The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1071 Blood Identification Report

Chapter 1071 Blood Identification Report

Going back to the ward along the corridor, she happened to pass the doctor's office. She remembered the results of the report, so she pushed open the door of the doctor's office.

At this time, the doctor is inside.Maybe he heard someone push the door, so he looked up, and when he saw someone coming, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Soon, the doctor stood up, "Madam, why are you here?"

Li Xiangyun's face was a little unhappy, "Why haven't the results of the report come out yet?"

From noon to now, if she hadn't been waiting for an inexplicable blood type report, she would have gone home a long time ago.

Now the house must be a mess, she must go back as soon as possible to deal with everything.

Also, she doesn't even know how the company is going. The only thing she can know is that today is Lou Jianian's first day in office.

That broom star doesn't know what he did in the company!
The doctor heard that Li Xiangyun came to ask about the report, and after some ideological struggles in his heart, he finally decided to speak out, "Old lady, the result of this report is a bit unexpected, and you may not be able to accept it for a while, but, I Still going to tell you."

"What?" Li Xiangyun raised her eyebrows slightly, "What happened to the report?"

The doctor thought for a while and said, "The blood type report shows that you and the young master do belong to the rare panda blood type."

"Rare blood type?" Li Xiangyun frowned.

For the first time, she knew her blood type was rare.

The doctor paused, then continued: "If you have a rare blood type, you should pay more attention not to bruises. If you bleed too much and need a timely blood transfusion, it will be difficult to find the blood relationship. This is the most dangerous thing, but both of you happen to have both blood types. It's rare that the two can rescue each other in times of emergency."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun thought deeply, "Is there anything else that needs attention?"

The doctor shook his head, "There is nothing else, the most important thing is to beware of injury."

"Then go through the process of leaving the hospital." Li Xiangyun ordered directly.

"Madam, there is actually another examination." The doctor hesitated, "It's about the appraisal report."

Li Xiangyun was a little impatient, "What appraisal report?"

"It's a blood test." The doctor coughed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, I made such a report for you and the young master without the old lady's consent."

"What do you mean? You gave us a blood identification report?" Li Xiangyun's face darkened, "I think you have nothing to do?"

The doctor waved his hand, "No, old lady, I just find it strange that there seems to be an abnormality in the blood relationship between the two of you, that's why I wanted to do a blood test on the two of you."

"Are you suspecting that the two of us are not relatives?" Li Xiangyun's expression turned ugly. "Where's your dean? I'm going to sue you, the doctor!"

The doctor hurriedly explained: "Old lady, listen to me, I found something unusual in the previous examination for the two of you, so I thought of doing an appraisal for the two of you, and the results of the appraisal report showed that the two It's not really a kinship relationship."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun froze, her thin eyebrows twitched, "What did you say? Say it again!"

The doctor was stunned, and then said: "That's right. The results of the appraisal report show that there is no blood relationship between the two."

Shock flashed in Li Xiangyun's eyes, "How is it possible? You are lying to me!"

"No, old lady, how could I lie to you? The report is on my desk. If you don't believe me, you can see it with your own eyes." As the doctor spoke, he picked up the appraisal report that was just on the desk and handed it over.

(End of this chapter)

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