The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1069 Donate money to the hospital?

Chapter 1069 Donate money to the hospital?
M country.

Jewelry factory.

A limited edition car was parked at the entrance.

The car door opened, and the man got out of the car with slender legs. He was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt inside, exuding a cold aura.

Behind him, the secretary followed closely.

The man stepped into the factory, and there were many staff lined up on both sides, and they all shouted respectfully in unison: "Mr. Liang."

At this time, country M was in spring, the brightest season. However, with the appearance of the man, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop to winter in an instant.

Liang Feimo's own air-conditioning made all the staff present shiver inexplicably.

Because of a problem in the jewelry processing factory, he took a plane to country M last night.

Didn't get off the plane until this morning.

After getting off the plane, he started his busy work.

The matter of the jewelry processing factory was on the hot search in country M this morning. The whole network knew that the processing factory was found to have contraband, because the incident that was exposed naturally affected Liang's brand. Jewelry sales, including online and offline, have also been hit to a certain extent.

Before Liang Feimo had breakfast and had no time to rest, he went directly to the company for an emergency meeting.

The meeting was just now, and after the end, he came directly to the jewelry processing factory.

Regarding this incident, the first thing that needs to be done is public relations, and then it is to find out the source of those contraband.

Liang Feimo checked every part of the processing plant, and then held an impromptu meeting.

This meeting lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

When it was over, he left in the car.


This is the presidential suite arranged by Secretary Wen Xian in advance.

Liang Feimo's stern face was obviously tired.

From yesterday to now, he didn't sleep well at all.

Wen Xi has already ordered a meal for her. The service of this hotel is very first-class. Not long after the order was made, the waiter sent the dining car in.

In front of the desk, Liang Feimo took off his suit, and his white shirt was white, which contrasted with his wheat-colored skin. The prominent Adam's apple, hard jaw, and perfect and delicate lines made him look more masculine.

After Wen Xie put the dining car away, he saw such a picture as soon as he looked up.

The sunshine at four o'clock in spring is a little soft, and the man who is working is less cold than usual, but more gentle.

Of course, it's just an illusion.

Wen Xi knew the coldness and ruthlessness in this man's bones!
Soon, he shook off the thoughts in his mind, followed him to the desk, and said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, I ordered a meal for you. You haven't eaten since last night. You should eat some."

Liang Feimo held the mouse in his hand, his dark eyes fell on the computer screen, his thin lips parted slightly like a gift, and he gave the other party a response, "I'm not hungry."

Wen Xi still wanted to persuade a few more words.

A man is like iron and rice is steel, and he works hard without eating. As a secretary, he feels tired.

However, when he was still hesitating how to speak, he didn't expect the man who was staring at the computer screen to raise his eyes abruptly, and then glanced at him.

At that moment, his scalp was numb, "Mr. Liang, what's wrong?"

Liang Feimo's dark eyes were full of deep thoughts, and after a while, he ordered: "In my name, donate 3000 million to Xili Hospital."

Wen Salamander: "???"

Donate money to the hospital?
the other side.


Li Xiangyun was resting with her eyes closed.

Because of the sensible meeting, she was in a bad mood.

Lou Tianyou was still playing games.

In order to wait for the inspection report, the two stayed in the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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