The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1075 Is the appraisal report......

Chapter 1075 Is the identification report?
Lou Tianyou was very puzzled, "Mom, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Also, grandma came back just now? She didn't tell me, she ran back by herself, and she always said love me."

"Now is not the time to talk about these things." Cheng Lin was anxious to death, "Be good, listen to Mom, hurry up and clean up, just remember to bring your valuables, don't worry about anything else, hurry up!"

Until now, Cheng Lin is still unwilling to tell Lou Tianyou the truth of the matter, for fear that Lou Tianyou will not accept it!

Lou Tianyou didn't listen to her words at all, "Mom, what's wrong with you? This is our home, why do we have to leave? I won't! I want to stay here, grandma said, everything in Lou's family will be changed in the future. will be mine."

"You silly child, your grandma won't leave things to you, she will only leave things to your sister, so don't even think about it." Cheng Lin didn't know what to say, she just kept urging: "Hurry up!"

Lou Tianyou was annoyed, "I don't care, if you want to go, go on your own, I just came back from the hospital, I'm so sleepy, I want to go back to my room and sleep!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

At this time, Cheng Lin raised her eyebrows, and immediately went forward to grab Lou Tianyou, "Son, why don't you listen to mom? Mom is doing it for your own good. Do you know that your grandma won't love you from now on?" , will only hate you!"

Lou Tianyou was puzzled, "Why? Grandma always loves me the most? Mom, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"You!" Cheng Lin turned around anxiously, and said simply: "You are not your father's son!"

Lou Tianyou's whole brain froze!
the other side.

Lou Shuyu sat on the chair, nervously waiting for the result of the appraisal.

It was already dusk, and the orange sunset outside the window painted the whole sky.

The beautiful sky brings out a piece of romance.

Lou Shuyu had no time to appreciate the sky, but kept praying in his heart.

Opposite the chair, Li Xiangyun's expression was gloomy and cold, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked serious and full of coldness.

She clenched her hands tightly, and her veins were faintly popping out.

The result of the appraisal has not yet come out, waiting in the corridor, the time feels like a long time.

Lou Shuyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Li Xiangyun.

At this moment, she only hoped that the result of the appraisal later would be as she wished!
In this silent and terrifying atmosphere, the door of Leng Buding's laboratory was opened.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lou Shuyu's heart skipped a beat, and his whole body tensed up.

On the chair, Li Xiangyun stood up and walked directly to the doctor, "How is it?"

At this moment, her whole body was stiff and her heart was beating faster.

Regarding the blood test report between her and Lou Shuyu, she is also

The doctor didn't say anything, but handed the appraisal report to Li Xiangyun, and said, "You should read it yourself."

So, Li Xiangyun quickly raised his hand to take the report, and then opened it to read.

Cold sweat broke out on Lou Shuyu's forehead.

All along, she never thought that she would not be from the Lou family, how could it be possible?

How could the grandma she had called since she was a child have no blood relationship with her?
To be honest, if the appraisal result was contrary to what she hoped, then she would not be able to accept this blow.

She stared closely at Li Xiangyun.

Li Xiangyun was reading the report, her expression was still serious.

However, in the next second, her eyes suddenly shot over.Suddenly, Lou Shuyu froze, and his whole body began to panic.

Is the appraisal report?
(End of this chapter)

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