to the first few years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The first set of RMB issued by the state also had a very large denomination, with a maximum denomination of 5 yuan.By 1953, in Kunming, 5 yuan could buy two chickens or 2 kilograms of rice.The purchasing power is equivalent to more than 20 yuan now.

At that time, Ye Huan's salary was 8 yuan per month. Haha, if this currency value is placed in later generations, you will probably wake up from your dreams with laughter, right?
It's a pity that with the 8 yuan, she can't buy many things. In addition to food, there are daily necessities, and those prices are not cheap. What's more, she is only an intern doctor now, so she has been working for a few months. , did not save any money at all.

One person is full and the whole family is not hungry. If they raise children, they will starve to death with this salary.

Fortunately, I usually don’t need to buy vegetables and fruits, because the space I planted is enough for her to eat, and after going to work, I didn’t go out to sell much. I was too busy, and I didn’t have time. He still has time to go out and mess around.

Of course, the most important point is that she ate in the cafeteria, saving the trouble of chai, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

(End of this chapter)

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