Chapter 1061

ten o'clock.

meeting room.

When Lou Jianian walked in, almost every director was already there and waiting.

Seeing her coming in, the directors immediately stood up and said some words of congratulations with smiles on their faces.

Lou Jianian accepted these words of congratulations with a smile, and after chatting with the directors for a few days, he began to take his seat at the main seat.

As she took her seat, the directors also sat back to their seats one by one.

"Everyone, thank you very much for your trust and support in me. Since I am sitting in this position, I will do my best to live up to your expectations of me."

This is Lou Jianian's opening remarks after he took office as the CEO executive.

Sensible people gave applause.

After the applause stopped, Lou Jianian raised his hand and took the document that had been prepared in front of him, followed by opening it, and said in a businesslike tone, "That's right, I just saw our company's achievements over the past few years, to be honest, It was giving me a headache."

The directors here naturally knew that it was Lou Guangzong's incompetence that caused the company to fail to make any achievements.

Lou Jianian sighed, crossed his hands, and said, "Because of the company's current situation, combined with the plan I showed you yesterday, I will make certain arrangements for the above points today, first of all."

What follows is her step-by-step explanation of the company's planning and development arrangements.

Of course, the so-called explanation was nothing more than informing the directors that it was what she planned to do, and it was impossible for the directors to object.

Besides, since she has successfully occupied this position, her purpose is only one, and that is to develop Lou's.

In this way, after she finished all the planning and development plans, without any surprise, the directors expressed their affirmation and support.

So, she didn't continue, but then announced another thing, that is, to carry out major reforms to the company.

This point has also been unconditionally supported by the directors.

In the company, there are always some staff who occupy positions but have not made any achievements, such as the manager of the sales department, the executives of the publicity department, and so on.

Lou Jianian had done some private research and investigation long ago.

Some senior executives in the company claim that they have a nepotism relationship with a certain director, so they work casually every day.

For these personnel, she did not make layoffs directly, but adjusted their jobs.

Perhaps, the major reforms will cause dissatisfaction among the directors, but unexpectedly, the directors have no opinion.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.But soon, she understood again.

She believes that the biggest reason why the directors support all her decisions is because Rao Shichen is behind her.

When the name Rao Shichen flashed in her mind, she suddenly thought of something again, so she licked her lips and said again: "Since everyone agrees with the above, I will start implementing it. Finally, there is one more thing I want to say a bit."


The directors all combed their ears and listened carefully.

The previous two incidents already sounded like they were surprised.

Lou Jianian has just taken office, and has already acted so vigorously, so this last matter, could it be some major event related to the company?
Just when all the directors were puzzled, Lou Jianian could only be heard saying: "It's about the relationship between Mr. Rao and me. I hope everyone here can keep it a secret for me."

(End of this chapter)

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