The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1117 Order Roses at a Flower Shop?

Chapter 1117 Order Roses at a Flower Shop?

At the entrance of the Rao Group.

The low-key and luxurious car stopped in front of the steps.

Wen Zhan waited in place, looking at the lobby all the time.

It wasn't until he saw the man walking out that he hurriedly opened the rear door of the car respectfully.

Liang Feimo, who came out of Rao's lobby, was obviously cold.

This kind of breath is far more terrifying than the usual cold.

Wen Salamander felt the coldness rushing towards his face, and his heart skipped a beat.

Why did Mr. Liang go in and come out like he was carrying a breath of hell.

At noon, the sun above the head was blinding.

Wen Salamander was cautious, not daring to breathe hard.

On the steps, Liang Feimo had one hand in his trouser pocket, his paralyzed face was as cold as frost, and his dark eyes were even sharper and tinged with ruthlessness.

Wen Salamander swallowed subconsciously.

He put up all his energy, fearing that he would do something wrong later, so that Mr. Liang would shoot him coldly.

Liang Feimo stepped down the last step, and then walked to the car.

However, when he got to the car, he suddenly stopped and instead of entering the car, he glanced coldly at the people waiting beside the car.

At this moment, Wen Xi's body paused, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead, "Mr. Liang, what...what's the matter?"

Liang Feimo's pupils shrank slightly, his hard jaw moved, and his thin lips said in an extremely cold tone, "Go to the flower shop and order a bouquet of roses!"

Wen Salamander: "!!!"

Did he hear wrong?

Mr. Liang asked him to go to a flower shop to order roses?
Not sure if he heard it wrong, Wen Xie's brain reacted very quickly, and asked: "Mr. Liang, do you want to order roses as a gift?"

This time, he learned how to behave. With this kind of rhetorical question, he can confirm what Mr. Liang ordered just now.

Liang Feimo's eyes darkened a little, and he said, "Send Rao Shixin."

Wen Salamander: "!!!"

This is real?

Could Mr. Liang be joking?

Mr. Liang probably doesn't know what sending roses represents, right?
"Then Liang always wants to send it in your name?"

"No, use an anonymous person!" Liang Feimo's eyes showed some intention.

Wen Salamander was stunned.He didn't quite understand what it was like to do, but he knew he just had to do it.

However, he thought that this was the end of the matter, but at this moment, he heard the man's cold voice continue to order: "Notify Shen Qinghuan, reduce the role of Princess Qingluo to ten episodes."

Ten episodes?

Wen Xin was surprised.

This request is simply playing with Shen Qinghuan!
You know, in the script of "Zhaoyang Tianxia", the most attention-grabbing part is the scene between the son-in-law and the princess, but now Mr. Liang is requesting to cut the episodes.

Soon, he thought of something again.

Liang is always worried that Ms. Rao will overshoot and faint again, right?

Don't say, there is no other possibility except this.

the other side.


The resplendent inner bedroom.

Rao Shixin was wearing exquisite clothes, and was leaning on the windowsill feeling sad.

At this time, she had already transformed into Princess Qingluo.

Director Shen Qinghuan sat not far away.

Before Rao Shixin fainted, he was worried that it would delay the progress of the filming, but in order to allow Rao Shixin to be in a better state and continue filming, he also gave Rao Shixin a holiday with great pain.

In the end, what he didn't expect was that Rao Shixin was very dedicated and came to the crew after only two days of rest.

You know, in the show business circle, which actor doesn't start playing big names just because he is popular. I didn't expect Rao Shixin, an already popular black and red artist, to be so dedicated.

(End of this chapter)

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