The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1021 A man is a boy until he dies

Chapter 1021 A man is a boy until he dies

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lou Jianian, wanting to hear the answer from Lou Jianian's mouth.

However, at this moment, Rao Shichen suddenly interrupted Lou Jianian, "Wait a minute!"

After his words fell, everyone was stunned for a moment, of course, Lou Jianian was no exception.

She raised her gaze and looked at the man beside her. What she saw was the man's long, narrow and deep eyes, the hazel pupils inside were filled with a smile.

When the light from outside the window came in, the man's face was glowing with a faint halo, and when his sharp and thin lips outlined a smile, he was handsome and charming.

At this moment, Lou Jianian was telegraphed.

However, there were too many people present, Lou Jianian didn't let himself be obsessed with the man's appearance.

But after a moment of infatuation, she soon pulled herself away and regained her senses.

She coughed lightly, her eyes were a little unnatural, "Mr. Rao, you"

Before she could finish her sentence, the man suddenly raised his hand, wrapped her waist gracefully, then approached her face, and kissed her on the forehead.

The man's thin lips felt slightly cool to the touch, and when they were pressed against his forehead, there was an illusion of electric shock.

Lou Jianian's heart beat faster, and a faint blush appeared on the back of his ears.Before she could react, she heard the man's magnetic and melodious voice, saying: "I made a mistake, what is Mr. Rao, huh?"

The people present were shocked beyond belief! he still flirting in public? !
Lou Jianian felt the warmth of the man's warm palm passing through the hem of his shirt at his waist, and his whole body was inexplicably tense.

She raised her little hand and pushed the man a little, "Here is the Sensible Association."

"Well, I know." Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, and he had no intention of stopping these behaviors that caused infinite misunderstandings.

Lou Shuyu raised his eyebrows, secretly proud of himself, but disappointed on his face, "Sister, I didn't expect you to be such a person, but you are a married man, how can you do this to Master Rao."

On the side, Lin Cheng raised his hand and read the language of Lou Shu, and reminded in a low voice, "Stop talking."

In fact, the reason why he reminded him aloud was that he didn't want Lou Shuyu to be remembered by Rao Shichen.

However, he still miscalculated. Even if there was no sensible meeting today, Rao Shichen had already recorded Lou Shuyu in his notebook. Of course, including other members of the Lou family.

Lou Shuyu pursed his lips tightly.He didn't care about Lin Cheng's reminder.

In her eyes, Lin Chengcheng wanted to help Lou Jianian cover up!

Of course, the more Lin Cheng was like this, the more she wanted to expose the embarrassment of Lou Jia Nian stealing people.

On the screen, Lou Guangzong looked cold and said with a dark smile: "Jia Nian, are you worthy of your parents in heaven?"

Cheng Lin snorted, "Only an actress like her mother can give birth to such a daughter."

Li Xiangyun was unable to speak, but there was a look of complacency in his expression.

At this moment, for the Lou family, it is a very shameful thing for Lou Jianian to cheat on Rao Shichen behind Master Rao's back.

The Lou family would naturally be eager to ruin Lou Jianian's reputation on the spot.

Although the Lou family was also afraid of Rao Shichen, but Rao Shichen was an excellent man.

There is a saying that a man is a teenager until he dies.

Rao Shichen is just fascinated by Lou Jianian's beauty right now, the novelty is only temporary, when Rao Shichen gets bored one day, there will be no room for Lou Jianian.

The Lou family is not afraid to expose the affair between the two in front of Rao Shichen, because the Lou family is only eager to fight for the position of CEO executive, and they are not considering anything else for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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