The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1097 This is showing off, throwing dog food?

Chapter 1097 This is showing off, throwing dog food?

Unexpectedly, Jing Chen ran into her childhood sweetheart's husband as soon as he arrived at the bar.

A thought flashed through his mind, that is, why did Rao Shichen drink alone in the bar?

It is reported that many married men look one way before marriage and another after marriage.

Ever since, he began to have a suspicion, that is, Rao Shichen came here for an affair!
Of course, he was just skeptical, and without definite evidence, he naturally didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

He raised his hand to close the door, walked to the bar with a long leg, with a polite smile on his face, "Mr. Rao, what a coincidence, you also come here to drink."

Rao Shichen twisted the wine glass and shook it lightly, then responded casually: "It's quite a coincidence."

"Do you mind being together?"

"If I say you mind?"

Jing Chen: "."

Is this a joke or is it a joke?

Rao Shichen took a sip of his wine, his thin lips curled slightly, "You're just kidding, sit down."

Jing Chen wiped his face, "Boss Rao is really humorous." After saying that, he took his seat, raised his hand and knocked on the table, and said to the bartender Sang Ye, "Give me a glass of wine too."

At the bar, Sang Ye's face was cold, and his silence gave people an unfathomable feeling.She quickly made a glass of wine and put it on the table.

Gao Kai smiled, "Doctor Jing, why are you free today?"

Hearing this, Jing Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, "I had an operation today, which almost made me mentally ill. Why don't I come here to relax while I have nothing to do at night?"

While speaking, he picked up the wine and took a sip, his expression changed.

Depend on!
what wine?

Spicy and unpalatable!
Jing Chen didn't dare to spit out the wine because of his face, but just swallowed it down.

However, after swallowing it, he looked at the mulberry leaves in the bar with unkind eyes.

Sang Ye was still mixing the drink and didn't even give him a look.

So, Jing Chen made a decision in his heart.That is, after he got the bar, he must have fired Sang Ye as soon as possible.

Rao Shichen took another sip of his wine, raised his eyebrows slightly, "It seems that it is not an easy job to be a doctor."

Hearing this, Jing Chen came back to his senses, coughed lightly, put down the wine in his hand, never touched it again, and replied: "It's not easy."

Gao Kai also joined the topic, "Speaking of which, if it weren't for the dedication and dedication of the medical staff during the previous epidemic, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to live a normal life now. Doctor Jing, to be honest, doctors like you, I really admire it from the bottom of my heart.”

"Tsk, look at what you said, I'm just a hobby. I've wanted to be a doctor since I was a child." Jing Chen was a little arrogant in his heart, "The previous epidemic was a test for us medical staff. It’s all over, but I am very happy to serve and contribute to the people, in fact, it’s nothing, after all, I’m a doctor.”

While speaking, he still did not forget to improve his image in his seemingly humble attitude, and then took the opportunity to boast.

Gao Kai smiled, "Doctor Jing, you are too great."

"What are you talking about, what's great about me?" Jing Chen said so, but in fact, his face showed pride visible to the naked eye.

Rao Shichen had smile lines on his brows, "It's great. Since Nian Nian became a nurse, I have always supported her. I feel honored to be able to marry a nurse."

Hearing this, Jing Chen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that what he said sounded a little silly.

This is showing off, spreading dog food?

(End of this chapter)

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