Chapter 1131
Lou's Group.

Inside the President's Office.

Behind the black desk, Lou Jianian was wearing a small suit and sitting on a leather chair, his gaze was falling on the computer screen in front of him.

She clicked the mouse with one hand, and typed the keyboard with the other.

There is a cup of coffee in front of the table, and the entire office is filled with a strong atmosphere because of this cup of coffee.

Just at this moment, a piercing special bell cut through the atmosphere.

When the bell rang, Lou Jianian was surprised.She immediately stopped what she was doing, quickly picked up her mobile phone to check the call, and then pressed the answer button in disbelief.


This ringtone is set exclusively by her, she can miss anyone's call, except for the master's, she dare not.

Of course, on weekdays, the master would rarely take the initiative to call her, but today, when the sun came out from the west, the master actually took the initiative to call her.

"You girl, when will you come back to Lingyin Palace to see me!" There was a roar on the phone, so angry that it could shatter people's ears through the receiver.

Lou Jianian's eyes were stained with surprise.This unique big voice, who else could it be if not the master.

"Master, are you back?"

On the other end of the phone, Daoist Yunxian was holding the phone, with a kind face of dissatisfaction, "During the time I went out to play, what did you do?"

"Huh?" Lou Jianian didn't quite understand, "What else can I do?"

"Do you know that someone hates you and wants me to cure you?" Daoist Yunxian snorted.

"I know, it's you, Master."

"Do I look like that kind of person? You girl, I mean people from your Lou family."

Lou Jianian was a little puzzled, "Master, what's wrong?"

"A fat woman came to me just now. She said that she was very unlucky recently. She was harmed by her husband's niece, which caused her whole family to break up. Her husband was imprisoned, and her son's identity was also questioned. She also revealed to me, Said that her niece's name is Lou Jianian."

Listening to these words through the phone, Lou Jianian frowned slightly, and already guessed who that woman was.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Lin went to Lingyin Palace to find her master!
Of course, she knew what Cheng Lin was going there for, she just heard the rumors that there was a Taoist priest with profound knowledge in Lingyin Palace, and she knew that the Taoist priest could tell fortunes and ward off disasters, and solve problems, so she ran there on purpose.

It's a pity that Cheng Lin didn't know that Taoist priests usually only point out when they help people solve disasters. People like Cheng Lin, even if they are instructed, they probably won't follow through.

"Master, did that woman ask you to get rid of the disaster?"

Through the phone, the old man could be heard snorting, saying: "She is not in the right mind, and it is not easy to eliminate disasters. Besides, I figured out that she will go abroad, so I gave her a talisman, and Let her donate all her money before going abroad, but that person has a greedy face, I'm afraid he won't do what I say, man, he just has too much desire."

Lou Jianian heard other meanings in these words, and then his eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Master, did you figure something out?"

"Secrets must not be revealed, everyone has their own destiny, let alone, where are you girl?" The old man blew his beard and stared, "I see you less than ten times a year, do you still have me as a master in your heart?" gone."

Lou Jianian raised his hand to his forehead, "Master, when you always go out to play, you never think of me, why do you think of me now?"

(End of this chapter)

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