The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1114 is actually very stupid

Chapter 1114 is actually very stupid

"Come on, you still have the nerve to put gold on your face." Rao Shixin pulled the corners of his lips and said, "I'm convinced that I'm a good man."

"Rao Shixin, it's almost done, don't go too far."

"Hmph, this is my home, I can do whatever I want."

Gu Ze choked again.In the next second, he glanced away, and complained to Rao Shichen, "Can you still control your sister?"

At the head of the table, Rao Shichen slowly wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and then responded, "Why are you here? If there is nothing important, then you can go back."

Gu Ze: "."

These two surnamed Rao are very good!

Qiu Weiwei suddenly felt that her appetite improved all of a sudden.

Seeing that Gu Ze was humiliated after he came, she felt very comfortable in her chest!
To be honest, when she was so angry last night, she really felt that she was about to have a heart attack.

Gu Ze pulled away the chair and sat down with a big thorn, "I'm hungry, I'm here to grab some food."

Everyone: "."

Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, and when he was about to say something, his phone rang suddenly, it was an incoming call.

So, she took it out to have a look, and then pressed the answer button.

During the phone call, I didn't know what the other party said, but I could only hear her reply: "Understood, I'll go over now."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone and said to everyone present, "The crew has something to do, I have to go there first."

Lou Jianian instructed: "Be careful on the road, don't drive too fast."

"Ang, I see, little sister-in-law." Rao Shixin waved his hand and left.

Seeing that Rao Shixin had left, Gu Ze felt secretly refreshed.

He unceremoniously picked up the chopsticks on the table, and then started to eat.

He hasn't eaten anything since morning, and his stomach is already flattened by hunger.

Qiu Qingwei took care of him and really ate the delicious food on the table, and secretly complained about being shameless.

At the head of the table, Rao Shichen held the milk glass, took a sip of the milk, and then glanced at his watch, "It's almost time, I have to go to the company." After speaking, he got up and looked at the people next to him.

On the seat beside her, Lou Jianian still didn't want to leave.

She raised her eyes, looked at the man, and said, "Go to the company first."

"No." Rao Shichen refused, "I'll drop you off, let's go together."

Lou Jianian was a little uneasy.If she left, Gu Ze and Qiu Qingqing would be the only ones left at the table.

Don't look at Qiu Qingwei's eccentric spirit, but she is actually very stupid.

What if Gu Ze waited to bully Qiu Qingqing?That's what worries her a little.

After thinking about it, she originally wanted to decline the man's proposal, but she didn't expect the man to grab her wrist directly, and pulled her up from the seat by the way, "Let's go."

Lou Jianian didn't have time to react, so he was led away by the man clasping his hands.

Behind him came Qiu Qingwei's anxious voice, "Nian Nian, don't go!"

She was not in the state just now, but she didn't start to worry until she found that the people in the seats around her had left.

However, when she wanted to chase her out, her little hand was suddenly imprisoned by a man's palm, and that man was Gu Ze.

Gu Zexie's handsome face was obviously full of pride, "Qiu Qingqing, no one can save you now."

Qiu Qingqing: "!!!"

At the same time, Lou Jianian, who had already left the restaurant with Rao Shichen's wrists in his hands, felt a little anxious.

Just now she clearly heard Qiu's soft voice, she was still worried and wanted to go in and have a look.

However, the man directly buckled her and walked to the side of the car without any explanation, then opened the car door, stuffed her into the car, and the man also bent down to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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