The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1009 Is there such a disease in medicine?

Chapter 1009 Is there such a disease in medicine?
The people present were shocked by Lou Jianian's words!
Li Xiangyun's expression changed slightly, "You broom star, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Am I talking nonsense?" Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, "Mrs. Lou personally ordered someone to drive me to the orphanage back then. Maybe Mrs. Lou is old and forgot about it, but it doesn't matter. Remember."

After these words fell, there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone accused Li Xiangyun one after another.

Li Xiangyun's face was dull, and seeing everyone pointing and pointing, she felt more and more annoyed.

She raised her finger and pointed at Lou Jianian, and scolded angrily: "Are you determined to destroy my Lou family today? Good! Very good! I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes, so I will suffer you. Kind of person, my old lady has lived enough anyway, I will fight you hard today!"

While speaking, she rushed up again.

Lou Jianian's eyes flickered slightly, and he took Li Xiangyun's attack with a sideways dodge, followed by lifting his finger, and tapped twice suddenly three inches below Li Xiangyun's sword shoulder.

Immediately, Li Xiangyun couldn't move at all!
At this moment, Lou Shuyu and Lou Tianyou noticed something unusual.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?"


Li Xiangyun's movements froze in place, completely like a sculpture, only the face could move.

On the side, Lou Shuyu glanced at Lou Jianian and accused, "Sister, what did you do to grandma?"

Lou Jianian rubbed her chin with her hand, and said solemnly: "In my opinion, Mrs. Lou should have suffered from a temporary sexual apoplexy, which was caused by emotional agitation. It'll be fine in an hour."

Those present: "???"

Lou Shuyu: "You are talking nonsense!"

Lou Tianyou: "I just saw you do something to grandma, what did you do?"

"I'm a medical student. Could it be that what I just said wasn't clear enough? Lou Naishi is suffering from a temporary sexual stroke. As long as he sits down and rests, his emotions return to calm, and he will be able to move in half an hour."

Those present: "."

Lou Shuyu and Lou Tianyou naturally didn't believe it.In their eyes, Lou Jianian was just talking nonsense.

What Temporary Sex Stroke?
Is there such a disease in medicine?
Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes were deep.He clearly saw Lou Jianian tap Li Xiangyun's shoulder twice, and then Li Xiangyun couldn't move.

His mind flashed, although he wasn't sure exactly what Lou Jianian did to make Li Xiangyun unable to act, but at this time, he still chose to help Lou Jianian.

So, he stepped forward and said: "This disease exists in medicine, but there are very few cases."

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu's eyes flashed abnormally.

At such a time, Lin Cheng actually stood up and spoke!
She always felt that Lin Cheng was helping Lou Jianian.

Lin Cheng glanced at Lou Jianian, and there was an unconcealable depth in his eyes.The next second, he looked away again, then moved a chair from the side, and then helped Li Xiangyun to sit down.

Li Xiangyun's eyes widened and her lips were tightly pursed.

She stared at Lou Jianian intently, and wanted to yell at Lou Jianian, but found that she was still unable to utter a sound.

Lou Jianian folded her arms around her chest and sneered.

On the side, Xu Chi saw that Li Xiangyun was unable to move. He was surprised, and the corners of his lips couldn't help provoking a mockery.

However, he smiled and touched his face, and then gasped in pain.

Although he didn't know what the young lady did to cause the old witch to be unable to move, but as long as the old witch was "safe", the young lady would be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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