The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1128 Cheng Lin Has Resentment in Her Heart

Chapter 1128 Cheng Lin Has Resentment in Her Heart
Daoist Yunxian smiled, "Then you go in and show me."

Hearing this, Cheng Lin choked.She knew that she couldn't get in, but when the old man said that to her face, she felt a little embarrassed, "Old man, what are you? You deserve to talk to me!"

Daoist Yunxian laughed and shook his head.

People nowadays, if their minds are not right, it's okay to speak dirty and domineering, and they don't even look at where this place is. There are still gods enshrined in the palace, so she speaks loudly here!
As soon as the wooden idiot heard Cheng Lin speak so disrespectfully, he immediately said, "Madam, how can you talk to my master like this?"

"Yo, so you are not deaf. I asked you below, but you pretended to be deaf!" Cheng Lin was a little annoyed, "Is this old man your master? It seems that you two are similar, and one is dumb. , an old man, how could there be people like you in Lingyin Palace!"

The wooden nerd frowned, "Please speak respectfully."

"You're a fart, why should I respect you?" Cheng Lin felt resentment in her heart.

Especially, on this hot day, she deliberately drove here, and even climbed dozens of steps with great sincerity, the purpose was to find the master of Lingyin Palace, who seemed to be called Master Yunxian or something. Come on, I didn't see any Taoist priests, I only saw a fool and an old man.

Wooden idiot: "Why do you talk like this!"

Daoist Yunxian: "Madam, please leave here."

"Why should I leave? I don't want to! I'm going to wait here for Daoist Yunxian!" Cheng Lin put her hands on her hips, clearly intending to hang on to her death here.

The wooden idiot paused, and exclaimed: "So you are here to find my master!"

"What? Your master?" Cheng Lin swept her eyes, and her eyes wandered a few times to the old man next to the wooden idiot, "Could it be that you are Daoist Yunxian?"

At this time, Daoist Yunxian habitually stroked his white beard, "I'm not some kind of Daoist Yunxian, I'm just an old man, loud noises are not allowed here, you should leave quickly."

Cheng Lin rolled her eyes.Looking at the entire Lingyin Palace, the person who can be the priest must be an elderly person with gray hair.

The old man in front of him could not possibly be a visitor other than Taoist Master Yunxian of Linyin Palace.

"You are the Taoist priest, right? I'm sorry, I offended you a lot with my words just now, please forgive me, Taoist priest."

Daoist Yunxian waved his hand, "You are mistaken, I am not Daoist."

Hearing this, Cheng Lin paused for a moment, not sure whether it was true or not.

However, at this moment, the wooden idiot suddenly said: "Master, you obviously are, why didn't you dare tell her? She speaks so rudely to you, you should teach her a lesson."

Daoist Yunxian raised his hand to rest his forehead.The idiot!
"Daoist, what a Taoist!" Cheng Lin was excited, "Daoist Yunxian, I came to find you on purpose today, by the way, I was too rude just now, I didn't know that you were this spirit Daoist Priest of the Yin Palace, I have offended you just now, I hope you, Daoist Priest, will not remember the faults of villains."

Daoist Yunxian put his hands behind his back and said, "Let's forget what happened just now, let's go."

"Oh, Taoist priest, I came here with great difficulty. I can't leave. Taoist priest, I heard that you are very powerful. You can tell fortunes and solve people's disasters. I have encountered a lot of bad things recently. I want to ask Taoist priest Please help me, as for the remuneration, you can rest assured that I will definitely not give you less."

(End of this chapter)

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