Chapter 1013 She is ruthless?
Lou Jianian saw that Lou Tianyou was about to rush up, then turned sideways, and at the same time stretched out his feet, hooking Lou Tianyou.

Just when Lou Tianyou rushed over, he tripped under his feet, so that he fell directly to the ground.

The corners of Lou Jianian's lips twitched slightly, and when Lou Tianyou fell to the ground, he immediately squatted down and raised his hand to the back of Lou Tianyou's neck.

Just like that, Lou Tianyou passed out.

Everyone looked at Lou Jianian's operation and was dumbfounded!
Lin Cheng couldn't react at all.He originally wanted to protect Lou Jianian, so when Lou Tianyou was about to attack, his body instinctively wanted to rush forward to block the damage for Lou Jianian.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he could react, Lou Jianian had already fallen to avoid Lou Tianyou's attack, and when Lou Tianyou accidentally fell to the ground, Lou Jianian raised his hand towards Seeing what Lou Tianyou did to the back of his neck, Lou Tianyou fainted.

At this moment, doubts and deep thoughts floated in his eyes.

In his opinion, Lou Jianian seemed to be very difficult!
Xu Chi rushed up belatedly, "Boss, are you alright?"

Speaking of which, his movements were half a beat slower than Lin Cheng's.

Just now Xu Chi instinctively wanted to rush up to protect Lou Jianian, but Lou Jianian quickly dealt with Lou Tianyou.

"I'm fine." Lou Jianian glanced at Xu Chi and replied.

Only then did Xu Chi secretly heave a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lou Shuyu rushed up and squatted beside Lou Tianyou, "Tianyou, how are you doing?"

However, Lou Tianyou had already passed out and did not respond at all.

Lou Shuyu raised his eyes, "Sister, Tianyou is your younger brother after all, what did you do to Tianyou?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, "Don't call me sister, I'm not your sister, and as for him, he's not even a younger brother."

Lou Shuyu's eyes flickered slightly, and he put on a white lotus face, "Sister, we are blood relatives, how could you treat us like this?"

"You are wrong, we are just strangers related by blood, I have no relatives." Lou Jianian's eyes were firm.

Lou Shuyu choked, and thoughts quickly flashed through his mind.In the next second, a gleam of light appeared in her eyes, and then she said in a heartbroken voice——

"Sister, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Sensible people here, take a look, my sister is so disregarding family affection, how can such a ruthless person be qualified for the position of CEO executive? I am so sad, sister, You really let me down!"

As soon as these words came out, all the sensible people present had different expressions, as if they were in hesitation.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, and crossed her arms around her chest.

It's really unexpected that Lou Shuyu can use the skill of white lotus to the extreme no matter when and where!

She is ruthless?
Xu Chi's eyes flashed, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "Miss Bai Lianhua, you seem to have made a mistake. It was your Lou family who were ruthless first. Don't forget, our boss was sent to you when he was seven years old." Orphanage."

Lou Shuyu: "!!!"

Why doesn't this sharp-tongued assistant get out of the way?

A dark light appeared in Lou Jianian's eyes.

I didn't expect Xu Chi to be so powerful!
Seeing that Lou Shuyu had nothing to say, the corners of Lou Jianian's lips curled into a sneer.

The sensible people present suddenly realized because of Xu Chi's words, and all of them remembered Lou Jianian being sent to the orphanage.

Director Ke knocked on the table and said, "No matter what, all we care about is the future development of the company. As for the position of the company's president and executor, as long as he is a capable official, he will definitely be competent."

As soon as the words came out, the other sensible people present nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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