Chapter 1125
In midsummer July, the sun almost roasted the earth.

Halfway up the mountain, a golden hall is hidden in it.

Driving along the winding road, Cheng Lin got out of the car alone.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, she looked around and made sure that she had not found the wrong place. Then she followed the instructions on the mobile phone's navigation and walked towards the famous Lingyin Palace.

Too many things happened during this period, and she felt that she was very unlucky. After several inquiries, she learned that there was a master in Lingyin Palace who could tell fortunes. I made a special trip here.

Ever since it was discovered that Lou Tianyou was not of the Lou family's blood, she had been worried all day, for fear that Li Xiangyun would find her.

She knew in her heart how ruthless Li Xiangyun was, so as long as she stayed in this city for one more day, she would worry for one more day!

The plan to go abroad has been arranged, but she always feels that going out this time is not that simple, maybe it is for peace of mind that she thought of coming to the master to relieve the disaster.

Just walking along the path, and then up the steps, halfway, a man in Taoist uniform was sweeping the fallen leaves, and the surroundings were as quiet as chickens.

Cheng Lin thought for a while, then stepped forward.However, when she approached, she seemed to feel that the man was a bit dirty, so she raised her hand to cover her nose, her eyes were full of disgust and disdain, and she said, "Hey, let me ask you, is there a man in your Lingyin Palace? Can the master tell fortunes and help people solve disasters?"

The man who was sweeping the floor ignored Cheng Lin and continued to sweep the floor.

"What did I ask you?" Cheng Lin deliberately said loudly, "Is it impossible for you not to hear?"

The man continued to sweep the floor, ignoring it.

Now, Cheng Lin snorted, "Looks like he's really deaf, forget it, I'll go up and have a look myself." After speaking, she glanced at the steps.

From this point of view, there are dozens of steps at least, and it is a hot day, and it is not exhausting to climb up.

Cheng Lin thought about it, but she still gritted her teeth and continued walking.

The palace is above, but there are too many steps, Cheng Lin complained as she walked.

Below the steps, the man swept the ground step by step. Suddenly, something flashed across the sky, followed by a figure on the steps.

The man looked up, his eyes were filled with light and surprise, "Master, your old man is back."

The sun was shining down, and it was an old man who appeared on the steps.

The old man has white hair combed up and is wearing a white Tang suit. Even though he is old, he still has a straight figure, a kind and kind face, a pair of bright eyes, obvious nasolabial folds, and a white beard .

This person is the well-known Daoist Yunxian.The reason why he is honored as Daoist Yunxian is because Yunxian is the real name of the Taoist priest.

"Hmph, if you call master, you are master. What kind of old man are you adding? Master, I am very old?" Daoist Yunxian frowned.

An apology appeared on the man's face, "I'm sorry, master, I was wrong."

"The weather is so hot, you haven't finished sweeping the land yet, and your movements are too slow." The old man shook his head, "Wooden idiot, I think when your senior sister was here, this job was so fast, chopping firewood and sweeping the floor Carrying water, you can do anything, that is, cooking is not good, speaking of it, I seem to be a little hungry."

The man raised his hand and scratched his head, a little at a loss, "Master, haven't you eaten yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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