The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1052 Can feel the man's resentment

Chapter 1052 Can feel the man's resentment

A gust of wind blows outside, and a scent of flowers hits.

On summer nights, the air is fresh and the moon is shining brightly.

In the study area, apart from the occasional rustling sound of the man holding a pen and signing his name on the document, there is no other sound.

Soon, after signing a document, he put down his pen, closed the document and put it aside.

This is already the last document.

From after the meal to now, he has been sitting at the desk and working, and has never gotten up during the period. He even has no free time to take a sip of the tea made by Mrs. Fen at the desk.

After reading the document, his whole body relaxed. He raised his slender hand and rubbed his forehead.

After a while, he put down his hand, glanced at the clock, and then frowned slightly.

On the wall, the clock shows 11 o'clock.

From tonight to now, he is the only one in the entire eastern courtyard.

Thinking of this, he picked up the mobile phone on the table, clicked on WeChat, and then sent a message to the girl.

On the other side, Qingchiquan.

In the misty hot spring, Lou Jianian's entire body was submerged in the water.

The comfortable temperature made her feel relaxed.

Today's sensible meeting really consumed a lot of her mind.

However, just as she was enjoying the hot spring, the mobile phone that was placed beside her suddenly buzzed to indicate that there was a WeChat message.

She reached out to pick up her phone and saw that it was from a man
Rao Shichen: Where is it?

Seeing the news, a smile appeared in Lou Jianian's dark eyes.

In the next second, she was about to type a reply, but she didn't expect that the man was tired of sending another message.

Rao Shichen: With Shi Xin?
Even through the screen, Lou Jianian could feel the man's resentment.

After thinking about it, a teasing gleam appeared in her eyes, and then she deleted the words "bubble in hot springs" that she had just typed out, and edited the text again.

After a while, she finished editing and sent it over.

Lou Jianian: No.

Rao Shichen, who saw the news in the study, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his handsome face seemed to have some kind of disbelief.

Rao Shichen: With grandparents?
Lou Jianian: Not at all.

Rao Shichen:?

Lou Jianian: Guess where I am?
Rao Shichen: The lobby.

Lou Jianian: Wrong.

Rao Shichen: No matter where you are, come back quickly!

Lou Jianian: Are you sure you want me to go back?

After receiving this news, Rao Shichen's brows became thoughtful.He rubbed the edge of the phone with his fingertips, trying to figure out what Lou Jianian was doing at the moment.

Probably because he knew her too well, he didn't give a direct answer to force her to come back.

Lou Jianian:?Then I went back?

Rao Shichen: No.

Lou Jianian: Huh?
Rao Shichen: Tell me first, where are you?doing what?
Xiyuan is very large, covering an area of ​​almost half a mountain.

Lou Jianian will not be able to easily find which corner unless he sends out the location.

Lou Jianian, who was still soaking in the hot spring, had a playful look on his face.She pursed her lips and smiled, typing on the screen of her phone with both hands.

Lou Jianian: I'm at your favorite place in Xiyuan.


The reply came.

When Rao Shichen saw it, his body paused, and his hazel eyes became brighter.

Without wasting any more time, he got up directly and left the study.

In the hot spring, Lou Jianian found that there was no movement from the other party on the phone.

No more messages!
Obviously, the man is already rushing over.

Lou Jianian put down the phone and stood up.

There was a crash, and water splashed everywhere.

The light from the palace lantern on the top shone down, and her exquisite figure was reflected on the wall.

She stepped up the steps with her calf, left the hot spring pool, and then picked up the red tulle dress she had prepared, put it on her body, and tied it with a belt.

In the next second, she glanced at the fake stone not far away, and a teasing light flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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