The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1040 It's really cold!

Chapter 1040 It's really cold!

Mrs. Liang: "Hey, son, Shi Xin is beautiful and has a good figure, cute and sweet. You try to talk to Shi Xin? When you fall in love, you will find that love is a wonderful thing."

Old Mr. Liang: "Come on, how could he know what love is like like a lump of elm? Besides, even if Shi Xin likes him and takes the initiative to chase him, it is estimated that his face can cool down Shi Xin's enthusiasm, not to mention , Shi Xin has no interest in him at all."

Mrs. Liang: "Dad, it's not so absolute. If Fei Mo takes the initiative, maybe Shi Xin will be moved."

Mr. Liang: "He will take the initiative? I would rather believe that the world will end."

Mrs. Liang: "."

Old Mr. Liang: "I'm so mad, I really committed a crime. I'm so old that I don't even have a grandson-in-law. Why am I still alive? Oh, hey, I can't do it, help me out quickly, I don't want to see this brat !"

Mrs. Liang: "Dad, don't get excited, you must keep calm, okay, let's go out and don't stay here."

Just like that, Mr. Liang left the ward angrily and was supported by Mrs. Liang.

Liang Feimo was the only one in the entire ward.

He just stood there, his body didn't move, he just tightened his palms and then tightened them until the veins burst out, and at the same time the breath around his body suddenly dropped.

It was clearly summer, but there was a chill in the ward!
After a while, a burst of mobile phone ringing cut through the weirdness.

Liang Feimo's cold eyes flashed, and the next second he picked up the phone to check the call, and then pressed the answer button, "What's the matter?"

Wen Xun, who was in the company, was holding the mobile phone and found that the call was connected, so he hurriedly said:——

"Mr. Liang, just received an urgent news report. There are some problems with the pearl cultivation in country M. According to reports from high-level officials, a batch of pearls were detained on the way. It is said that it seems that there is psychedelic powder. The police have already Intervened, the high-level executives want to ask Mr. Liang what you mean?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo's face was as cold as hell, "Are they dead? What does the company want them for?"

Wen Xi paused, feeling that something was wrong with the breath for a while.

On weekdays, although Mr. Liang is very cold, he is usually a little bit human when he is cold. Of course, that is when the bottom line is not touched. , then Mr. Liang's coldness is inhuman.

So, listening to Mr. Liang's tone, Wen Zhan judged that it seems that today's cold is really cold!

As an assistant, he managed to get shot at the gun. If he had known this, he would have asked the senior management to directly call and report to Mr. Liang.

If he didn't make a mistake in his judgment, Mr. Liang's coldness should come from Ms. Rao.

What did Ms. Rao do in the hospital to make President Liang angry?

Wen Xi was afraid that he might say something wrong, so after thinking about it, he said, "By the way, Mr. Liang, I heard that the senior management has held an emergency meeting."

"So?" Liang Feimo's tone was cold.

Wen Xi trembled, "So, Manager An called just now and said that he was already trying to solve it, but Manager An asked me to report the situation to Mr. Liang first, and Manager An asked me to pass it on for him, saying that he would definitely handle the matter properly. "

"A bunch of idiots!" Liang Feimo said coldly.

Wen Salamander chose to be quiet.

After a while, feeling the cold through the phone, Wen Xie was thinking about whether to report other situations, suddenly, a cold and familiar voice sounded again on the phone, "Arrange a ticket, I will fly to country M tonight."

Wen Xie thought he heard it wrong, "Liang always plans to go there in person?"

"Just do it if you are not deaf." Liang Feimo confided coldly, and then hung up the phone.

Wen Xi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the call would be hung up mercilessly.

In the ward, Liang Feimo held his mobile phone, and what Rao Shichen said on the balcony flashed through his mind.

"Xili Hospital, Oncology Department, Nice to come." Liang Feimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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